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AP Madden 16: Pre Season Baby Football • Page 55

Discussion in 'Sports Forum' started by foolton, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. xkj1985x

    Go Birds Prestigious

    Fuck it.

    I'm just gonna hang it up. Got it all pre-ordered so I'm still gonna get it but just stick to offline this year, I think. It's been a fun seven years but league has fallen off over the last two years. God speed, AP Madden.
  2. :(
  3. SeeTheLights

    Trusted Supporter

    Fuckin A

    Don't do this to me KJ

  4. ATLBraves1016


    Im giving you the Jags. Not sure what else you wanted.
  5. [​IMG]
  6. Derriphan


    Don't leave, we can all be friends and work it out brother
  7. Wedemboyz88


    And who are you? One of those pussys who can't stand to not get their way and have to wine and cry about it . Everybody else drafted the same way you did and doesn't get to change what makes you special
  8. xkj1985x

    Go Birds Prestigious

  9. Derriphan


    We don't have to argue, we can all be cool to each other and just hang out and play games!
  10. xkj1985x

    Go Birds Prestigious

    It's not just about tonight.

    This league has been going downhill for two years now....I knew my time to hang it up was coming but I was going to give it a solid shot this year to see if I could find that spark again but I think some of the fart box personalities that have moved into this league while we've lost some great ones over the past year and a half just isn't worth me using what little free time I have to do this.
  11. Just put up with the fartboxes and play.

    You're in a division with Dome. What else could you want?
  12. Derriphan


    Maybe we need some airing of grievances and pipe bombs and talk it all out, I know I just got back into it, but we were always able to do that before
  13. slyck


    DONT FUCKEN LEAVE.. I was looking forward to our division and now i find out badger is gone and now you.. fuck i guess its just me and dome..
  14. Believeland


    Just take the Jags and let's go, man. We can't afford to lose another member, stay and take the team. Nobody really cares what team you are in the end. Everyone is worried about their own squad right now.
  15. Literal Aug 22, 2016
    (Last edited: Aug 23, 2016)


    log off

    never talk to the captain again
  16. Someonescoat


    Whoa. I missed a bit it seems lol
  17. Literal Aug 23, 2016
    (Last edited: Aug 23, 2016)


    edit: who cares lg is ded
  18. Literal


    KJ takes Jags

    Clay makes his return and gets the Titans and everything is alright in this world
    xslamfistx likes this.
  19. Believeland


    Fuck you and your team switching bs

    Jk, give me Bortles please
  20. xslamfistx


    Max is cumming back guys
  21. Literal


    his dog is instagram famous

    im jealous

    Trusted Supporter

    :/ KJ

    Please don't leave
  23. TomFoolery

    OH-IO Prestigious

  24. xbrokendownx

    Lets Go. Prestigious

    new thread title should be "wine and cry about it"
    xkj1985x likes this.
  25. ATLBraves1016


    This turned from not getting a team to having "fartbox" (whatever the hell that is) personalities? We've had that since the dawn of time in this league. Rolph, Clay, Mikey Disgrace, the list goes on.

    KJ can do as he pleases. He's a grown ass man with a family. If he was going to quit for this (and I'm not even sure why exactly) he was going to quit soon anyways. He's a busy man with a family. As he said, his time was probably near soon, but he's free to join as the Jags or whoever if he wants. Not much more I can do for him.