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Bayside - The Blue EP (March 17, 2023) • Page 2

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Dog Fish, Feb 1, 2023.

  1. 333 GANG


    The one thing I've really taken away from all of these new songs is that Anthony might sound better than ever
  2. TomG

    Trusted Supporter

    I was thinking this too. He really does sound great. I still think Go To Hell is one of the best Bayside songs in a while, and that’s saying something because Interrobang was awesome
    anotherpancake, Dog Fish and 333 GANG like this.
  3. 333 GANG


    Go to Hell and Good Advice are both top tier Bayside imo
  4. mmhmm

    Trusted Prestigious

    They apparently can’t find a place for Good Advice in their most recent live set. Can’t imagine going to a Bayside show and them not playing that one.
  5. Leftandleaving

    I will be okay. everything Supporter

    i think these are their best songs in years tbh
    333 GANG likes this.
  6. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

  7. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    That ranking lost me at "Skip It: It's Not As Depressing As it Sounds"
  8. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Telling people to skip Guardrail and Moceanu is grounds for being deported.
    333 GANG and SteveLikesMusic like this.
  9. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    Cult at #4 is baffling
    333 GANG and ncarrab like this.
  10. TDenverFan


    I always thought Cult felt like a best of album with only new songs. Like everything on that album was generically Bayside, albeit solid enough.

    8. S&C
    7. Shudder
    6. Cult
    5. Bayside
    4. Vacancy
    3. The Walking Wounded
    2. Interrobang
    1. Killing Time
  11. 333 GANG


    Killing Time
    The Walking Wounded
    Sirens and Condolences

    Top 6 are pretty much interchangeable for me on any given day. Vacancy is good, but a notch below all of those. Cult is fine, but pretty easily their weakest
  12. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    We're really doing this?
    anotherpancake likes this.
  13. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    The good news is that the article is originally from The Hard Times so take it as seriously as you’d like haha
    333 GANG and WadeCastle like this.
  14. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

    JRGComedy and 333 GANG like this.
  15. 333 GANG


    WadeCastle likes this.
  16. twisterman2006

    Trusted Supporter

    Interrobang #1. Case closed.
  17. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Weren't we supposed to get a 3rd EP?
  18. Dog Fish


    As a full-album fan, it hurt when Anthony conceded that they were basically doing the ep thing for the algorithm.
  19. Drewski

    Maybe so, maybe not.

    I've said it in here before but I absolutely hate the EP release model.
    Dog Fish likes this.
  20. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Hopefully the next thing we get from them is a full album release (with all new material). I know when they released the first EP, they talked about doing 3 EPs and then releasing all 10 songs as one album, but if they stick to that plan, some of these songs will have been out for nearly 2 years - so that no longer makes any sense.

    When I saw them over the summer Anthony said after their summer shows they were going back to finish their record. I don't know if that meant a 3rd EP or a full album.

    Either way, I think it's fair to expect some new music during the first quarter of 2024.
  21. 333 GANG


    I’d still be fine with them putting togerher the 3 EPs if only to have them all consolidated under one release in my library.

    and for rankings of course
  22. TDenverFan


    Their Spotify Wrapped "Thank you fans" video (IDK what to call it - basically the short videos you see from the bands you listened to most) mentioned that they would have new music in 2024, but it didn't say in what form.

    I don't mind the EP thing, but I do wish they came out in a quicker cadence.
  23. bmir14

    Trusted Supporter

    My biggest problem with the EPs is that 66% of it is released before the actual release date. They've been so so good though. Really hoping for a full release in 2024
  24. Dog Fish


    Coming soon: new lp featuring Ice Nine Kills on every song
    mmhmm likes this.
  25. mmhmm

    Trusted Prestigious

    Lol I just want more new songs…it’d be good to hear what their mindset is at this point in their career.