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Arcade Fire - We (May 6,2022) Album • Page 3

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by iCarly Rae Jepsen, Mar 17, 2022.

  1. Jim

    Trusted Supporter

    theres a white indie exclusive out there too, I snagged that
  2. TMS2787


    When I saw them start ramping up for this on socials I thought: “Oh, no. Here we go again. The band that made three records that blew my mind and two that I pretty much despise to follow are back.” I do not care for Reflketor but I reallyyyyy hated Everything Now, the whole album cycle and promotional shit was beyond cringe inducing to me.

    I just saw this song(s) where out, opened Apple Music, deep sighed and hit play.

    I listened to it (them?) three times now. This is the sound I longed for. This sounds like Arcade Fire I grew to love. I’m not sure if the last two albums are what you’d call wanna-be disco bullshit but to me it felt like that. It didn’t feel real. They felt like a “we’re gonna do this to try to be different not because we are different”. I love these songs. Questionable song titles aside I’m really looking forward to hearing the rest of this stuff.
    azzy01 and smowashere like this.
  3. TMS2787


    Like wet poop moving around in your underwear after you after Chipotle then went back to Warped Tour.
  4. Matt Chylak

    I can always be better, so I'll always try. Supporter

    they ripped into some Springsteen-ian uptempo bombast in Part 2 (sorry... II) and I'm here for it.
    DaydreamNation likes this.
  5. stars143


    Very good tunes. Pumped to hear the rest
  6. Surfwax

    bring on the major leagues Supporter

    These songs are fine but I'm not totally swayed on first listen. My very cynical take is you can tell with some bands when they have nothing left to say. And I think some can pull it off and rip off 7.5/10 records in perpetuity but it's particularly detrimental to a band like Arcade Fire where the songs where the earnestness is well, earned are the ones that elevate to something special.

    "And sometimes we remember our bedrooms, and our parents' bedrooms, and the bedrooms of our friends, and then we think of our parents, well whatever happened to them?" (equally "we forgot all the names that the names we used to know!")

    "We're just a million little gods causing rainstorms turning every good thing to rust, I guess we'll just have to adjust"

    They're never going to please me at this point because I don't think they're capable of coming within ten miles of that anymore without it coming off as absolutely phony bullshit.
    Carrow and radiodead like this.
  7. Brent

    Trusted Prestigious

    Serenity Now likes this.
  8. radiodead


    It’s official. Will Butler quit. Seemed to be the case once I saw Dan Boeckner in the music video.
  9. iCarly Rae Jepsen Mar 19, 2022
    (Last edited: Mar 19, 2022)
    iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

  10. kbeef2

    Trusted Supporter

    These songs have really grown on me. Hope the album lives up to the singles!
  11. Yeah okay these new songs are really fucking good. Can’t put em down. I’m completely shocked tbh

    bummer about Will tho
    Jim likes this.
  12. contra11mundum

    I hate spoilers. Supporter

    I dig the new songs
  13. Barresi

    Spooky Space Kook

    Really bummed about Will. He was definitely the most exciting person to watch on stage.
    coleslawed likes this.
  14. Importer/Exporter

    he’ll live forever in the sound of broken glass

    Cautiously optimistic after not liking anything from the past two records because this single is good. Always glad to see Boeckner getting work.
    radiodead likes this.
  15. Serenity Now

    deliver us from e-mail Supporter

    Digging the poster art a lot
  16. Serenity Now

    deliver us from e-mail Supporter

    I'm in for the theme of this as it's been described so far. Always wanted to read that novel WE given its relationship to 1984.
  17. Steve_JustAGuy


    I like Will's albums well enough, but still shocking he's leaving.
  18. VanMastaIteHab

    Trusted Prestigious

    Seeing a billion people on twitter confuse Win and Will/not know that they were two different people has been really funny
  19. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

  20. vidiviciveni


    New song fully sounds like The Killers
  21. Yourbiggestflan


    I am a little surprised by the hate in here, tbh. I've never been a crazy fan or anything, but I've always enjoyed them. Suburbs and Funeral are easily me two most-listened to albums from them. I was not interested in reflektor whatsoever, but really thought some of the tunes on Everything Now were pretty fun.
    ragnarokstar likes this.
  22. adamlikesdogs


    I hope this album is just 10 different versions of Infinite Content.
  23. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    coleslawed and Jim like this.
  24. Serenity Now

    deliver us from e-mail Supporter

    I hope I don’t have to trade this in after listening to it a few times like the last one
  25. SteveLikesMusic

    approx. 3rd coolest Steve on here Supporter

    Holy shit Dan from Wolf Parade is playing with them now

    love to see it
    DaydreamNation likes this.