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Better Lovers • Page 4

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by 333 GANG, Apr 17, 2023.

  1. Leftandleaving

    I will be okay. everything Supporter

    hell yeah
    hollowmines likes this.
  2. MegT585


    Seeing them next week in buffalo and super excited
  3. heywassuphello

    spare only the ones I love

    used the VPN trick to listen on YouTube. I'm curious to see which song they will promote as the 2nd single.
  4. Cmoney86


    ep is also on core radio
  5. OptionParalysis


    A lot to digest here, title track goes hard
  6. Hunter Norman


    Love it, but it's definitely hard to let go of "what would this part sound like with Keith on it". I'm sure that will go away soon, but I love it with multiple listens so far. I"m definitely excited to see these guys live and get a full length down the road, but also really intrigued by what Keith's next project will sound like. Hopefully we can benefit from a bunch of sick bands regardless
  7. SteveLikesMusic

    approx. 3rd coolest Steve on here Supporter

    First track is kind of amazing, surprised by the melodic parts.
    MegT585, Phantoms and T E A L like this.
  8. hollowmines


    "sacrificial participant" is exactly the range-shower I was expecting them to be able to turn out w/ greg onboard. really good stuff. in general it's easy for me to decouple this stuff from ETID cause it reminds me just as much of Greg's more compelling bits on the Killer Be Killed records.
  9. OptionParalysis


    Honestly just so happy to hear Greg fronting a band like this again, his range is incredible
  10. heywassuphello

    spare only the ones I love

    completely agree. I'm sure it's tough to come from 2 polarizing bands like ETID and TDEP and not have people compare this/that. I think this EP is a great introduction for what is to come.
  11. Argus

    Of sugar and ice I am made

    I'm on the opposite end where Dillinger is one of my all-time favorites, but I never really could get into ETID. In fact, my favorite ETID track is Old Light because of the Brian Fallon feature. I enjoy everything Greg sings on, but nothing he's done since Dillinger can top that for me.
  12. -deleted-


    Liked both bands more than the EP. It’s good. Never doubted their talents. But it sounds exactly like expected. ETID riffs w/ Greg.
    Hunter Norman likes this.
  13. T E A L


    I'm really surprised by the chorus on Sacrificial Participant. Love it.
  14. T E A L


    I've got permanent stank face from Become So Small. Filthy!
  15. satellitexyears Jul 7, 2023
    (Last edited: Jul 7, 2023)

    Death Touches Us, From the Moment we Begin to Love Supporter

    Brodobaggins34, Phantoms and airik625 like this.
  16. mattylikesfilms


    I just can’t get into the vocals. It sounds exactly like M. Shadows of Avenged Sevenfold to me which ain’t my cup of tea (even though City of Evil has some solid tunes for that genre).
  17. Joe4th

    Memories are nice, but that's all they are. Prestigious

    I have no idea how you hear M Shadows in the vocals at all.
  18. satellitexyears

    Death Touches Us, From the Moment we Begin to Love Supporter

    As someone who's listened to DEP for almost 23 years, it just sounds like Greg to me!

    He doesn't do it in this EP, but as far back as DEP Miss Machine he can sound like Trent Reznor at times. At least to my ears.
  19. airik625

    we've seen the shadow of the axe before Supporter

    Loving this EP. Will be listening for a while, I'm sure.

    Ready for that preorder.
  20. Contender

    Goodness is Nowhere Supporter

    This EPA reaffirms I’m going to love this band
  21. youll be fine

    Trusted Supporter

    What a freakin banger
    T E A L likes this.
  22. estebanwaseaten


    Really digging this. Sacrificial Participant is wild.
    amorningofsleep and airik625 like this.
  23. SteveLikesMusic

    approx. 3rd coolest Steve on here Supporter

    Title track is so good.
  24. Mtlman1331


    Wonder who wrote some of these lyrics. They are very…I don’t know what the word is…mean? I mean everyone knows the Buckleys stuff, but I mean Dillinger members have made no bones about how tired of each other they were by the end.
  25. Gonna press play in a few!