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Andor (Disney+) • Page 6

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Sean Murphy, May 26, 2022.

  1. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    Anyway, this show is great so far. I've loved all the minor characters in these first three episodes. Everyone just feels so tired and beat down.
    Brother Beck and blast0rama like this.
  2. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    It’s less that I don’t think kids could handle it, I agree it’s not r rated stuff, it’s more that most kids would be bored with most of what we’ve seen so far. They are aiming for a slightly older demographic with this one. Doesn’t mean younger fans won’t watch or enjoy it at all. But there’s not a big hook for the younger crowd. Which is fine.
  3. JRShoenberger


    My kids are 10, 8, and 6. None of them would have any interest in watching a show where a bunch of adults are talking like this. It wouldn’t hold their attention and they’d probably have trouble following what’s going on. Even if it was not “inappropriate” the storytelling and tone of the show is still above them.
    Which is fine. They’re not the target. It’s not listed on the Kids version of Disney+.
    JoshIsMediocre, Phantoms and Greg like this.
  4. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    I mean I could probably see kids 9 and up being pretty into this. Sure that definitely excludes younger kids, but this is still very much something that I'd be okay letting my (non-existent) 9-year old watch. Actual parents might disagree with me lol. I dunno

    For the record, I think the notion that this is for kids because there is a lack of action is very silly too. I'm just a little tired of that specific debate. It always seems like either a lazy way to belittle something or to try to elevate something to high art. I don't think your posts were doing that btw. I'm just kind of venting about something that bugs me.
    Phantoms, JRShoenberger and Greg like this.
  5. Dodge725


    Listening to Forcecenter and they made an interesting point that this show feels more like a lot of the novels than the movies (obviously outside of Rogue One). I think that helped clue me into what I was feeling when I saw people talk about it not being like Star Wars and feeling like something new, because I didn’t think that after watching but I also read a lot of the books. My wife, who likes SW but is not a crazy over the top fan like me, on the other hand really loved it and enjoyed the different vibe and spending so much more time with the characters. I’m excited that this is a new aspect of the franchise that she gets to finally see.
  6. tomdelonge


    So does Aladdin

    Kid’s shows depict violence and brush up against “adult” content all the time, but what makes them kids or family content is they aren’t complicated.

    Andor so far feels like it has the substantive heft of a GI Joe episode. I mean, obviously don’t expect Michael Clayton but is something semi-thoughtful too much to ask? What I like most about og star wars is the philosophical and political stuff. As much fun as lightsabers are, I don’t think about them as an adult, I think about how Palpatine played everyone, I think about Dagobah, I think about what possesion and obsession do to a person, tangles wrought by impulsivity yada yada yoda

    These shows are just like plot plot plot plot plot + the kind of rote “themes” that would earn you a “see me” in a screenwriting class. Empty calories from the mouse’s tit
  7. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Exactly. Not that a kid couldn’t or shouldn’t watch it. I just don’t see them getting into it with slow burn so far.

    like it’s said above, I’d let my kid watch it, but I wouldn’t expect him to be really into it. He may scrape by on Cassian and Emo, but I don’t think they be interested in too much else.

    and that’s fair. I just think there is a distinction to be made here, though not as extreme as some would claim it to be.

    I distinctly remember saying that Rogue One felt like a Legends novel or a book in general. There were many books that would always have random references to the movies or other books. Like, there’s that ship. This guy is from this book and now he pops up here. Very much like Rogue One. Andor also does but in a different way. It’s giving time for characters to interact and think about things like a book would do, just without internal monologue. It’s more subtle.
    Phantoms, aoftbsten and Dodge725 like this.
  8. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Sounds like the show is not for you.
  9. tomdelonge


    Seems like it, unfortunately.

    I adore Star Wars, ive been in this fight since i was six years old, but this Disney era is light on what I like about it
    WanderingSquall likes this.
  10. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Fair enough. It’s been a mixed bag for me, but more good than bad. Rebels? Love it. Final season of Clone Wars? Oh hell yea! The Resistsnce? Oh god that one hurt. All the movies minus 9? Enjoy to LOVE them. 9? An abomination of a movie. I’ve only read some of the books. Most were good, though the Luke one that was like the 4th of the new era was pretty boring.

    Edit: forgot live action tv haha Mando? Great. Boba Fett? Total snooze fest until Mando took over the show with Grogu. Kenobi? Overall solid but not as good as I had wanted.
  11. Joe Sep 22, 2022
    (Last edited: Sep 22, 2022)
    I kind of like that the antagonist in this isn't a sith or some overtly evil character but rather an ambitious politician (and cops). Within the context and world of SW, the show feels very politically driven. I liked the dialog between Andor and Rael when Rael asked him about how he infiltrated an Empire facility. Of course, it's still SW and it's gonna have space ships and laser guns, but this feels a lot more mature than the standard live action fare of this era.
    Brother Beck likes this.
  12. BlueEyesBrewing

    Trusted Supporter

    I'm an adult and still super into lightsabers
  13. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

  14. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    ACAB always but I like the point of view from the cops, the officer is an interesting character to me
    coleslawed likes this.
  15. xapplexpiex

    sup? Supporter

    The first episode was good set up and slow burn. The second episode was alright. The third was fantastic. Everything met up and I’m excited to see where they’ll be going next. Luthen is really interesting so far.
  16. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    I just realized I don’t know any of the other characters names outside of Cassian and B2. I really like most of them, but no idea who Luther or Rael are.
  17. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    Also fucking loved the banging of pots and pans or whatever metal they could find as intimidation. The little extras like that really make everything feel so lived in.
  18. Luthen Rael is Skarsgård's character, the buyer who tries to recruit Cassian to the Rebel Alliance. I only know it because I looked it up lol.
    aoftbsten likes this.
  19. Phantoms


    It’s funny you mentioned Michael Clayton considering this is literally the same filmmaker as that movie. Maybe that was an intentional contrast by you of two of Gilroy’s different projects, my apologies if that’s what you meant.

    Anyway, I disagree with your main point. This is easily one of the most thoughtful and nuanced Star Wars projects to date for me. It has a much different feel than any of the other Disney+ Star Wars shows imo, at least based on the first three episodes.
  20. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I don’t think it was intimidation. I know the one cop said that, but he was guessing, IMO. I found it to be more of a rally cry for the town/a warning to prepare and to warn Cassian they were incoming.
    coleslawed and Brother Beck like this.
  21. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    These Andor reviews/reactions on Youtube are wack; it's basically either people who love it, or who absolutely hate it.

    Basically it boils down to these negative people having very short attention spans, and that Andor doesn't feel like the traditional Disney/Jedi/light saber/Skywalker saga, so therefore they can't connect with it. These people are going into this expecting, right off the bat, to be told this connects into the main Star Wars storylines of before, and the fact it didn't do that for three episodes, threw them out. Woof
    Brother Beck and Phantoms like this.
  22. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I mean… what connection do they need? They’ve already talked about the Empire.
    Phantoms likes this.
  23. JRShoenberger


    So I watched the first two episodes on Wednesday, and I watched episode 3 last night. Definitely the best episode thusfar. Super interested to see who this Luthen guy ends up being. This show is off to an excellent start (the total opposite of Boba Fett).
    Phantoms and theagentcoma like this.
  24. Dodge725


    Unfortunately that’s how we tend to talk about media nowadays. The new thing is either the best or the worst and then both sides argue it out instead of actually listening and respecting each other’s honest opinion (which some probably aren’t even giving because they’re just looking for clicks from whatever side they’re normally on).
  25. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    Haven't even seen a stormtrooper or Star Destroyer yet, which is fine by me imo