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Blame it on Bad Brackets (Bayside Bracket) Bracket • Page 4

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by 333 GANG, Jul 24, 2019.

  1. DerekIsAGooner

    So assuming that this weekend...

    This bracket is going to get all sorts of weird when we get to the miscellaneous portion and songs from the Long Stories Short EP are up against the mature acoustic stuff like "Winter" and "It Don't Exist."

    Also, are covers going to be considered? "Megan" is one of the more popular songs Bayside does, and they released an entire covers EP a few years back.
    333 GANG and bachna84 like this.
  2. 333 GANG


    For real.

    I think I’m going to include the covers, b-sides, one offs, etc all in one big bracket at the end. That’s the plan for now anyway.
    bachna84 and DerekIsAGooner like this.
  3. 333 GANG


    Last chance!
    bachna84 likes this.
  4. 333 GANG


    Okay, that’s all for round 2. Moving on...

    Guardrail vs. Masterpiece

    Alcohol and Alter Boys vs. Just Enough to Love You
    bachna84 likes this.
  5. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    Just Enough to Love You
    333 GANG likes this.
  6. disambigujason


    Just enough to love you
    333 GANG likes this.
  7. koryoreo

    Trusted Supporter

    Just Enough to Love You
    333 GANG likes this.
  8. Yellowcard2006


    Alcohol and Alter Boys
    choke, bachna84 and 333 GANG like this.
  9. 333 GANG


    Guardrail - 2
    Masterpiece - 2

    Alcohol and Alter Boys - 1
    Just Enough to Love You - 3
    bachna84 likes this.
  10. bachna84

    we are nothing more than mannequins Prestigious

    Alcohol and Alter Boys
    choke and 333 GANG like this.
  11. danielm123


    RIP Michelangelo. Gone too soon (although I can't imagine I would've voted for it over whatever wins the next albums anyway). For this round:

    choke and bachna84 like this.
  12. DerekIsAGooner

    So assuming that this weekend...

    I don't know if I can write anything that'll help me choose between these songs. I'll just go with the ones that have been stuck in my head the most over the past couple of days.

    Guardrail vs. Masterpiece

    Alcohol and Alter Boys vs. Just Enough to Love You
  13. 333 GANG


    Guardrail - 2
    Masterpiece - 5

    Alcohol and Alter Boys - 3
    Just Enough to Love You - 4
    bachna84 likes this.
  14. choke


    Alcohol and Alter Boys
    bachna84 and 333 GANG like this.
  15. 333 GANG


    Missing a bunch of votes still this round!
    bachna84 likes this.
  16. contra11mundum

    I hate spoilers. Supporter

    bachna84 and 333 GANG like this.
  17. 333 GANG


    Guardrail - 2
    Masterpiece - 7

    Alcohol and Alter Boys - 5
    Just Enough to Love You - 4
    bachna84 likes this.
  18. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter


    333 GANG likes this.
  19. 333 GANG


    bachna84 likes this.
  20. Leftandleaving

    I will be okay. everything Supporter

    bachna84 likes this.
  21. 333 GANG


    Guardrail - 3
    Masterpiece - 8

    Alcohol and Alter Boys - 6
    Just Enough to Love You - 5
    bachna84 likes this.
  22. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    I’m gonna jump in this for Self Titled I never got into S&C
    333 GANG and bachna84 like this.
  23. TDenverFan



    Just Enough to Love You

    Sorta surprised Guardrail is getting crushed rn, it's probably my favorite on this album.
    333 GANG and disambigujason like this.
  24. Leftandleaving

    I will be okay. everything Supporter

    Guardrail is good, but I like the lyrics in masterpiece quite a bit more, which pushes it over for me

    Similarly, I didn’t realize just enough was so well loved. Probably my least favorite on the album haha
    333 GANG likes this.
  25. Pickles312


    Guardrail vs. Masterpiece

    Sticking with that intro as long as I can. It probably says something that I have not voted for Masterpiece once, yet I have absolutely no issue with it making it to the final. Great song for sure.

    Alcohol and Alter Boys vs. Just Enough to Love You

    Guess I'm not as big of a fan of Just Enough to Love You as everyone else. I like it, don't get me wrong, but I'd say it's near the bottom of my album rankings for sure. Alcohol and Altar Boys is one of my favorites, so it gets my vote.
    333 GANG likes this.