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Andor (Disney+) • Page 31

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Sean Murphy, May 26, 2022.

  1. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    Just finished Ep 3 for the second time. Some thoughts:

    1. So everyone on the crashed ship on Kenari died from poisonous gas? The dead bodies' faces were all yellow and Maarva and Clem came in with masks. Idk if I caught that the first time.
    2. When I saw the rerelease of Rogue One in IMAX, they played a teaser from Andor, and it was the warehouse scene where Cassian talks to Luthen and they escape the shootout. I remember thinking "cool, this seems like it is gonna be good" but I that one scene alone could never prepare me for how amazing the show as a whole is.
    3. Timm's death scene is kinda brutal - not the death itself because fuck that guy - but how it went down for Bix. She's left there chained to the wall delirious while her lover's dead body just sits feet away from her.
    4. The buildup with all the clanging and banging on metal things to the empty street where the Corpo guards are just waiting for Andor is show is masterful. This show does climaxes so good at the end of every 3rd episode.
    5. The ship Maarva and Clem leave Kenari in is the same one out in the junkyard in Ferrix that Cassian hides out it.

    I also realize that we haven't even seen Meero or her world yet and that's yet another amazing part of the show.
  2. Rowan5215

    An inconsequential shift as the continents drift.

    just watched Rogue One again and man, Cassian's "do you think anybody was listening?" to Jyn hits so hard in light of the "nobody's listening!" in the show. they did an unbelievable job enriching this whole storyline really

    that being said, I'm not surprised I didn't recognise Melshi in the show because he looks and acts completely different in RO lol
  3. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    Onto the second arc in the series, Aldhani. I think out of all of them, this one feels the most self-contained. Might change with the prisoner arc. We didn't even get to the ISB/Coruscant/Mon Mothma until this episode, which highlights how strong the first 3 episodes are without any of those plotlines to hold them up. I truly love everything on Coruscant.

    Other thoughts:

    Ep 4
    - Luthen truly is ruthless, the way he commands Vel, from his aggressive "look at me!" to his assertion that Andor is disposable.
    - Nemik is one of the best characters in all of SW
    - The place where Syril's mom lives is super depressing, at least the exterior. Imagine living in a massive dreary apartment complex with hundreds of units on Coruscant.
    - Within 5 minutes of Andor meeting Vel's group, we see the wide spectrum of individuals in the Rebellion and what they're fighting for. Nemik is an idealist, Cinta fights for revenge after her family was killed, Taramyn is a former stormtrooper, etc. It's not all just 'good guys fighting the bad guys.'
    - Perrin ambushing Mon with dinner plans she wasn't aware of/forgot about is too relatable
    - I love Nemik's insistence on being careful with the models of the garrison he constructed. It reminds me of Warhammer and other tabletop war games where people meticulously care for their models.

    Ep 5
    - love the space Trix cereal. Syril's mom is super obnoxious, cutting him down at every opportunity. He's not exactly nice to her either, and watching them verbally snipe each other at the table is probably one of my least favorite scenes.
    - On the topic of parent-child relationships, Mon's daughter doesn't really seem to like her much either. They don't really reveal the context of their conversation where her daughter doesn't want to go to whatever Mon is dragging her to, saying "you just want to show off" or something along those lines. Wonder what she was referring to?
    - Vel's group truly was fucked without Andor to fly the freighter and configure the weight.
    - I know we mentioned it the first time around, but this episode does a good job at highlighting just how menacing a single TIE fighter is to those on the ground.
    - Everything involving Lt. Gorn is super poignant when you know his backstory.
    - I totally missed that Meera pops a pill while staying late at work lol
    - "Everyone has their own rebellion" is one of the more memorable lines from the show.
    - Love that Syril has action figures in his room.
    - Luthen obsessively sitting by the radio listening for signals reminds me of myself in high school. In the days before music streaming and MP3 players, I would sit by the stereo in my room listening to the local rock station in the hopes of listening to a Rage Against the Machine or Metallica song. I remember some times getting out of bed at night and plugging in the headphones and sitting their in the darkness hoping to catch "Guerilla Radio" or something. I was a weird kid.

    Ep 6
    - I still think the leader of the Dhani looks like Bryan Cranston.
    - Honestly, no wonder Lt. Gorn lost his taste for the Empire. He has to stand around and listen to his superiors complain about the Dhani and the way they smell and it's revealed that he fell in love with a Dhani woman.
    - This episode shows us how Imperials aren't all just nameless uniforms or troopers. For example, the garrison commander talking to his wife about wanting to get a transfer off of the planet. Who here can relate?
    - Also mentioned last time, but the shot of the pilots getting into the TIE fighters is so damn cool, as is the whole escape through the Eye.
    - Nemik's death is one of the saddest in all of SW
    - Cinta for sure killed everyone in that tower huh
    - Skeen was pushing hard to take Nemik to the doctor after Vel was having misgivings, but that might be a part of his effort to look out for himself and split the money with Andor. Either way, Andor killed him so it doesn't matter.

    What a great show. Deserves a rewatch.
  4. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    theagentcoma and Phantoms like this.
  5. I finally got back into this (resubbed to D+ for Owl House). I expected the prison break to happen in 9 but it happened in 10 so I guess my theory that each arc would be three episodes was wrong
    theagentcoma and JoshIsMediocre like this.
  6. This was great, and in typical Disney+ fashion it ended in a big fight except none of the main characters actually took part in it haha
  7. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    Convinced my brother-in-law to watch it so going through it again
  8. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    One way out!
  9. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    Ken and theagentcoma like this.
  10. blast0rama

    Internet human. Supporter

    Ferrari333SP likes this.
  11. Ken

    entrusted Prestigious

    The music to this show is in my head pretty much all the time
  12. brothemighty


    couldn't find an official star wars thread. I haven't watched this yet, but I have two questions

    is the post-empire republic canonically socialist or did they just fall right back into the same old eventually-fascist trap of hierarchical capitalism? no wonder the first order rocketed back to power in like 20 years

    also, this just hit me: is Naboo supposed to be a hamhanded Cuba analogue? I love incompetent leftist storyteller George Lucas
  13. Atticus5143


    Naboo now formally known as Space Cuba.
  14. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I’ve always found this thread to be the general Star Wars thread. It’s title is a little out dated now, I guess, but it works.

    Star Wars Universe (Rebels, Clone Wars, Comics, Books, Video Games) •
    brothemighty and xDumpweed182x like this.
  15. MidDave

    I'm Sleepy Supporter

    Leave the title. It's the one corner of the Universe where Rebels comes first :heart:
    Alba, coleslawed and Greg like this.
  16. MidDave

    I'm Sleepy Supporter

    I guess there's also Dave Filoni's heart
  17. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    The Ahsoka show is seemingly just the sequel to Rebels. Rebels fans are eating good right now.
  18. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

  19. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    This was a fantastic analysis

  21. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    theagentcoma likes this.
  22. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    so sick, give me that Rogue Squadron movie
  23. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    I feel like a Rogue Squadron movie with the effort towards flight scenes like Top Gun Maverick would absolutely crush at the box office
    Ken, Phantoms and sawhney[rusted]2 like this.
  24. sawhney[rusted]2

    I'll write you into all of my songs Supporter

    Yeah, like they have the model for it right there
  25. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    Like, it seems like such an easy win, so the only reason I could see Disney putting that film on the backburner is to first want to get a new trilogy of films started
    sawhney[rusted]2 likes this.