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Baroness Band • Page 4

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by DaydreamNation, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. DesolateEarth


    I got into them via Yellow and Green

    and then Purple came out and I loved that even more.
  2. swboyd

    are we still lucky to be here? Prestigious

  3. chewbacca110

    He wrenches on it. He thinks it's his.

    Seeing Baroness live on the Purple tour was so fun. The bassist's lines fucking SLAM live.
    ugman_2000 likes this.
  4. Argus

    Of sugar and ice I am made

    First off, I want to apologize for resurrecting this thread without also providing any concrete update about new material. That said, I'm surprised there has been no news of late. I believe John was working on the art a month or two back, but nary a peep otherwise.
  5. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    They’re headlining decibel fest in April, really hope an album is out by then
  6. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    Are they playing both nights? I'd like to go, but only a date they are playing. Hopefully Rosetta too.
  7. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    Nah they split the whole line up between two nights
  8. Can you imagine if they dropped this next month and fucked up everyone's end-of-year shit again?
  9. chewbacca110

    He wrenches on it. He thinks it's his.

    Thread bump is gonna cause me to jam Purple at the gym today.
    sophos34 and KidLightning like this.
  10. swboyd

    are we still lucky to be here? Prestigious


    Hopefully we get some new tunes soon with this announcement...
  11. god fucking dammit Americanada why do you get all the best tours

  12. Argus

    Of sugar and ice I am made

    I'm not crazy about Deafheaven (despite repeated attempts to get into them), but I don't care because I get to see Baroness again, and without a crazy drive!! I'd started to doubt we'd get any news about the next album before the end of the year, but this announcement has me thinking we'll get something on that front soon!
    Carrow likes this.
  13. riotspray

    Trusted Prestigious

    Baroness rules. Deafheaven rules. Zeal and Ardor rule. This tour rules.
  14. Argus

    Of sugar and ice I am made

    I'm checking out Zeal & Ardor now, and I like them a lot.
    riotspray likes this.
  15. atlas


    That's a fucking wild tour and I don't even like Deafheaven
  16. Lazarus


    It’s not my birthday, but it sure feels like it
  17. Anthony Brooks

    brook183 Supporter

    Purple is an all time favorite of mine and i need more
    T.J. and KidLightning like this.
  18. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    I still listen to Y/G a ton. Love that record so much.
  19. DesolateEarth


    Purple > Yellow/Green for me but both are great records
  20. PauLo

    43% Burnt

    Red is still best. The riffs on that haven't been matched since.
  21. JM95


    Purple is stupidly good. I constantly forget and have to relisten to remind myself.
  22. Lazarus


    Just bought tickets for @sophos34 and I at the NJ date. Let us know if you’re going so we can get metal
  23. Argus

    Of sugar and ice I am made

    200 C is the Pantone number for a shade of red. My money says tomorrow we get a blue, and so on, likely with the announcement of a new album(!) on Friday.
  24. Smittzerland

    First time long time (FKA musicfan9795) Prestigious

    coleslawed likes this.
  25. Anthony Brooks

    brook183 Supporter

    I’m gonna guess gray