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Albums in Stores – May 4th, 2018 • Page 2

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, May 4, 2018.

  1. redwing91007

    Next Show - Foals April 22nd

    Frank Turner – Be More Kind
    Parkway Drive – Reverence (so far, not so good)
  2. swboyd

    are we still lucky to be here? Prestigious

    Frank Turner
    Parkway Drive (because they've moved beyond metalcore)
    Jimmy Eat World singles
    Dimmu Borgir
    Thy Catafalque
  3. shawnhyphenray


    Frank Turner
    Mat Kearney
    Parkway Drive
    Dimmu Borgir
    The Word Alive
    Royce Da 5'9
    Shinedown (maybe)

    New songs from Dance Gavin Dance, Tiger Army, Jess Glynne, Dan + Shay, Interrupters, Jimmy Eat World

    Such a great day of new music!
    kwilcox and Nate_Johnson like this.
  4. Fronnyfron

    Woke Up Right Handed Prestigious

    More people should listen to Iceage.

    Also, Jon Hopkins is a thrilling adventure and I love it.

    DJ Koze continues to kill the game
  5. parkerxcore

    Somebody's gonna miss us Supporter

    The Word Alive. They did a great job.
    kwilcox and Nate_Johnson like this.
  6. copey


    I've seen this pop up lately for a number of releases, on mobile only. I think the artists have the option to upload a Gif for artwork. You'll see in the lower corner it'll say 'uploaded by BAND'. for example, the Lord Huron album on Spotify, they have a different Gif for every song. It's kind of cool.
    Nate_Johnson and theasteriskera like this.
  7. Turkeylegz


    Frank Turner's new album sounds like grocery store music. It's pretty good, though! He can do no wrong!

    Excited to check out Middle Kids.

    Liking the new JEW and Mayday Parade songs!
    Brodobaggins34 and Nate_Johnson like this.
  8. Chrishunna


    My band, Operocia released our first Full Length "Everything Happens, Nothing Is Remembered" today.

    FFO: Brand New, Manchester Orchestra, Circa Survive, Thrice
  9. Zip It Chris

    Be kind; everyone is on their own journey.

    Really really good man, way to go. The riffs on Pain had me bouncing in my desk chair a little more than appropriate and I've gotten a couple looks...don't care.
    Chrishunna likes this.
  10. almightykingdom

    post RADICAL

    Got my copy of Beyondless early in the week and have not stopped listening. My favorite release this year, so far. So stoked to see Iceage in June.
    Nate_Johnson likes this.
  11. Chrishunna


    Thanks for listening!
    Chris Prindle likes this.
  12. Everything I've listened to today has disappointed me to some degree (Frank Turner, Eternal Summers, Mayday Parade single) so thank god for these JEW singles. They've still got it.

    I'll probably check out Leon Bridges and Middle Kids just because my excitement for today went way down. Also need to check out HalfNoise, I remember loving the single.
    LCT Music likes this.
  13. joebosslet


    Moments just released their new single. For fans of Jimmy Eat World, The Dangerous Summer, Death Cab For Cutie.

    Nate_Johnson likes this.
  14. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    The new parkway drive album is atrocious. Some of the music is cool, but i absolutely HATE (as in cannot stand and won't be going back to the album because of it) all the chanting, talking type vocals that Winston does now. It's almost like rap metal. It's just flat out terrible and the lyrics for nearly every song suck. RIP to a once promising metal band.
  15. Helloelloallo May 4, 2018
    (Last edited: May 4, 2018)

    Trusted Supporter

    For anyone into jammy reggae stuff, Big Something just released their new album 'The Otherside'. It's pretty good. It's a nice eclectic mix of genres and they're fantastic musicians and it's a great summer album. Their last album Tumbleweed is also really good.

    EDIT: NVMD. This has been out for a few weeks. Just missed it until now.
  16. J.Dick


    The Creeps new record Beneath the Pines and their singles collection, Old Crimes, were both released (at least digitally). Love that band.
  17. mikeyoperocia


    HEY, I'm in this band too! Thanks to anyone that took a moment to check us out! We feel like it has a pretty wide range of sounds, hopefully it has a little something for everyone.

    So far Galactic Empire was pretty neat, Frank Turner is alright. More to check out! What happened to the feller who posted a mainly metal list? Didn't see it this week.
    Chrishunna and Nate_Johnson like this.
  18. jdr2187


    A lot of stuff today that I’ve been looking forward to.

    Leon Bridges
    Cut Worms
    Damien Jurado
    Parker Millsap
    Trampled By Turtles
    Nate_Johnson likes this.
  19. subplotofcrows

    A Grand Scene For A Color Film Prestigious

    Parkway Drive is fine. Some bangers and interesting stuff going on.

    Timecop1983 record is fantastic.
    Nate_Johnson likes this.
  20. Zilla

    Prestigious Supporter

    Tove Styrke dropping the hottest pop album of the year so far. Check that out.
    Essie likes this.
  21. tyramail

    Trusted Supporter

    “Some bangers and interesting stuff” is basically the only way I know how to describe that album haha. Some I’m really digging and some I’m just left feeling confused.
    Nate_Johnson likes this.
  22. Spenny


    So excited to listen later today. She is incredible.
    Nate_Johnson likes this.
  23. tyramail

    Trusted Supporter

    How do you pronounce Styrke?
  24. theasteriskera

    Trusted Supporter

    I read this earlier & for some reason read it as "elevator music" and I went into the album expecting that haha. But I agree, it's kind of weird to hear him with an electro-pop tinge, & that it's good!
    Turkeylegz likes this.
  25. subplotofcrows

    A Grand Scene For A Color Film Prestigious

    Wishing Wells, Absolute Power, I Hope You Rot and In Blood are some good PWD songs. Then there's like some weird radio rock tracks like Prey and the Void. Shadow Boxing is some mainstream shit with rapping. Album seems to be all over the place as the band tries to do more mainstream sounds while staying true to their metalcore sound. It almost works.
    tyramail likes this.