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AOL to Discontinue AIM • Page 2

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Oct 6, 2017.

  1. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Supporter

    Whenever I look at other people's snap stories I think to myself "you thought this was worth sharing?"
  2. chuwaay


    What took them so long? Ha

    RIP Ezyman24
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  3. Turkeylegz


    Another incarnation of loudest_mime222 meets its demise. I feel my teenage years slipping away from me!!
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  4. lightning


    i miss the days of IM
  5. Oskarr

    Needled 24/7

    RIP TheReaper000. I was a silly kid indeed.
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  6. lightning


    "A lot of the screen names I’ve seen floating around contain things like pet names, important dates, hobbies and other personal identifying information that we’d be wise not to share in the open online. That kind of stuff, if not implicated in your current or past login/password combos, could be the missing piece for someone cracking a security question on one of your accounts. Particularly because security questions so often ask us things that longitudinally remain true throughout a lifetime, like your best friend’s name or your high school mascot. Sure, a hacker might be able to find these personal details a different way, but by sharing your info on Twitter or wherever else, you’ve just made it searchable within seconds."
    PSA: Don’t share your old AIM screen name
  7. skurt

    Sleekest of beaks. So Good.

    I didn't know AIm was still a thing
  8. Michael Schmidt

    Don't recreate the scene, or reinvent the meanings Supporter

    RIP bouncingsouls689. Logged on for one last ride. Saw they moved the panel to the left and it felt really weird. Didn't hear any doors opening/closing. Didn't see any over the top away messages. No convos starting up. It didn't feel right, but I'm glad I got to pay my respects.
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  9. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

  10. TedSchmosby


    How did AIM last longer than MSN
  11. rxbandit89

    probably over-caffeinated. Supporter

    I dug up my old password and logged into my middle school account yesterday. There were still a few people online. Someone was even rocking a New Found Glory avatar. ha. Life is weird.
  12. carrytheweird

    *Sighs* Really embarrassed to say this....

    RIP BigMacZach
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  13. supernovagirl

    Poetic and noble land mermaid

    it's not surprising but still a bummer. I used AIM a couple years back at the office I worked at and that's when I learned they wiped all our saved away messages. I honestly wish I could see all my old ones. I had soooo many saved and it would be GREAT to see them all again. Everything from the angsty lyrics to the specific over the top inside jokes. ahh, AIM you were pivotal in growing up.
  14. CyberInferno

    Line below my username Supporter

    That's because Snapchat is literally the least intuitive app ever. UI is atrocious.
    Raku and js977 like this.
  15. elphshelf

    100% made of farts Supporter

    I second this. Instagram does what SnapChat does in a way less convoluted flow, even if they ripped them off wholesale.
    Raku likes this.
  16. disambigujason

    Trusted Supporter

    when i first learned there was an app that deleted messages right away, i figured surely its only use was sexting. nope, gotta show everyone the bug on the wall.
    elphshelf and Raku like this.
  17. AMC


    I tried logging I to my AOL email for the first time in like 8 years. Everything was gone. My emails and contacts. Everything. I could log in but it was all gone. Made me sad.
  18. carrytheweird

    Snapchat almost lost me when they introduced the map tracker, until I found out they had ghost mode. Such an insane push and obsession with knowing where people are I hate it. Would gladly go back to aol.

    Sometimes I wonder if they had found a way to make a catchy mobile app if they could've used us 90's kids nostalgia to make a comeback.
  19. Ska Senanake


    RIP age of anger

    RIP xnofxfatacocax
  20. Signifire

    Headphones blaring three stacks Prestigious

    RIP Donutsbag
    Mr. Serotonin likes this.
  21. oldjersey

    Pro Podcaster Supporter

    RIP sensesI87fail
    SmithBerryCrunch likes this.
  22. DesolateEarth


    RIP punkextremist5: 2004-2017 (only actually active 2004-2013)