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Blink-182 [ARCHIVED] Band • Page 953

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by popdisaster00, Jun 26, 2017.

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  1. arewehavingfunyet


    It’s kinda cute how much you refuse to admit this tour is not selling well.
  2. TheJMan


    Last few rows of seats in Hartford were $88 on release day, now they're $40 (same as the lawn right now). I'm sure it will go down sooner or later.
  3. Where did I say that at all?
  4. Me in this thread:

    Me, explicitly last Friday:
    While everyone seems to be concern trolling over Blink-182 and if their new single is successful (it is), or their tour is selling (prices seem too high), or if they’re doing the Enema of the State shows because they’re worried about tickets, I’m just over here glad they’re making music and touring at all. I guess with everything else I could be upset, or worried about, right now in 2019 … Blink-182 don’t even make my top 50. This band’s supposed to be about having fun and enjoying life, so why are so many of their fanbase always looking for a reason to be upset?

    But go off I guess.
  5. Raditz


    No the show is pointless. Aliens do exist, I am one and have been training on this planet to raise my power level since the 80s. Kakarot too.
  6. scottlechowicz

    Trusted Supporter

    There you go, being all cute again.
  7. sonder

    eat my shorts, jabronis

  8. David87

    Prestigious Prestigious

    lol at Matt hanging upside down in a coffin somewhere.

    It's probs true.
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  9. ChampsMusic

    He’s definitely up there for “weirdest people I follow on Instagram” so that description was perfect.
  10. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious


    Siiiiiiigh. I think I’m gonna unfollow this IG
    David Parke likes this.
  11. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    I love Matt’s IG posts 85% of the time
    talltomaz and ChampsMusic like this.
  12. in no way did they ever hint at that being the possible reason for writing more songs/delaying the album. that IG sucks so much, what the hell. hahaha.
  13. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    Yeah that IG has slipped comments in like that ever since BIOMY debuted. It’s annoying
  14. aliens exist

    pure on main

    remember that time matt posted about how much he loves the police in chicago on insta :eyeglass::eyeglass::eyeglass:
  15. slimfenix182


    Yes they basically threw out the original album because Tombots whined online. That seems likely and logical.
  16. meanwhile, the song keeps climbing the charts... haha
  17. I hope they play one or two more new songs at the secret show in a few days, so we at least get some youtube videos of them. I'll even be happy with just a live video of BIOMY.
    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
  18. Daniel182

    Let's hold our breath until we disappear

    Hard to find it between all of his posts praising Asia Argento.
    Joe4th, sonder, SlappinCups and 3 others like this.
  19. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    Mark said they’d never play a song live that hasn’t been released first though
    teebs41 likes this.
  20. Then they better release a new song or two before the secret show. :-)
    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
  21. Daniel182

    Let's hold our breath until we disappear

    I feel like they do this on nearly every album cycle, though.

    Untitled - Go and Obvious
    Neighborhoods - Ghost on the Dance Floor and After Midnight
    California - Brohemian Rhapsody
  22. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    I can’t speak for untitled, but weren’t those neighborhoods songs leaked out for weeks prior to being played?? Brohemian doesn’t count imo
  23. Donnie Ruth

    Trusted Supporter

    Yeah I feel like they HATED doing that so much during the 2011 Honda Civic Tour. They did After Midnight and GOTDF live before them being released and I had to restrain from watching those videos, but I know Mark hated it.

    Damn, Daniel already said it ^ lol
  24. Daniel182

    Let's hold our breath until we disappear

    Yeah, only Up All Night and Heart's All Gone were out for a good chunk of the Honda Civic Tour 2011. The album dropped late in the tour.
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