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Bamboozle 2023 Tour • Page 111

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by theasteriskera, Oct 17, 2022.

  1. Tifoil


    I mean, Riot doesnt have a puppet
    buttsfamtbh, Raku and Brent like this.
  2. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    Tifoil, Raku and Brent like this.
  3. Pokinatcha Punk


    But they have the voice of Chuck E Cheese!
    Raku likes this.
  4. Mtlman1331


    You guys know you could get that puppet added to Riot Fest
    Raku likes this.
  5. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    But aren’t they from Chile or something? Not sure if they would pony up the travel cost lol
    Tifoil and Raku like this.
  6. Tifoil


    I just realized. Riot Fest tickets on early bird were half price comprared to Bamboozle on early bird. Really makes me wonder what John D did with the money
  7. josh-

    Twitter: @joshcaraballin

    Had to compensate for that 20% interest
  8. Meltingplastic


  9. Tifoil


    I keep forgetting Bowling For Soup singer is the voice of Chuck E Cheese
  10. theasteriskera

    Trusted Supporter

    You must not have followed him to fun like I did
    Pokinatcha Punk likes this.
  11. manoverboard365

    Trusted Supporter

    Has there been any updates with ticket refunds? Anyone still running in to issues with those NFT tickets?

    Crazy that it's been over a month since it was cancelled and we haven't heard a peep from John D.
  12. Tifoil


    From the FB group, it seems some people are still having issues getting their refunds. Besides that no real updates
  13. alkalinexandy

    Trusted Supporter

    I mean, what else is there to say? The dude won't ever admit he just booked a bad line-up, ticketing was a mess, etc.

    And honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he had a lawyer who advised him not to say anything.
    theasteriskera, Raku and Brent like this.
  14. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    Say Anything comfir- oh wait…
  15. alkalinexandy

    Trusted Supporter

    The only music-related Say Anything I acknowledge at this point in time is the one written and performed by the Bouncing Souls.
    anotherpancake likes this.
  16. lifestartsmusic

    Back For A (Not So) Limited Time Prestigious

    Ended up having to file a complaint with CFPB after CapitalOne denied my chargeback twice. Got my refund in 5 days after that.
  17. nsgob22

    Newbie Supporter

    I received a refund for my two B.A.M. tickets!

    The AirBnB also refunded me even though it was past the refund date.

    Glad I got all my money back from this shit show
  18. heaththehorizon


    How did you get the B. A. M. refund? I have a friend still fighting for their money back.
  19. nsgob22

    Newbie Supporter

    it took me a few steps and a decent amount of time...

    I bought them with a Visa Credit Card through BECU (Boeing Employment Credit Union) I first made the complaint to BECU, and they directed me first to make the claim to Visa which I did. Visa told me it would take up to 40 days to review and another 50 days to get the money back.

    At some point, I was emailed a claim form that I filled out and included screenshots from the Bamboozle website and the email I received about going to your credit card company for a refund. I also included links to articles about Jonny D being sued and the late cancellation.

    Then someone called me to verify that information.

    A few weeks later I received a letter saying I would get a refund and it showed up on my statement this week.
  20. Rmourz



    “The future of ticketing is NFTs” — John D
  21. heaththehorizon


    I had a friend who’s been fighting for a refund since May get it randomly from their CC company yesterday
    kman22, Raku, Sutton Sabinash and 5 others like this.
  22. korey011


    Anytime I see a post of someone dunking on John D - I like/upvote every time.
    Raku and somethingliketj like this.
  23. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    Slightly related but apparently Sea Hear Now festival in Asbury Park (where Bamboozle was held in 2012 with a similar setup) was a total shitshow in terms of being crowded and people unable to really move around. I'm thankful the 2012 edition shit the bed ticket sales wise otherwise it would have been miserable.
  24. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    Rename this the official John D slander thread
    theasteriskera likes this.
  25. theasteriskera

    Trusted Supporter

    I'm not opposed to it!

    Screenshot 2023-09-21 135611.jpg
    Brent and alkalinexandy like this.