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Blame it on Bad Brackets (Bayside Bracket) Bracket • Page 9

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by 333 GANG, Jul 24, 2019.

  1. 333 GANG


    Montauk - 6
    Blame it on Bad Luck - 3

    Don’t Call Me Peanut - 2
    They Looked Like Strong Hands - 7

    Peanut has a lot of work to do if a comeback is in order!
    bachna84 likes this.
  2. Pickles312


    Montauk vs. Blame It on Bad Luck

    One of the easiest for me. I said before I can't really relate to too many Bayside lyrics - well Bad Luck is pretty much the biggest exception to that. It hits home in the strongest way for me. And I love it musically. The pulsating beat of the chorus pairs absolutely perfectly with the lyrics in my opinion. Brilliant songwriting.

    Don’t Call Me Peanut
    vs. They Looked Like Strong Hands

    Tough matchup here, but my praises of Peanut from the last round still give it the edge for me. it's just the perfect acoustic Bayside song.

    I think what danielm123 said about the album comes into play here too. The album works perfectly all together. Each song works very well into the next, and I think that has come into play for me this round. Strong Hands into Montaulk works perfectly, and I think it makes both songs better. So when left on their own, I don't think they have enough to beat the other two.
    333 GANG likes this.
  3. Pickles312


    No need! The bracket doesn't revolve around my schedule.
    bachna84 and 333 GANG like this.
  4. 333 GANG


    Nonetheless, I would love for everyone who has an interest in voting here to have a chance to do so! If you (or anyone else) ever need more time, let me know and I will accommodate.
    bachna84 likes this.
  5. contra11mundum

    I hate spoilers. Supporter

    333 GANG likes this.
  6. 333 GANG


    Montauk - 6
    Blame it on Bad Luck - 5

    Don’t Call Me Peanut - 4
    They Looked Like Strong Hands - 7
    bachna84 likes this.
  7. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    333 GANG likes this.
  8. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    333 GANG likes this.
  9. CAC3


    Blame it on Bad Luck

    They Looked like Strong Hands
    bachna84 and 333 GANG like this.
  10. 333 GANG


    Montauk - 8
    Blame it on Bad Luck - 6

    Don’t Call Me Peanut - 4
    They Looked Like Strong Hands - 10

    Leaving this round round open until 3pm EST today.
    bachna84 likes this.
  11. contra11mundum

    I hate spoilers. Supporter

    This has me listening to s/t today and I’m definitely thinking I will listen to their whole catalog at work today.

    Not mad about it at all.
    bachna84 and 333 GANG like this.
  12. 333 GANG


    Glad this bracket could help!

    I just might do the same.
    bachna84 likes this.
  13. koryoreo

    Trusted Supporter

    bachna84 and 333 GANG like this.
  14. CAC3


    I did self-titled then went straight into TWW this morning. So. God. Damn. Good.
    bachna84, contra11mundum and 333 GANG like this.
  15. bachna84

    we are nothing more than mannequins Prestigious

    Blame It on Bad Luck (this was tough! these songs are about even for me)

    They Looked Like Strong Hands
    333 GANG likes this.
  16. 333 GANG


    Montauk - 8
    Blame it on Bad Luck - 8

    Don’t Call Me Peanut - 4
    They Looked Like Strong Hands - 12
    bachna84 likes this.
  17. bobsheiskawy

    is it the same for you? Prestigious

    They Looked Like Strong Hands
    333 GANG likes this.
  18. 333 GANG Jul 31, 2019
    (Last edited: Jul 31, 2019)
    333 GANG


    I love Strong Hands as much as the next guy, but this is almost painful watching Peanut get massacred the way it is.
    contra11mundum likes this.
  19. Drewski

    Maybe so, maybe not.

    Blame It On Bad Luck
    Don't Call Me Peanut
    333 GANG likes this.
  20. disambigujason


    Blame it on Bad Luck
    Don’t Call Me Peanut
    333 GANG likes this.
  21. 333 GANG


    Montauk - 9
    Blame it on Bad Luck - 10

    Don’t Call Me Peanut - 6
    They Looked Like Strong Hands - 13
    bachna84 likes this.
  22. 333 GANG


    One more hour!
    bachna84 likes this.
  23. 333 GANG




    Blame it on Bad Luck vs. They Looked Like Strong Hands
    bachna84 likes this.
  24. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Strong Hands, easy
    333 GANG likes this.
  25. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    goddammit Montauk

    They Looked Like Strong Hands
    333 GANG likes this.