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Blame it on Bad Brackets (Bayside Bracket) Bracket • Page 2

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by 333 GANG, Jul 24, 2019.

  1. 333 GANG


    Thank you for playing everyone! Couple of close match ups so far:

    Kellum - 1
    Alcohol and Alter Boys - 10

    Poison in My Veins - 4
    Just Enough to Love You - 7

    If You’re Bored - 5
    Masterpiece - 6

    A Synonym for Acquiesce - 3
    Guardrail - 8

    How to Fix Everything - 5
    Talking of Michelangelo - 6
  2. disambigujason


    Dang I thought HTFE would run away with this one. This album hasn’t aged well but that and Guardrail have 2 of my favorite intros from this scene era and they don’t let up from there.
    333 GANG likes this.
  3. 333 GANG


    Honestly, I very much enjoy both songs, but if I were voting I’d probably give the edge to Michelangelo. I love that chorus so much.
    disambigujason likes this.
  4. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Went home to mow the lawn on lunch and blasted this album
    bachna84 and 333 GANG like this.
  5. koryoreo

    Trusted Supporter

    Alcohol and Alter Boys
    Just Enough To Love You
    Synonym for Aquisence
    Talking of Michelangelo
    333 GANG likes this.
  6. 333 GANG


    That’s the kind of energy I like to see
    bachna84 likes this.
  7. 333 GANG


    Kellum - 1
    Alcohol and Alter Boys - 11

    Poison in My Veins - 4
    Just Enough to Love You - 8

    If You’re Bored - 5
    Masterpiece - 7

    A Synonym for Acquiesce - 4
    Guardrail - 8

    How to Fix Everything - 5
    Talking of Michelangelo - 7

    Anyone else want to get in on this?
  8. 333 GANG


    Going to leave this round open until 5pm EST.
    bachna84 likes this.
  9. CAC3


    1) Alcohol and Alter Boys

    2) Poison in My Veins

    3) Masterpiece

    4) A Synonym for Acquiesce

    5) How to Fix Everything
    333 GANG likes this.
  10. 333 GANG


    Kellum - 1
    Alcohol and Alter Boys - 12

    Poison in My Veins - 5
    Just Enough to Love You - 8

    If You’re Bored - 5
    Masterpiece - 8

    A Synonym for Acquiesce - 5
    Guardrail - 8

    How to Fix Everything - 6
    Talking of Michelangelo - 7
    bachna84 likes this.
  11. 333 GANG



    Round 2 starts now!

    Guardrail vs. Alcohol and Alter Boys

    Just Enough to Love You vs. Phone Call from Poland

    Masterpiece vs. Talking of Michelangelo
    bachna84 likes this.
  12. danielm123


    Damn, missed the first round literally by a minute. Well, all my favorites still made it:

    Just Enough to Love You
    Talking of Mchelangelo
    333 GANG likes this.
  13. disambigujason


    Just enough to love you
    333 GANG likes this.
  14. Joe4th

    Memories are nice, but that's all they are. Prestigious

    333 GANG likes this.
  15. contra11mundum

    I hate spoilers. Supporter

    Bummed I missed the first round!
    But here I am.

    Just Enough
    333 GANG likes this.
  16. koryoreo

    Trusted Supporter

    Just Enough to Love You
    Talking of Michaelangelo
    333 GANG likes this.
  17. Sean Murphy

    i'll never delete a post Supporter

    iight ill play

    Alcohol and Alter Boys
    Just Enough
    333 GANG likes this.
  18. TDenverFan



    Just Enough to Love You

    333 GANG likes this.
  19. 333 GANG


    Apologies to all who missed the first round!

    Guardrail - 3
    Alcohol and Alter Boys - 4

    Just Enough to Love You - 7
    Phone Call from Poland - 0

    Masterpiece - 4
    Talking of Michelangelo - 3
  20. CAC3


    Alcohol and Alterboys

    Phone Call from Poland

    bachna84 and 333 GANG like this.
  21. DerekIsAGooner

    So assuming that this weekend...

    1. Guardrail vs. Alcohol and Alter Boys
    This is a super tough choice. Both of these songs feature my favorite guitar work on album - the guitar during the bridge of Guardrail and the solo in Alter Boys. I've re-listened to both songs and my decision still hasn't become any clearer. I've been feeling more sad than vengeful lately (next week I turn 30 and my summer vacation ends) so I'll go with Alcohol.

    2. Just Enough to Love You vs. Phone Call from Poland
    I think this is one of those instances where if I were younger I'd be going with Poland, but given that I'm older, married, and not holding any big grudges against people I've dated in the past I'm going with Just Enough. The echoing vocals on the second chorus sounds so pleasant, and the last minute of the song (the bridge and whatever you call the part of the song after it) is one of my favorite parts of a Bayside song ever. The song was most likely written about someone from a romantic relationship, but to me it hits hard when I think about certain people I've unhappily had to cut out of my life.

    3. Masterpiece vs. Talking of Michelangelo
    Do I go with the song about partying too much that on one hand is the first Bayside song I ever heard and incredibly close to my heart but on the other hand doesn't (lyrically) apply to my life anymore or one of the catchiest choruses the band has ever written with one of my favorite lines (sometimes you have to see the beauty in all of this loneliness)? I guess there's a reason why the band still plays Masterpiece - it's a damn good song. It wins the vote from me.
    333 GANG likes this.
  22. Leftandleaving

    I will be okay. everything Supporter

    Phone Call from Poland
    Talking of Michelangelo
    333 GANG likes this.
  23. 333 GANG


    You the real MVP. Love it.
    bachna84 likes this.
  24. 333 GANG


    Guardrail - 4
    Alcohol and Alter Boys - 6

    Just Enough to Love You - 8
    Phone Call from Poland - 2

    Masterpiece - 6
    Talking of Michelangelo - 4
  25. DerekIsAGooner

    So assuming that this weekend...

    bachna84 and 333 GANG like this.