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Barbarian (Zach Cregger, September 9, 2022) Movie • Page 8

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by OhTheWater, Sep 2, 2022.

  1. OotyPa

    fall away Supporter

    Not trying to nitpick, but there is high-fantasy vs. low fantasy and hard sci-fi vs. soft sci-fi. But that has less to do with the "literary value" and more to do with setting and other genre elements.
  2. never heard of that haha
  3. OotyPa

    fall away Supporter

    It's a thing. Black Mirror being soft sci-fi whereas Star Trek being hard. Harry Potter being low fantasy whereas LOTR being high. Just a way to gauge what level of genre-immersion to expect going in.
    OhTheWater likes this.
  4. flask

    Trusted Supporter

    All true but I don’t think sci fi fans are writing think pieces about like …Children of Men vs Pacific Rim lol
    oncenowagain and OotyPa like this.
  5. A166447C-AA33-4593-874C-2FD1E3E2806D.gif
  6. OotyPa

    fall away Supporter

    Exactly. I think it’s stupid to assume just because something is genre-fiction that its themes are shallow.
  7. If anything prestige horror should be replaced with a tonal qualifier that doesn't signify, uh, quality.
  8. “Elevated” and “prestige” are elitist terms in this context for sure, but I think the problem is less that they exist and more the films they’re arbitrarily attached to. Like I think about The VVitch, Get Out, and Hereditary as the top three examples, all movies I love, and I don’t even really see the shared DNA. I guess they’re stylish? They all share themes of possession? By that logic are A Cure For Wellness and Insidious prestige? It just feels like a pointless term unless you can make a real argument for a specific film being genuinely groundbreaking
    FTank, OhTheWater and angrycandy like this.
  9. OotyPa

    fall away Supporter

    I don’t really get it either and I don’t think there’s shared DNA (at least thematically) between the movies named. Also, when you loop in Us, The Lighthouse, Babadook, Annihilation… They’re all horror films that made it big/outgrew primarily horror audiences, that’s about the only connection I can make between them.
    oncenowagain likes this.
  10. Daniel

    Party Mom Supporter

    I don't really mind the term as shorthand in certain conversations because, like someone said before, there are movies that have been attatched (Hereditary, It Follows, Babadook, The VVitch) to it and can just be a quick way to mention those. I think it meant more on the tail of all those shitty paint by numbers studio horror movies from the aughts, but is mostly meaningless now.
  11. oncenowagain

    “the whole world’s ending” “honey it already did” Prestigious

    My favorite elevated horror

  12. Daniel

    Party Mom Supporter

    Hey now.
  13. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh being a mod Supporter

    That’s elevator horror. Completely different.
  14. cshadows2887

    Hailey, It Happens @haileyithappens Supporter

    What I’m gleaning from this thread is that everyone needs to see Scream 5.
  15. oncenowagain

    “the whole world’s ending” “honey it already did” Prestigious

    Seen it

    seem to remember an elevator in the hospital scene so it’s obviously top floor tier horror
  16. unbornwhiskey


    midsommar is imo funnier than barbarian

    someone tell those girls they’re walking stupid
  17. unbornwhiskey


    and no one needs to see scream 5

    one of the most annoying and terrible things about that movie is that “elevated horror” is such a meager and incoherent concept around which to base a meta-thesis about horror
  18. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh being a mod Supporter

    Scream 5 is great
    joe.boy.fresh., Matt, Greg and 6 others like this.
  19. shea

    RIP Supporter

    Lol Scream 5 rules
  20. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    I thought it was bad but also don’t really remember it/the elevated horror bit
  21. unbornwhiskey


    i couldn’t stand it but i prob/def have heavy wes craven baggage that i brought in the theater with me because i love him so much rip king
  22. Zilla

    Prestigious Supporter

    “Scream” was the best “Scream” since “Scream.”
  23. Contender

    Goodness is Nowhere Supporter

    Scream 2022 isn’t the best movie of the year, but it’s easily my favorite and most watched.
  24. unbornwhiskey


    i am so mad on behalf of scream 2 come on
    mike1885, chewbacca110 and Zilla like this.
  25. unbornwhiskey


    anyway sorry for doing this on the buhburrian thread lol
    oncenowagain and JoshIsMediocre like this.