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Andor (Disney+) • Page 26

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Sean Murphy, May 26, 2022.

  1. Great finale. Anvil tower guy for MVP of the riot sequence.

    Easily one of my favorite shows of the year.
  2. Rowan5215

    An inconsequential shift as the continents drift.

    Anvil guy was the MVP of the whole season, king
  3. Halitosis Jones

    Prestigious Supporter

    On the riot scene right now. I think i might have yelled "hell yeah dude!" outloud like 10 times already
  4. flask

    Trusted Supporter

    I am in TEARS over that Andor B2EMO interaction
  5. Best show of the year
  6. Phantoms


    This was fucking phenomenal, holy shit
  7. BlueEyesBrewing

    Trusted Supporter

    B2 is much too sweet of a boy to become K2 like some people are theorizing

    What a season and show. It's gonna be a long wait for S2. I believe I saw something that said they just started filming it. Between Mando, Ashoka, and Acolyte I feel it's going to be 2024 before the next season
  8. Serh

    Prestigious Prestigious

  9. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    Yeah this was incredible. I can’t believe they pulled off an entire season like this. I kept cynically expecting the other shoe to drop the whole season, but nope. This is definitely up there as one of my favorite Star Wars things now and I can’t believe how happy I am to say that.
  10. JRShoenberger


    Wow. Stuck the landing.
    Ferrari333SP, allastud, Ken and 5 others like this.
  11. [​IMG]
  12. mattav152

    Release My Mind, My Garden Grows

    One of the funniest sequences I’ve ever seen in Star Wars has to be the reaction on Dedra’s face when she gets smacked in the head with a rock directly followed by anvil dude yeeting a storm trooper off the tower. I think I replayed that like 5 times.

    amazing season btw
  13. MidDave

    I'm Sleepy Supporter

    I too would go to war for B2EMO
  14. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    I am still enthralled by the fact that we have a droid actually lovingly named B2EMO in the Star Wars universe and the little guy is just the best.
  15. Where is he in the droid power rankings. He wouldn't be in my top five. Probably slot in at 6. Just so many good droids in star wars.

    1. R2D2
    2. Chopper
    3. BB8
    4. K2SO
    5. L3
  16. Matt Chylak

    I can always be better, so I'll always try. Supporter

    One of the best shows of the year. Hitting a dude in the face with Maarva’s brick on Rix Road was epic, you’ll never see that in a Star Wars property again. Just perfect season-long set up and execution storytelling.
  17. BlueEyesBrewing

    Trusted Supporter

    it's kind of amazing how pretty much all era's/versions of star wars have great droid characters. The only one I've come across that I don't like is from the book Galaxy's Edge: Black Spire, but that whole book so far isn't too great
  18. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    Was this also the first time we see someone get knifed on screen in Star Wars?

    And shout-out to that flashback scene with Clem, so powerful for such a short scene
  19. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    Also this makes me understand my feelings for Andor as a character so much more

  20. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    Yeah. That’s exactly what I loved about the prison arc and the heist. Yes, Cassian was there and instrumental, but he wasn’t out there at the very center of it all leading the way. He could never do any of it alone, and that’s what made Kino’s speech over the intercom so rousing. In that moment you didn’t really know any of the prisoners outside of maybe a handful, but you cared about the fate of them all.
  21. williek311

    Trusted Prestigious

    Through 6 episodes. This is so good. Upper echelon of SW shows/movies.
  22. Enjoying the ringer verse deep dives on this. Not a big fan of the midnight boys so I haven't really continued with their podcast. But because Mallory and the other person were so busy with house of the dragon and Lord of the rings they didn't start until episode 7.
    coleslawed likes this.
  23. Man you have some great TV coming your way. The last episode felt like 5 minutes to me - hope you enjoy the rest of the season.
  24. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

  25. tdlyon

    Most Dope Supporter

    Echoing the praise, the finale was just the cherry on top of an absolutely incredible season of television. I got hardcore chills when the funeral procession changed the music to be more upbeat and started charging at the Empire in the riot gear, that tone change was so fucking well done. Perfect ending too with Andor finally realizing how much he actually wants to take those motherfuckers down. I cannot wait to see where this goes next season, I have a feeling it'll be more Star Wars-y just because it's more openly about the Rebellion coming together but still manage to keep the super grounded and gritty tone

    And yeah about Andor as a character, I definitely noticed that he kind of took the backseat on his own show a lot of the time but it definitely felt intentional, a good amount of his screentime was him just kinda reacting to things going on around him while others led. Starting with the prison arc though we saw him more and more starting to take leadership positions, and I really think his turn to fully wanting to join Luthen's cause at the end felt earned and natural. Diego Luna's performance in this show is really understated but fantastic, I bought every second of it
    coleslawed, Ken, Nyquist and 6 others like this.