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Baldur's Gate 3 Video Game • Page 8

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by mescalineeyes, Aug 10, 2023.

  1. StormAndTheSun

    Unmoored Supporter

    I'm a little bit into act 3 and have been romancing shadowheart but she has all of a sudden become very mean to my character. Anyone else have this?

    It started around her big character change in act 2 but that was all handled pretty well without any big conflicts between her and the party, but suddenly every time my character talks to her she says stuff like 'i prefer you when you are the strong silent type, emphasis on silent' or 'i guess some relationships just limp along on physical attraction alone'. But she's still nice in all the bigger events. She's so toxic.
  2. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Maybe she's a tsundere.
  3. StormAndTheSun

    Unmoored Supporter

    Had to look up what this was but I think she is the opposite? She was nice at first and now she's mean
    Penlab likes this.
  4. Matt

    Living with the land Supporter

    currently in Act 2 and Shadowheart just mentioned me by my government name and said that she is pretending to like every other player but is actually in love with me. that's interesting!
  5. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    I still haven't finished this one yet...

    - I think one quest is bugged out as it says I know the passphrase for something and I definitely don't and in looking online, I think this is bugged for a few people i killed the dwarf assassin or I thought I did, but there was no bag of hands and no note with the passphrase yet it says I know it. When I knock on secret door in the tombstone shop, there's no option to give the passphrase, no matter which character does the knock

    - Also, I'm having decision fatigue and indecisiveness. Side with Orin or Gortash and now Gale has been kidnapped - it's all a lot to decide on and I am positive it'll get more so. Like, I already don't know if I should go to the nine hells and steal what I need to free the githyanki. If the emperor was still the hot chick I custom designed then I'd side with them all day but now they're an uggo mindflayer

    - Also, I'm pissed off as I can't figure out how to get a certain character to a certain place to finish their quest. I see it on the map but unless I'm just a big dummy, like where is the entrance?

    I am enjoying it, but at 70 hours in, with what I think is another 30 to go, I'm losing the motivation. I hope to finish (my steam save is at like 125 hours... a lot of resaves and redo's - and deaths).
  6. Matt

    Living with the land Supporter

    finally made it to Act 3 and if feels good to be back in the sunlight
    Helloelloallo likes this.
  7. Matt

    Living with the land Supporter

    also the $5000 statue of Shadowheart I commissioned at the circus is well worth it
  8. Grabbed this for PS5 and after a few hours, I’m overwhelmed but loving it. I’m also overwhelmed by the number of guides and channels covering it, so if anyone could share some go-to sites/channels/guides, I’d appreciate it!
  9. drewinseries


    You're going to get more overwhelmed, FYI.

    I've always liked FextraLife's+Gate+3+Wiki
    cashlion likes this.
  10. dorfmac


    Game has been fantastic up until now. jehiera bugged out and I can’t find it replicated anywhere online or a way to fix it. She basically floats around in a set pose when I control her and when I control anyone else she doesn’t follow. She will change into beasts and function normally, but stays posed when she switches back. Now I got her standing still in raptor mode smh
    Helloelloallo likes this.
  11. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    im sad to admit that i was never able to finish this and i packed up my gaming laptop in lieu of my PS5. I may get it on that and start again. I think I got to about 180 hours on steam and 99 hours in my current playthrough save (act 3 - pretty far) but just... stopped one day. That's par for the course for me for these massive games but I would like to give it another shot and actually complete it. I'm sure I missed / forgot / made bad decisions along the way.
  12. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

  13. nohandstoholdonto

    problem addict Prestigious

    finished this the other night and it was glorious, got the best ending for my character that I could’ve hoped for. easily one of the very best games I have ever played.
    sophos34 and Helloelloallo like this.
  14. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    Against my better judgement, I started a new playthrough. I spent too much time away from it and was lost so I reset tutorials and started again. 3 hours in and barely anywhere yet, but enjoying it just as much and I don't have any other games queued up so hoping to power through.

    Half-Elf Ranger this time. He's a much better looker than my half orc bard. I definitely made some bad decisions and / or skipped cool sounding shit last time so going to pay more attention and try to avoid missing any primo content.

    They definitely have continued to work on as I already feel like I saw new cutscenes, graphical improvements, better tutorials and all around a better UI. Truly a benchmark for this genre.
    sophos34 likes this.
  15. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    I should play this again
  16. swboyd

    are we still lucky to be here? Prestigious

    Still somewhere in Act 3 after 150 hours of my first playthrough. I'll finish this at some point.
    Helloelloallo likes this.
  17. dorfmac


    i feel like i was riding the wave on this all the way up until confronting the elder brain. I lost a bit of momentum and just haven't picked it up to finish the game out.
    swboyd likes this.
  18. swboyd

    are we still lucky to be here? Prestigious

    In the same boat - though with Act 3 as a whole. I'm still enjoying the game a ton. It's just taken a long time and carving out time to play it is hard. You can't just sit down and play it for 30 minutes in my experience. It's a two hour minimum commitment to really carve out a satisfying gaming session.
  19. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    I got another 30 hours in a second playthrough and just stopped again. At this point it's the kind of game I'll resign myself to loving and singing its praising, without ever actually getting to the end - and is further evidence along with many others, that for me, a game can just be too damn long lol.
  20. clucky

    Prestigious Supporter

    once we get mod support, it would be really great if we get some sort of "speed through the first two chapters just going over the main story beats and picking the important decisions" mod. that way I can come back after a few months and just play chapter 3 without being totally confused again about what is going on
    Helloelloallo likes this.
  21. FlayedManOfSF


    Just beat the game yesterday on my co-op playthrough with my friend. I played as an Oathbreaker Paladin. First time beating the game. There are so many awesome scenes. I am truly in awe of what they did with this game.
    sophos34 likes this.
  22. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    You guys who are stuck on act 3 really need to push through. Act 3 contains some of the best stuff in the game imo
    Matt likes this.
  23. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    But yeah I basically only played this game for the entire month of August last year and I rarely spend that much time on one game no matter how long, I don’t have nearly as much trouble coming back to a game after a break as I used to (I beat xenoblade chronicles 3 and fire emblem 3 houses over the course of a few months and I’ve been chipping away at the first xenoblade for a good bit now) but yeah this is a game I can see being quite hard to jump into after a break. That’s why I haven’t seen past a little bit of act 2 in divinity original sin 2 despite knowing the entirety of fort joy like the back of my hand
  24. Leftandleaving

    I will be okay. everything Supporter

    Just got this
    nohandstoholdonto likes this.
  25. FlayedManOfSF


    If you had her redevote herself to her God she becomes unromanceable pretty sure.