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Albums in Stores – Oct. 14th, 2016

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Oct 14, 2016.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

  2. Mattww


    All about the new from Indian lakes record today. Obviously it's excellent.
  3. Mclusky30


    I completely forgot the new Trophy Eyes is out today.

    From Indian Lakes, Jeff Rosenstock, and Conor Oberst for me.
  4. Jake W

    oh my god, I'm back on my bullshit Prestigious

    Boogie - Thirst 48 pt 2
    Venom Prison - Animus
  5. stijn_p

    Regular Supporter

    Two Tongues is out today too!
    Dan O'Neill likes this.
  6. thewmaynes

    Just bought Conor Oberst and Jeff Rosenstock!
    Serenity Now and Dan O'Neill like this.
  7. whitenblue88

    The rivalry is back on

    From Indian Lakes
    Naked & Famous
    Two Door Cinema Club
    Gucci Mane
    The Lemon Twigs
    Jeff Rosenstock
    Kings of Leon
    C Duncan
  8. JM95


    Dillinger and Mono for me.
  9. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    I didn't get my Two Tongues preorder yet because MerchNow has been just terrible recently, but I'm hoping that comes tomorrow. I did get my American Football preorder already though, so I'll be listening to that today mainly. I have to say, as someone who was just a casual fan of theirs before now, I actually like this album a lot more than their first.
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  10. Jake W

    oh my god, I'm back on my bullshit Prestigious

    Pleasantly surprised by this Trophy Eyes album.
  11. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    gonna be disappointed if you guys don't listen to the personal space record, closest thing sonically to the d-plan i've probably ever heard

    plus obvious jeff, from indian lakes, crying, gucci, nxworries, and the new cloud nothings single
    latortuga likes this.
  12. bmir14

    Trusted Supporter

    From Indian Lakes... let's bring back a little uptempo yelling, gentlemen.
  13. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    let's regress to a less mature sound!
    i love able bodies but shit that's a dumb thing to say lol
    KidLightning likes this.
  14. Steve_JustAGuy


    Kings of Leon
    Swet Shop Boys
    Naked and Famous
  15. bmir14

    Trusted Supporter

    Absent sounds was one long, very similar song. Able bodies was more diverse start to finish. You keep your definition of mature, i'll keep mine.
    Jake Z and Anthony_D'Elia like this.
  16. Jake Z


    I would argue that implying that anything with yelling or screams is ''less mature'' is kind of counterproductive. Especially from someone like yourself who listens to a lot of bands from the emo(and surrounding) scenes who have intense vocals. I personally very much enjoy when bands of that type can add that into their vocals, as it gives the music an edge. So many bands are trying to do the chill, ''pretty'' indie rock, which is fine. I guess what I am saying is there is room for both, and lots of people enjoy both.
  17. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    able bodies was absolutely less mature, there was a lot less going on, less instrumentation, less of a sonic soundscape, more conventional song structures. i still like able bodies more but shit, you can't deny he's pushed his sound forward so far beyond what that record was
    whitenblue88 likes this.
  18. bmir14

    Trusted Supporter

    'Till i can Walk = probably the least conventional they've produced
  19. Jake Z


    Fair enough. I am a casual fan of the band. I guess my point was that it is very possible to have screams or yells, AND be sonically great and moving forward as well. Which your post explained your original comment.
  20. I'm about to spin From Indian Lakes on Bandcamp, I got my American Football preorder in the mail yesterday, and I really want to hear that final Dillinger album.
  21. jorbjorb

    7 rings Prestigious

  22. redwing91007

    Next Show - Foals April 22nd

    Another loaded day for me.

    Kings of Leon (listening now and really enjoying so far)
    Trophy Eyes
    From Indian Lakes
    Jeff Rosenstock

    Avenged Sevenfold
    Charlotte Cardin
  23. Jake Z


    Silverstein has a new single?
  24. redwing91007

    Next Show - Foals April 22nd

  25. Eric Wilson

    Trusted Prestigious

    Really loving the new Silverstein single. Going to check out The Naked and Famous, Sabrina Carpenter, Two Door Cinema Club, Jeff Rosenstock, and Conor Oberst.
    redwing91007 likes this.