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Blink-182 [ARCHIVED] Band • Page 11

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by popdisaster00, Jun 26, 2017.

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  1. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I did the same! Played that shit on an acoustic guitar when I was 15 to ask out a girl
  2. ZooZooChaCha

    Trusted Supporter

    Going Away To College
    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
  3. Going Away
    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
  4. pbueddi


    adams song
    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
  5. Donnie Ruth

    Prestigious Supporter

    Going Away To College
    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
  6. Noradrenaline


    Going Away to College
    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
  7. Matt_P


    Going Away To College
    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
  8. Eva89

    Trusted Prestigious

    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
  9. Noradrenaline


    Does it count as two votes if I SHOUT IT?! In that case, disregard my last vote. GOING AWAY TO COLLEGE!
    FTank and BTDandFeelingThis like this.
  10. ChampsMusic

    Addums Sung
    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
  11. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    The count:

    Going Away To College-22
    Adams Song-11

    ...ouch. Adams Song keeps falling farther behind.
    David Parke likes this.
  12. Eva89

    Trusted Prestigious

    Yes, and you get a complimentary cookie baked by our blink overlord (@BTDandFeelingThis) himself.
  13. Larry David

    I'll see you again in 25 years Prestigious

    Going Away To College. Top 5 Blink song
  14. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    If this score doesn't turn around by 2 I may have to save Adams Song from its misery lol
    David Parke likes this.
  15. inwaves


    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
  16. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    Going Away
    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
  17. AFoolsGlory

    @MattW182 Supporter

    Going Away to College
    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
  18. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    Not looking good Adams Song
  19. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
  20. Noradrenaline


    To Adam's?
    Half a point each!

    (Sorry, I'm sooo bored at work...)
  21. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    yeah...i would've never guessed the amount of love for going away to college haha.
    iamNex and BTDandFeelingThis like this.
  22. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    Yeah, I hate to do this but we have had 36 votes(57 in the California championship is the most we had, but 36 is the high average), and the scores is very one sided. On that note, here is your final:

    Going Away To College-25
    Adams Song-11

    This makes Going Away To College the winner and champion of the Enema of the State round up! It will now join San Diego, Feeling This, Everytime I Look For You, and After Midnight in the champions bracket.

    Stay tuned, Dude Ranch will be up momentarily.
    David Parke likes this.
  23. BTDandFeelingThis Jun 29, 2017
    (Last edited: Jun 29, 2017)

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    Alright everyone, it's time to continue! With the closing of CALIFORNIA, UNTITLED, TOYPAJ,NEIGHBORHOODS/DED, and ENEMA OF THE STATES ROUNDUPS(see old thread) it's time to move on to....


    Almost there people, only this and one other bracket left before the Champions face off. This will play out much like the other FIVE roundups, where everyone will vote on the participants of a match each day, I will tally it at the end of the day or the time I specified the day before. I will only vote if it is to break a tie, winners will advance to the next round until we have a winner.

    ROUND 1+ BONUS MATCH(see end of post)

    DAY 1(TODAY)
    Voyeur Vs. A New Hope(W)

    Waggy Vs. Apple Shampoo(W)

    Enthused(W) Vs. Emo

    Josie Vs. Pathetic(W)

    Dammit Vs. I'm Sorry

    Boring Vs. Untitled

    Degenerate Vs. Lemmings

    Dick Lips Vs. The County Song

    Vote on your picks, and let's get the second to last bracket going!ALSO as a side match, for today I am running a second minor bracket, consider it round 6.5. Vote between these two songs from the They Came To Conquer.... Uranus.
    That match is:


    Zulu(W) Vs. Wrecked Him.

    Vote on this one in parentheses () so I can separate it from the Dude Ranch main bracket.
    iamNex likes this.
  24. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    A New Hope
    Apple Shampoo
    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
  25. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Apple Shampoo

    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
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