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Blame it on Bad Brackets (Bayside Bracket) Bracket • Page 14

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by 333 GANG, Jul 24, 2019.

  1. CAC3


    Choice Hops and Bottled Self Esteem

    I And I


    Landing Feet First

    (TWW vs. LFF is painful to choose, probably my two favorite songs on the album)
    333 GANG likes this.
  2. 333 GANG


    Close races!

    Carry On - 6
    Choice Hops and Bottled Self Esteem - 4

    I And I - 5
    They’re Not Horses, They’re Unicorns - 5

    Dear Your Holiness - 4
    Duality - 6

    The Walking Wounded - 4
    Landing Feet First - 6
    bachna84 likes this.
  3. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Choice Hops
    Dear Your Holiness
    Landing Feet First

    This round was incredibly easy for me.
    333 GANG likes this.
  4. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    I think Duality is one of the band’s most overrated songs tbh. It’s fine, but I’d rate it far below most songs on TWW.
    bachna84 and 333 GANG like this.
  5. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    Duality is a great song but I just don't understand how it's beating DYH.
    Leftandleaving, bachna84 and 333 GANG like this.
  6. Joe4th

    Memories are nice, but that's all they are. Prestigious

    333 GANG and ncarrab like this.
  7. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    I like people explaining their votes in this bracket tho
    bachna84 and 333 GANG like this.
  8. 333 GANG


    Me too! I wish I were able to vote so I could explain my choices haha
    bachna84 likes this.
  9. 333 GANG


    Honestly, I completely agree. I don’t dislike the song or anything, I’ve just never found it as good or as memorable as most Bayside fans seem too. It’s lower tier for me.
    bachna84 likes this.
  10. 333 GANG


    Triple post for the update:

    Carry On - 6
    Choice Hops and Bottled Self Esteem - 6

    I And I - 5
    They’re Not Horses, They’re Unicorns - 7

    Dear Your Holiness - 6
    Duality - 6

    The Walking Wounded - 4
    Landing Feet First - 8
    bachna84 likes this.
  11. Maybevictor

    @maybevictor Prestigious

    I want to do a blurb with every vote too but I just sprained my thumb and typing is harder than it was a few days ago so I’m just trying to keep up with the voting at this point.

    Except for walking wounded. The blurb is vinnie. That’s it.
    bachna84 and 333 GANG like this.
  12. 333 GANG


    Heal up soon!
    bachna84 and Maybevictor like this.
  13. Carry On
    The Walking Wounded
    333 GANG likes this.
  14. bachna84

    we are nothing more than mannequins Prestigious

    Carry On (Sorry @ncarrab)

    They’re Not Horses, They’re Unicorns (Probably my second favorite song on the album)

    Dear Your Holiness (This one was pretty close, so I’ll go with the underdog)

    Landing Feet First (I hate voting against The Walking Wounded so early but Landing Feet First is probably my favorite on the album)
    333 GANG likes this.
  15. 333 GANG


    Carry On - 8
    Choice Hops and Bottled Self Esteem - 6

    I And I - 5
    They’re Not Horses, They’re Unicorns - 9

    Dear Your Holiness - 7
    Duality - 7

    The Walking Wounded - 5
    Landing Feet First - 9
    bachna84 likes this.
  16. bobsheiskawy

    is it the same for you? Prestigious

    Carry On
    I And I
    The Walking Wounded

    This whole round is like repeatedly asking to choose between your twelve perfect children.
    Maybevictor and 333 GANG like this.
  17. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    I cannot Carry On if Choice Hops loses.
  18. 333 GANG


    :( you must! We need all the votes we can get!
    bachna84 likes this.
  19. 333 GANG


    Going to leave this round open until noon tomorrow.
    bachna84 likes this.
  20. koryoreo

    Trusted Supporter

    Carry On
    I and I
    Feet First
    333 GANG likes this.
  21. Leftandleaving

    I will be okay. everything Supporter

    333 GANG likes this.
  22. Pickles312


    Carry On vs. Choice Hops and Bottled Self Esteem

    I really like both of these. I think the segments of Carry On are arranged perfectly, but Choice Hops comes in close behind. Great bridge/solo that's different in pace and modd from a lot of other on the album, and a worthwhile climax with the chorus. However, I always really hated the formulation of these lines.

    "They say that scent is the strongest sense
    Its tied to memories (tied to memories)
    The stench of this place is almost as bad
    As the memory tied to it

    Tried to forget that sickening stench
    With everything I got (everything I got)
    You can't trust a heart
    That was cold from the start
    Waste your time on it"

    IDK, maybe it's just me. I get what he's trying to say, and it's a profound thought, but the way it comes out feels lazy. It really seems like "it" should rhyme with something at the end both times, either "memories" or "got," but it doesn't at all, which makes it feel awkwardly tacked on. Plus the direct repetition of a thought with the same words always kind of bugs me.

    I know that's pretty picky to choose a song on, but it's something that bugs me every time I listen for some reason.

    I And I vs. They’re Not Horses, They’re Unicorns

    Unicorns is fricking perfect. Don't tell me otherwise. It got to a mood that I didn't know Bayside could really capture with that slow, dragging verse, and then bam, straight back with the fire. It works so well. I like I and I, but it looks like I'm passing on it again.

    Dear Your Holiness vs. Duality

    Dear Your Holiness is great, as I described in the previous round, but Duality is more memorable. I know it's cliche since it's the most popular, but it really does has an impact. Quick, short, a distinctly happier tone while the lyrics remain just as doubtful. That pulsing beat that can be heard in a lot of TWW is what really brings it together. When they got rid of it on the newest acoustic album, that kinda ruined it for me.

    The Walking Wounded vs. Landing Feet First

    Landing Feet First is a great love ballad, which i respect as something new for Bayside. However, as great as it is, it just doesn't match the title track for me. Unlike Head on a Plate, it doesn't different the "right way." It fits with the music and lyrics perfectly. When he says he feels weak, that loose and lazy instrumentation feels like trying to throw a punch with a limp arm. Then, boom, the pace and energy picks up, and we're back to soldiers, violence, strong metaphors. Perfectly executed and great intro to the album. Love the inclusion of an outro as well.
    333 GANG likes this.
  23. TDenverFan


    Whoops, for some reason I stopped getting notifications on this thread and missed the last bunch of rounds.

    Carry On
    I and I
    The Walking Wounded
    Maybevictor and 333 GANG like this.
  24. 333 GANG


    You got your votes in right as I was tallying the final scores, good timing! Haha
    bachna84 likes this.
  25. 333 GANG


    That will do it for this round! Final scores:

    Carry On - 12
    Choice Hops and Bottled Self Esteem - 7

    I And I - 8
    They’re Not Horses, They’re Unicorns - 11

    Dear Your Holiness - 9
    Duality - 10

    The Walking Wounded - 9
    Landing Feet First - 10
    bachna84 likes this.