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Alkaline Trio Band • Page 21

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. Did you get to meet them ?
  2. Daniel182

    Let's hold our breath until we disappear

    Not this time. I left pretty much immediately on Wednesday and Thursday because it was around 11:30 PM on work nights, and I left right away last night to go out with some friends.
  3. I stuck it out until 1 before to meet them and I had to be up at 5 30 for work aha.
  4. Daniel182

    Let's hold our breath until we disappear

    You're stronger than I am! Haha.
  5. It ruined me ha.
  6. So, " Help Me " on my stores radio at work came on, I couldn't help but have the biggest smile and sing along at work aha.
  7. Audrey Horne

    Regular Prestigious

    Went to all 3 nights. Got to chat with the guys. If you've never hugged Matt Skiba totally suggest it. 11/10 every time. Took some videos.

    The rest are here: Alkaline Trio @ The Metro (January 2017) - YouTube

    Definitively, at least from what I was told, bands fine. They don't know when exactly they'll be back in the studio but none of them want to wait too much longer. They were all super excited to be doing the shows, in really good moods. I was actually really surprised with Matt. That was the most energetic and happy I've ever seen him on stage, it was amazing.
  8. Did you get impressions that he missed Danny and Derek ?
  9. Audrey Horne

    Regular Prestigious

    That's not something I asked so I can't say with certainty but I would assume from how excited they were to be doing the shows and the interaction on stage, which there was a lot of, it would be a yes.
  10. David87

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I walked into the bar Friday night and the first song to play from the jukebox after I walked in was the Damnesia version of and the bartender were quite happy with this, and he went over and put Queen of Pain on 2 songs later lol
  11. tdlyon

    Most Dope Supporter

    I've noticed that being in Blink Matt has become a lot more animated on stage than he ever really was before, and seeing him seemingly carry that over to Trio is awesome
    Fuck You Aurora and slimfenix182 like this.
  12. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    I don't think I've ever done this with Alkaline Trio.

    I love all of their albums and this is probably an unpopular ranking, but here we go.

    1. Good Mourning (Will never forget watching them perform All On Black live on TV)
    2. From Here to Infirmary (Their Halloween show live at the Metro was the first time watching them live. Pure greatness)
    3. My Shame is True (Love everything about this album. It hit home with me when it first came out. Beautiful album)
    4. Crimson
    5. Maybe I'll Catch Fire
    6. Goddamnit
    7. Agony & Irony
    8. This Addiction

    Whew, that was hard.
    JRGComedy and inwaves like this.
  13. inwaves


    This is mine too.
    AlwaysEvolving21 likes this.
  14. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    Good Mourning
    From Here To Infirmary
    Maybe I'll Catch Fire
    My Shame Is True
    This Addiction
    Agony & Irony

    Wish I could have made it to at least one of those Chicago shows. I really hope they tour at some point this year even if it's a short run
  15. amorningofsleep

    No Fun. Not Ever.

    One of these again? Ok.

    Good Mourning
    From Here to Infirmary
    This Addiction
    Maybe I'll Catch Fire
    My Shame is True
    Agony & Irony
  16. slimfenix182


    I don't feel like ranking again lol.

    I will say I feel like I'm too hard on A&I and Addiction and I realize it's cause if I made a list of my bottom four Trio songs, two each are from those albums: Love Love Kiss Kiss, Live Young Die Fast, Draculina, and Piss And Vinegar. If Agony had Burned Is The House and In My Stomach, and Addiction had Those Lungs and Kick Rocks replacing those songs, those albums would feel SO much stronger to me.

    Cause there are a ton of songs on those albums I love.
    amorningofsleep and inwaves like this.
  17. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    Yeah all 4 of those songs are really bad
  18. Daniel182

    Let's hold our breath until we disappear

    Totally agree with everything here. I have found myself enjoying Agony & Irony more lately, though. Can't say the same for This Addiction.
  19. slimfenix182


    I've always loved Agony tbh. I just love the vibe of that album not to be too cliche or anything. Those two songs that I don't care much for back to back really slow it down, but not too much harm done really.
  20. SteveLikesMusic

    approx. 3rd coolest Steve on here Supporter

    I Love Love Love Kiss Kiss
    David87 and KidLightning like this.
  21. inwaves


    I love Matt's Bridge on Love Love Kiss Kiss, but yeah it's still one of my least favorites on that album
    slimfenix182 likes this.
  22. slimfenix182


    The bridge saves the song somewhat for me too. I don't skip it all the time at any rate haha.
  23. withchappedlips


    Agony & Irony is such a jam to me. I like their later music a lot more than their earlier stuff I think.
  24. slimfenix182


    Dan's bass is so audible on Agony and he has some awesome basslines on there too.
    inwaves and AlwaysEvolving21 like this.
  25. Agony is in my top 3.