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Blink-182 [ARCHIVED] Band • Page 69

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 9, 2016.

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  1. Serious Blink is my favorite Blink.
    Sam and Dirty Sanchez like this.
  2. CheapPop


    hmmm. interesting. Wasn't expecting them to start with a serious song. But still stoked!
    alex miller likes this.
  3. MarceloFP

    I am a haunted house. I'm superstitious.

    Best news so far! Plus, Matt being silly would sound so out of character anyway.
  4. Indigo

    Trusted Supporter

    Dirty Sanchez likes this.
  5. wisdomfordebris

    Moderator Moderator

    I don't really understand this talk about whether or not they're going to release a 'silly' song. They literally haven't had one of those in like over a decade lol.
  6. Brandon Allin

    Finest Quality Crappy Punk Rock Since '92 Prestigious

    Quote from Feldmann:

    “They’re dads now, so they’re no longer writing songs about poo and that kind of stuff. But there’s still got to be a sense of humor to it; it’s got to be fun and funny, but also age appropriate.”
    Richter915 and alex miller like this.
  7. ChrisCantWrite

    Trusted Prestigious

    Exactly. I think it's safe to say that the majority of us love that era and return to it quite frequently through their older albums, but silly doesn't work in 2016.
  8. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    I don't think they (or anyone else) have said anything about wanting "silly" songs. Being fun and humorous doesn't mean it has to be distasteful.

    I enjoy fun, summertime music, and blink used to be that for me even without their straight-up joke songs. The dark and gloomy stuff only sits with me for so long without something to contrast.
    David Parke likes this.
  9. Zeke


  10. Preserved Moose

    Amateur Hour

    The worst thing that happened was actually finding out the release date so far in advance haha. All these people dropping vague descriptions of it is so bad. If they'd only announced today it was out next week I'd just be happy instead of so irritated!
  11. stuckinvhs

    Social Justice Wizard Prestigious

    A song can be both dark and catchy. Shit that's what Skiba does best.
  12. Indigo

    Trusted Supporter

    On mobile so no idea how to post tweets, but one of the radio guys also said he thought it was a Matt-led song in reference to "Bored to Death."
  13. I think they're letting the fans do what we've done best for the last 10 years - scour and speculate. It's probably more exciting that way for us and easier for them not to disappoint.
  14. Zeke


    DefeatTheLow likes this.
  15. chris-wrecker

    Trusted Supporter

    So we are taking the word of a guy who can't tell the difference between mark and matt!??
    David Parke likes this.
  16. Sam


  17. alex miller


    okay, so that guy has officially lost all credibility for knowing what he's talking about.
    chris-wrecker likes this.
  18. chris-wrecker

    Trusted Supporter

    Right!? Is the song he even heard blink haha. The plot thickens
    David Parke likes this.
  19. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    Pretty sure that dude was listening to an Angels & Airwaves song tbh
  20. chris-wrecker Apr 20, 2016
    (Last edited: Apr 20, 2016)

    Trusted Supporter

    "Yeah the song sounded pretty serious, had some lyric about wicker baskets"
  21. MarceloFP

    I am a haunted house. I'm superstitious.

    It's the pink bass guy who has that podcast HiMyNameisMatt, right?
    David Parke, skurt and SlappinCups like this.
  22. SlappinCups

    Hurley apologist Prestigious

    looks like the last couple have been, different days for the ones before that though
  23. Tom Kelly


    Dirty Sanchez likes this.
  24. skurt

    Sleekest of beaks. So Good.

    Are we building a wall?
  25. alex miller


    to the radio guy who doesn't know the difference between matt and mark:

    get em out. get em out. get him the hell out of here.
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