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Animated Series/Films • Page 10

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by bradsonemanband, Dec 8, 2022.

  1. Cardia

    Trusted Supporter

    The Dragon Prince is indeed great. Rayla best girl
  2. it's a moot point now, BTAS wouldn't feel right without Conroy(/Hamill). There's still Paul Dini's comics in that continuity tho methinks

    I won't argue, love Rayla. What's kinda twisted is, the reason I started the show in the first place is I saw a clip of Claudia looking like this (spoilers)
    Cardia likes this.
  3. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Word to that. Although losing Conroy would be a big loss for the show. Despite it not really having a proper ending, I think it’s best to leave it be.
    RyanPm40 likes this.
  4. I finished the first two seasons of Castlevania and the fourth season of Dragon Prince!

    Castlevania is strange, it feels like it should've been a movie, or at the very least it should've had 40min eps instead of 20min. where the episodes end feels so arbitrary most of the time. Also, the first season is four eps while the second season is 8, and the third and fourth are each ten; narratively the first and second seasons feels like one continuous arc, so it's just weird that Netflix released it the way they did. Aside from that, though, the show is great. Very violent but also very character driven. Very good vibes. When I started this I was kinda expecting Dracula to be present in all four seasons because it looks like he's consistently the final boss in the games, but I'm satisfied with his arc andI'm excited to see where the show goes from here.

    Season four of Dragon Prince wasn't bad at all! but, again, I have the advantage of knowing what to expect from these later seasons.
    Penlab and Nyquist like this.
  5. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    My favorite moment in Castlevania is where Dracula is about to kill Alucard and he realizes the weight of what he's doing, stops, and lets Alucard kill him.

    That moment where he's just like "...I'm killing my son." with all the horror that comes with his understanding... just such an emotional scene that I would not have expected from an adaptation of an NES game.

    Also just his behavior in general, I feel like he's one of the most tragic, sorrowful characters. And Alucard calling him out as his "war" just being a long suicide note is such an apt summation.
    SpyKi likes this.
  6. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

    teaser for creature commandos

    SpyKi likes this.
  7. Finally reached The Dragon Prince s6e1, the episode I saw a clip of that got me into the show. Oh, Claudia. I just wanna give her a big hug :verysad::heart:
    Nyquist likes this.
  8. aaaand finished S6! all caught up
    While Rayla may be "best girl," Amaya's arc has brought me so much joy, Claudia has my whole heart. and it means the world to me that Claudia's partner is trans. but Claudia. baby girl. please. stop being evil. You can still turn this around!

    People always say Zuko is the prime example of a redemption arc, and a last act of sacrifice, a sudden final change of heart, doesn't quite cut it. Viren's redemption arc, if you can call it that, it feels... earned. He wasn't looking for redemption, or mercy, or forgiveness. He spent a good season and a half regretting his choices, much of that taking place internally. His last act may not turn him into a hero, after everything he's done, but it shows that anyone can change. maybe... maybe there's still hope for Claudia.

    I think it's good that the next season will be its last. The show won't be cut too short, or go on for far too long. Aaravos has been such a formidable villain just manipulating from the shadows, causing chaos and conflict all over the place. It will be interesting to see what he does now that he's finally materialized
    Cardia likes this.
  9. Cardia

    Trusted Supporter

    I keep putting off starting the Voltron reboot but I will probably get to it pretty soon. Might be a weird reason to start watching something but I remember overhearing someone at an Ocean State Job Lot shitting on it and I have a tendency to pick things up out of spite and so far my track record on that has been pretty good. Like, that's how I ended up finding out about She-Ra and The Princesses of Power which I loved and ironically enough, it's also how I found out about The Dragon Prince because people on MyAnimeList were needlessly shitting on it
    Penlab and Nyquist like this.
  10. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Cardia likes this.
  11. SPOP is great, if the straights are shitting on it don't listen to them
    Cardia likes this.
  12. Cardia

    Trusted Supporter

    That was pretty much my point, it was straight white dudes upset that they couldn't crank their hog to it that got me to watch it basically out of spite and I ended up loving it
  13. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    My family and I first watched through She-ra when my son was old enough to really get it and then he’d go back and watch it again on his tablet and I’d be walking by him and then find myself lingering over his shoulder as I watched another episode I’d already seen a dozen times lol. Now my daughter is old enough for it so she’s been watching through it and I find myself doing the same thing again. The further she gets the more I’m remembering how much I especially loved season four and five when Double Trouble is introduced and the story really starts to ramp up. Right now my daughter is trying to decide between being Avatar Korra or She-ra for Halloween.

    And good timing on the mention of Voltron as well! I had always wanted to watch it, but then we never got around to it. Our kids just finished both The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra so we decided to start Voltron. I’m pretty into it so far and my kids absolutely love it. We just finished season two. My wife’s not super interested which is a bit of a bummer because I like having something we all love to sit down and watch as a family so I’m hoping something comes up the further we get that might grab her attention. Right now my son is trying to decide if he wants to be either Avatar Aang or one of the Voltron Paladins for Halloween (his favorite is Pidge because he’s always drawn to the brainy characters (Izzy’s his favorite in Digimon)).
    Cardia and Penlab like this.
  14. Suicide Squad Isekai spoilers
    Ohhh okay, sooo the Undead King replaced the Queen and used her political power to instigate a war, and also is holding June hostage to get Enchantress to do their bidding. I don't know a lot about Enchantress from the comics, I liked Cara Delevigne as June in the movie but I hated that they then made her the big bad, so I much prefer this twist/reveal. This was just the kind of thing I felt was lacking in the show's plot, as fun as it's been to follow week to week.
    I love that the Princess is using Harley of all people as a role model haha

    Looks like next week will be the finale. Excited to see how they wrap things up.
  15. First episode of TMNT is awesome
  16. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    Man, anyone remember Chalk Zone? That was legit one of my favorite cartoons of all time as a kid. I wanted so badly for that to be real haha. I had a mini white board and I would draw circles on it hoping I could jump inside
  17. Serh

    Prestigious Prestigious

    i'm old enough to remember when there were chalkzone segments on what used to be called "oh yeah! cartoons". i think it's how the fairly oddparents got its start as well
    RyanPm40 likes this.
  18. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    I do remember the fairly odd parents one, but I'm not sure about Chalkzone - maybe but I just assumed it was the pilot?
  19. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    I made my fiance feel old today by telling her I was 3 when Pinky and the Brain came out
    WadeCastle likes this.
  20. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

    i wished the animanicas reboot when on for more than three seasons, i thoroughly enjoyed watching them and pinky/brain again!
    RyanPm40 and bradsonemanband like this.
  21. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    And so you've come to make the rest of us feel old too?
    RyanPm40 likes this.
  22. gonna go through X-Men and Clone Wars for the first time
    Penlab and Greg like this.
  23. SpeckledSouls


    This sucks hard

  24. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

    wow so young, that's awful! i just rewatched detective pikachu the other night with my mom and we were reminiscing about the animated series with ash, misty, and brock!
    SpeckledSouls likes this.
  25. The last episode of Suicide Squad Isekai was really fun! I wasn't too thrilled with the final twist, but I'm obsessed with Harley's magical girl transformation
    Cardia and Penlab like this.