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Blink-182 [ARCHIVED] Band • Page 950

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by popdisaster00, Jun 26, 2017.

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  1. The hosts are truly horrifically bad why would anyone listen to this willfully.
  2. Madmod


    Jonathan and BradBradley like this.
  3. I always forget Mark just like lived in the UK for a while.

    Also, let him tell his story that shit was way more interesting than you fuckers.
    David Parke and bradsonemanband like this.
  4. Lepi182

    Trusted Supporter

    Yeah, I don't understand why they needed to be in studio for this.
  5. Donnie Ruth

    Trusted Supporter

    So the hosts needed to ask if Adam's Song was on EOTS, didn't think to maybe not bring up flying with Travis, didn't know about Mark's tattoos ... but OH I DID MY RESEARCH MARK LIKES BEES IN THE UK LETS ASK HIM!
  6. slimfenix182


    Tom's announcements of future announcements are better than this announcement
  7. "What hobbies do you have"

    David Parke, moore182, sonder and 2 others like this.
  8. aliens exist

    pure on main

    hahaha thank you for making my day blonk-182 :blush: you can all expect my review of the self-titled album later today... prepare yourselves :devil::devil::devil:
    SaveTheEarth, Greg, Joe4th and 5 others like this.
  9. Preserved Moose

    Amateur Hour

    Are you serious?!
    sonder likes this.
  10. tonyt3524


    Imagine if Tom was still in the band? We'd probably be blaming him for still not having any announcements lol
  11. Mark is a very good interview. He's always funny and entertaining.
  12. TheJMan


    I can't wait to hear what Mark or Travis' favorite ice cream favor is next.
    sonder likes this.
  13. arewehavingfunyet


    Wasn't Mark on this shit like last week and they talked about Enema 20 year?
  14. Donnie Ruth

    Trusted Supporter

    They were leading into the talk of the 20 anniversary show, and the host goes: "wait what's on that, isn't Adam's Song?" ... so basically yeah haha
    Preserved Moose likes this.
  15. Damn, I don't like enema any more knowing that they recorded it so fast and didn't take their time like the internet says only good albums come from
    David Parke, slimfenix182 and TheJMan like this.
  16. topper182

    Regular Supporter

    i assume they've been told not to ask about the new album. Hopefully i'm wrong.
  17. Mark said something about "album title/release date" but it went by too fast for me to get the context of what that was in reference to.
  18. Eva89

    Trusted Supporter

    Fucking Feldmann
    sonder and TheJMan like this.
  19. Weird they released a single with the album not done for Enema too I was also told that never happens and is mess of a process :crylaugh:
    Jivin2709 and Donnie Ruth like this.
  20. SlappinCups

    Hurley apologist Prestigious

    He feigned ignorance like that's what he thought the secret they were asking about was gonna be
    Jason Tate likes this.
  21. TheJMan


    Feeling This with Untitled too I believe.
  22. "Talk about your failures please"

    Great interview y'all.
    David Parke likes this.
  23. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    'Hey, where's Tom?'
    wisdomfordebris likes this.
  24. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

  25. topper182

    Regular Supporter

    at least tell us the album is done, announcements coming soon.
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