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Baldur's Gate 3 Video Game • Page 3

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by mescalineeyes, Aug 10, 2023.

  1. DarkHotline

    Stuck In Evil Mode For 31 Days Prestigious

    mescalineeyes likes this.
  2. StormAndTheSun

    Unmoored Supporter

    Havent started yet because its not out on PS5 but what race/ class did everyone pick? Thinking about doing a Drow Paladin. The one that isnt Lolth sworn.
  3. chris

    Trusted Supporter

    Copped this, can’t wait to get into it tomorrow
  4. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    Half elf rogue
    mescalineeyes likes this.
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  6. mescalineeyes

    a testament to the old sins Prestigious

    Joe4th and DarkHotline like this.
  7. mescalineeyes

    a testament to the old sins Prestigious

    so happy for them :hearteyes:
    Joe4th and SteveLikesMusic like this.
  8. Helloelloallo Aug 16, 2023
    (Last edited: Aug 16, 2023)

    Trusted Supporter

    This game is bonkers. I have no shame to admit that I am often looking things up to know if I am on the right track as the level of choice and the significance of those choices seems so overwhelming that I don't want to fuck up a potentially long quest line with an early choice. I am currently in the underdark and just took a boat ride to somewhere where I'm probably not welcome, so we'll see what the hell happens next. There is so much inventory to collect and read, and mess around with that the scale is just unprecedented (to me) for a video game. I'm normally bored and or overwhelmed to the point of quitting by this point, but I just can't stop. I have about 24 hours recognized on my playthrough save timer, but 38 something on steam (a lot of save scumming tbh and a bit of early access).

    I know I have already fucked up as I couldn't recruit Karlach because of what I did in the druid grove which I don't understand at all why it was the wrong thing to do and for her to get pissy at me and just sit by the rock telling me to fuck off over and over, but once I realized I couldn't recruit her, I had Will kill her to at least move his plot point forward.
    I also had to try multiple times to save Halsin, as the Goblins kept knocking him off a cliff causing him to die.

    The other crazy tough decision so far was whether to tell Astarian to get fucked and let the vampire hunter come to camp and get him. He's a pompous ass who tried to bite me in my sleep, but I'm keeping him around for now. Same for Gale as I love the voice actor and his class.
    My only complaint is that the dialogue to enter sexy time isn't always clear and at one point, I went to bed with the option to sleep with Gale first and I still have no idea what I said to him that made him expect me in his bed that night. Chill out dude. You're like at least 4th in line of who I want to sleep with.
    mescalineeyes likes this.
  9. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    I turned Gale down which normally based on my dragon age 2 and inquisition romances I’m all about the gay mage bro love but shadowheart has won my bisexual heart this time
    mescalineeyes and Helloelloallo like this.
  10. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    Ugly AF Half-Orc Bard from the college of Lore. I am running with Shadowheart always (Cleric) and then I have Lae'zel (fighter) and then swap out Wyll/Astarion/Gale as needed depending on where I am and whose 'quest' is relevant. Astarion has not come along much tbh as I like the ranged magic spells.

    I think playing a bard is fun but it's definitely a support class with a lot of spells you have to read and use carefully at the right times to improve everyone's performance vs actually do much to win a fight on your own. I also find the [BARD] dialogue options interesting and helpful + the charisma bonus (but to be honest, my guy is so ugly he has no right having the charisma score he's got).
    mescalineeyes likes this.
  11. DickyCullz

    I create content for some of your favorite artists

    god I can't wait to play this. I got it on early access for the Mac, but might pick it up on ps5. I just don't know how comfortably its going to be with a controller
  12. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    For what it's worth, I sank 70 hours into the PS version of DOS2 and then went to the computer version and spent about half that time there. I got used to the console version and found it better, but probably not objectively superior, it worked fine, and I was used to it, so the switch was awkward but they're called C(omputer)RPG's for a reason. it will be interesting to hear how everything works on the PS for this one, I have already found that there are more spells, items etc than DOS2 ever had.
  13. DickyCullz

    I create content for some of your favorite artists

    I've heard the controller support is excellent. maybe I'll re-download DOS2 to see how that handled. its been so long
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  15. Controller support is really good. I gave it a try and it was fine.

    camera angles might beat your ass a few times using a controller. especially in tight spaces or caves etc
    Joe4th and Helloelloallo like this.
  16. DickyCullz

    I create content for some of your favorite artists

    at least its turn based, so you can really take your time. there's no need for quick reactions on the controller
  17. FlayedManOfSF


    It's absolutely unreal how good this game is. At this point I can safely say it's taken over my GOTY from Zelda which is wild to say.
    mescalineeyes and Helloelloallo like this.
  18. mescalineeyes

    a testament to the old sins Prestigious


    WHAT THE FUCK where was this 3 days ago
  19. mescalineeyes

    a testament to the old sins Prestigious

    it has and to be honest it's not even close any more.
    FlayedManOfSF, Joe4th and slowheart like this.
  20. mescalineeyes

    a testament to the old sins Prestigious


    check out my Final Fantasy ass looking party.

    God, I love this game.
    Joe4th and sophos34 like this.
  21. Joe4th

    Memories are nice, but that's all they are. Prestigious

    This sucks lol I can’t load my recent save now until they re-roll out this version
    slowheart likes this.
  22. mescalineeyes

    a testament to the old sins Prestigious


    thank you, best boy.
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  24. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    about to wrap up act 2 and just hit level 7, feel like it went way quicker than act 1 but i also feel like i got a hang of the combat and systems which probably helped. could prooooobably up my difficulty to medium if i wanted but im gonna save that for playthrough 2. im also just sticking to the same 3 party members the entire playthrough and only doing their quests and saving the rest for subsequent playthroughs to keep things interesting. and if you couldnt tell for the first time in a long time im making second playthrough plans far before actually finishing and i actually intend to follow up this time as most games are a one and done kind of deal for me until a few years have passed.
    Helloelloallo likes this.
  25. Noradrenaline


    I've just started act 3 and somehow I've managed to completely miss a lot of party members. The only ones that I've met are Shadowheart, Lae'zel and Astarion. I've been wanting to swap out the annoying af Astarion since the beginning of the game but I haven't met anyone to replace him with... Absolutely LOVE the game though but after 40 hours I feel like I'm starting to get burned out. Might need to take a break for a week or so.
    sophos34 likes this.
  26. drewinseries


    I'm a human Paladin and when I'm not smiting goblins im wining and loving on Shadowheart.
    mescalineeyes likes this.
  27. drewinseries


    Also the narrator is so so good.
    Helloelloallo and mescalineeyes like this.
  28. mescalineeyes

    a testament to the old sins Prestigious

    Blocking Eurogamer from my router. Fucking clowns.
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