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Austin Jones Charged With Child Porn

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Jun 14, 2017.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    This article has been imported from for discussion. All of the forum rules still apply.

    The Chicago Tribune:

    Internet pop artist Austin Jones was charged in federal court in Chicago on Tuesday with child pornography after allegedly coercing two underage female fans to send him sexually explicit videos. […] A criminal complaint unsealed Tuesday alleged Jones had online conversations with two 14-year-old female fans in which he encouraged them to send him sexually explicit videos of themselves, including dozens of images of them performing graphic sexual acts.

  2. tyramail

    Trusted Supporter

    Fucking gross.
    Arry and mattfreaksmeout like this.
  3. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    Lock him up.
    mattfreaksmeout likes this.
  4. Fuck this dude. The transcripts making their way around on twitter are disgusting.
  5. ChrisCantWrite

    Trusted Prestigious

    Fuck that.
  6. :efu: :efu: :efu: :efu: :efu: :efu: :efu: :efu: :efu: :efu: :efu: :efu:
  7. Jason


    Wasn't there a write up about this guy on AbsolutePunk a couple years ago detailing something similar to this? I think he was invited to Warped Tour or something and people were upset about it?
  8. jjnunn118

    Signal Vs. Noise Prestigious

    He was supposed to be on Warped a few years back but got kicked off cause of these (or similar) allegations
    Mr. Serotonin likes this.
  9. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    Repulsive. What a sick person. Hope he gets put away for a long long time.
  10. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    I believe he asked underage fans to make twerking videos.
    Mr. Serotonin likes this.
  11. aniafc


    This is correct. There was a strong push to get him out of this scene then, but we all know how those things go sometimes.
    mattfreaksmeout likes this.
  12. Warped Tour remains a fantastic judge of character.

    How’d this quote age Lyman?
    "The word ‘pedophile’ is a strong, strong term," Lyman tells AltPress. "While the world can be screwed-up at times, there is a criteria for things. In the court of the internet, people's lives are being dragged out in front of the world with no due process. People throw very strong words out onto the internet and when it is old news to them, it leaves a trail of destruction in other people's lives. This country was built on the concept of ‘innocent until proven guilty.’ Are we going to go back to this Salem witch hunt mentality? Communication needs to happen. I am actively encouraging that If women and girls feel they are being victimized, tell your parents, go to the police, talk to counsellors."

    Maybe, I dunno, listen to people when they say they’re being abused ... and then the assholes don’t continue to hurt more people. What a concept.
  13. St. Nate

    LGBTQ Supporter (Lets Go Bomb TelAviv Quickly) Prestigious

    Oh my Lord. Kids deserve a better tour for this scene that this garbage.
  14. razorburn


  15. Malatesta

    i may get better but we won't ever get well Prestigious

    man, the internet/youtube is just full of white cishet men who turn out to be pedophile creeps. wonder what it is about giving them the slightest platform immediately leads to them abusing their power :chin::chin::chin::chin:
    Zilla, Jose, skogsraet and 2 others like this.
  16. personalmaps

    citrus & cinnamon Prestigious

    I'm happy to see him caught but furious that this wasn't dealt with two years ago when the accusations first came to light. Where there's smoke, there's fire, and we owe young women better than this.
  17. Colin Your Enthusiasm

    It's nobody's battle but your own. Prestigious

    Sounds like a real dirty scumbag
  18. TedSchmosby


    From 2015:

  19. Arry

    it was all a dream Prestigious

    the youtube community has a lot of sketchy characters, it's so gross
    Turkeylegz likes this.
  20. Arry

    it was all a dream Prestigious

    he aint shit for not going straight to the police and kinda making this about himself butttt.....
  21. tyramail

    Trusted Supporter

    I reaaaaaally don't like YouTube stars.
    slimfenix182, fenway89 and Turkeylegz like this.
  22. angrycandy

    I’m drama in these khaki towns Supporter

    what a scumbag
  23. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    My twelve year old cousin watches a ton of people like this and that now scares the hell out of me. Based on the trend, it seems safe to say at least one of the people she watches is a complete scumbag.
  24. tyramail

    Trusted Supporter

    My twelve year old nephew also does! I hate it. He watched that douchey Curtis Lepore and I tried to tell him he shouldn't, but he just doesn't get the severity. But I'll always be there to tell him not to be like that guy haha.
    mattfreaksmeout likes this.
  25. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    I don't even know who that is, and I'm not sure I do. Luckily her parents are pretty on top of these things but honestly I wonder if even they know how some of these people are. It's just sad it's even a concern.