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Andor (Disney+) • Page 41

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Sean Murphy, May 26, 2022.

  1. Lepi182

    Trusted Supporter

    This is bigger news to me than the trailer tbh. And I’m honestly glad they’re doing it, as season one did a similar arc layout, but only released weekly.
  2. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Yea, I’m down for that release structure.
  3. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh being a mod Supporter

    I haven’t seen that scene. I hope they do it.
  4. sawhney[rusted]2

    I'll write you into all of my songs Supporter

    Love that they’re keeping the 3 Ep arcs from the first season
    Michael Belt and Phantoms like this.
  5. Phantoms


    That’s a great trailer, I actually like that they’re trying to appeal more to casual viewers, exactly what I was saying before. Also cool with dropping 3 episodes each week, will be nice to get the full arc each time.
  6. Sean Murphy

    i'll never delete a post Supporter

    trailers are #good
    Phantoms and GrantCloud like this.
  7. MidDave

    I'm Sleepy Supporter

    Yeah, I think I can watch this.
    Phantoms likes this.
  8. Yay