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Background Music Monsters (Encore Episode 129) Podcast

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Jul 29, 2016.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    This article has been imported from for discussion. All of the forum rules still apply.

    This week’s main topic of Encore is focused on when we listen to music, and specifically: background music. Do we listen to music in the background while working? What about while doing other activities? What kind of music? What genres? Can we watch TV while working in the background? When do we listen to podcasts? And on top of that there’s talk about music’s role in our lives as we get older and grow up. What role does music have in our lives now? We also discuss some follow-up about last week’s Blink-182 episode, My Chemical Romance teasing things, Pokémon Go, and much more.

    Also, we tease a special supporter bonus episode that is all about our “Top 3” pizza toppings and drinks. Supporters: that is now up in your awesome thread.

    Hosts + More

    Show Notes

    • Pre-show: Blue Apron, new cat, existing cats, Pokemon GO, My Chemical Romance, miscellaneous chit-chat.
    • We will be recording short episodes (15-20 mins) exclusively for supporters of — we’re recording the first one today. Become a supporter and look for the exclusive forum to learn more about this.
    • Today’s BIG MAIN TOPIC is music as background noise. Do you listen to music while you work? While you do anything else? Cooking, cleaning, playing video games, falling asleep, etc?
    • Did you formerly either listen or not listen? Have habits changed with age / with the type of work you do?
    • What kind of music seems best for this function? Stuff you know well? New stuff that you’re interested in, or maybe new stuff that you’re only semi-interested in checking out? Stuff that you know you like but you don’t exactly know all the words? Etc.
    • Genre preferences? Are there genres you’ll listen to more in this context than when you more actively listen? Any specific artists or albums fall into that?
    • Why is this a thing? Do you do anything else — have TV on or a movie — while you’re working?
    • JT Recommends: Stranger Things (Netflix), Tiger Army “V***-”, Your Boy Tony Braxton – “Adult Contempt”, New Descendents on Friday, Ignite – “A War Against You”, Relient K – “Air for Free” (first impression supporter blog),
    • TN Recommends: Steven Hyden – ‘Celebration Rock’ – how 90s rock became classic rock, this shelf that Tom Kelly made me for my Star Wars Funko POPs.

    You can subscribe to this podcast in iTunes, via any podcast player using our RSS feed, on SoundCloud, via Overcast, in Google Play, or on Stitcher. You can also find all of our previous episodes archived on our podcast page, iTunes, or on SoundCloud.

    If you have any follow-up, questions, or a topic you’d like us to cover on a future episode, please send a tweet using the hashtag #askEncore. If you’d like to follow this podcast on Twitter we are at @encorepodcast. We love hearing from listeners and are always looking for topics both big and small to tackle. So, let us know!

    If you like the podcast, could you please rate and review us on iTunes? It really does help. If you’re using the great podcast player Overcast, please hit the “recommended” button on the episodes you like. And if you have any friends that you think would like our podcast, please let them know! Word of mouth and telling people about this podcast will always be the best thing you can do to help us out. We really appreciate it.

    Information about sponsoring our podcast can be found on this page, and if you become a member you get episodes a day early along with a bunch of other perks.

    JRGComedy likes this.
  2. sean_rugy

    select all delete Prestigious

    aaaaand here I am listening to the podcast in the background while cranking out monotonous data entry on this lovely Friday afternoon.
    Jason Tate likes this.
  3. trevorshmevor Jul 29, 2016
    (Last edited: Jul 30, 2016)
    I find that my favorite background music typically consists of instrumental hip hop, or just beats in general. J Dilla, Gramatik, and Vanilla are among the top. As far as albums that I happen to have instrumental versions of, off the top of my head I've got:

    Paramore - Brand New Eyes
    Minus The Bear - Planet Of Ice
    Circa Survive - Juturna
    Clams Casino - 32 Levels
    Periphery - Periphery

    All fun listens. I'm sure I've got a few more somewhere. I need that Bleed American one though.
    KidLightning likes this.
  4. Craig Manning

    @FurtherFromSky Moderator

    I found this week's podcast particularly fascinating, if only for how much I differ from both of you. I write all day and I have music playing the whole time. Not only does music not impair my focus, but when I work without music on, it makes it harder for me to get into a groove and keep the momentum going. One day this week I worked without much music on and I was dying by the end of the day: bored, drained, uninspired, etc. I do not think I would be able to do what I do without listening to music.

    I can't work with the TV on, though. Even if it's a show or movie I know really well, I find it extremely hard to compartmentalize that into another part of my brain like I can do with music.
    KidLightning likes this.
  5. Elder Lightning

    With metal in my bones and punk in my heart Supporter

    @Thomas Nassiff I will pay double for the instrumental version of the new All Get Out album.
    Kevin360 and Jason Tate like this.
  6. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I put episodes of The Office or Parks and Rec or The League on in the background all the time while I do stuff. Interestingly enough, those require less focus from me than listening to music most of the time.

    Also, thanks to Thomas for recommending that episode of the Celebration Rock podcast! I gave that a listen earlier and found it really interesting, and now I want to dive into other episodes of it.
  7. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    Yeah, it's like spiky, haha. Always wanted to get mentioned on the podcast. I knew if it happened it would be during MCR discussion, ha.
  8. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I'm jealous. Only time I've been mentioned is when I asked a question haha
    SpyKi likes this.