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Beartooth- Below (June 25, 2021)

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Cmoney86, Mar 25, 2021.

  1. Cmoney86



    1. Below
    2. Devastation
    3. The Past Is Dead
    4. Fed Up
    5. Dominate
    6. No Return
    7. Phantom Pain
    8. Skin
    9. Hell of It
    10. I Won’t Give It Up
    11. The Answer
    12. The Last Riff
  2. Cmoney86


    beachdude and Gianni28 like this.
  3. beachdude

    I'm not brave Prestigious

    I definitely like Devastation a lot more than The Past Is Dead, but excited nonetheless.
    FloatThroughMe likes this.
  4. FloatThroughMe

    Regular Supporter

    Both singles don't sound too different from Disease, but I really enjoyed that one so I'm excited to hear all of Below too.
    beachdude likes this.
  5. Cmoney86


    3rd single “hell of it” is out now

  6. Cmoney86


  7. Cmoney86


  8. tvck


    now that's a catchy chorus
    fredwordsmith likes this.
  9. FloatThroughMe

    Regular Supporter

    Yeah this rips.
  10. fredwordsmith

    Trusted Supporter

  11. tvck


    That’s my understanding
  12. Bane

    The spiciest meme

    Oh yea I forgot this was coming out today. Disease kind of bored me but I still fuck with their first two records and I think I listened to 2 singles from this and thought they were alright enough, I'll probably give it a chance at some point
  13. azzy01


    This is their strongest effort since the debut album. Songwriting is very consistent throughout and Caleb sounds better than ever.
    Gianni28 likes this.
  14. fredwordsmith

    Trusted Supporter

    I enjoy this in the same way I really enjoyed the new Silverstein record last year. It’s a great balance of super heavy, almost thundering instrumentals and vocals that go between dirty clean and guttural. Even the chorus of some thing as poppy as Skin, which is a fantastic song, has some grit to it. Really happy with this one.
    Gianni28 likes this.
  15. mjy12892


    I think this rivals their debut. Outstanding songwriting and vocally Caleb absolutely nails it. Instrumental song is beautifully heavy and caps a great album! Kudos for them included it.
  16. Gianni


    If anyone has a Peloton and does Scenic rides, I can confirm that putting on headphones and blasting this album is a great way to crush your workout.
    fredwordsmith likes this.
  17. Gianni


    Side note really only knew a few singles from this band prior to this album. Sounds like their debut is the place to start for a new fan?
  18. mjy12892


    Absolutely! I quote Enjoy their entire catalog but their debut EP Sick as well as their full length debut are among their best.
    beachdude and Gianni28 like this.
  19. Brodobaggins34

    They fixed your brain when you were young.

    Yeah, he does. I've known a couple guys who play/played in the band live who mentioned that he'll consult them about certain things or ask for advice on certain riffs / parts, but he ultimate writes and records everything himself.

    But yeah, agreed for the most part about this record. Loved the debut, was really turned off by a lot of the cheese on Aggressive, felt 50/50 about Disease. Some super cool riffs, but also some stuff that just didn't work for me. This one is pretty cheesy to me, but it almost feels a little tongue in cheek and it totally works for me.
    beachdude and Gianni28 like this.
  20. Bane

    The spiciest meme

    Gave it a listen, it's pretty good on first listen. Some of the songs run a bit a same-y to me but there are definite standouts, and The Last Riff being a pure instrumental is pretty sick and I wasn't expecting.
  21. This record rips
    Gianni28 and FloatThroughMe like this.
  22. Cmoney86


    Gianni28 and fredwordsmith like this.
  23. fredwordsmith

    Trusted Supporter

    Can’t wait for my purple variant to arrive. Amazing how I can go from a passive interest in this band just a few weeks ago to wanting a special edition vinyl.

    That’s how good this record is.
    Gianni and tvck like this.
  24. Cmoney86


    Deluxe version out Friday 30 total tracks. 3 new songs and audio from the entire the journey below live stream
  25. Cmoney86
