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Albums in Stores – Mar. 17th, 2023 • Page 5

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Mar 16, 2023.

  1. SoCoWilderNeSs

    Regular Supporter

    I'm expected to cite sources and studies and yet none of the mob in this thread is expected to answer to anything with more than "fuck off" or "shut up" or "lol".

    This one cherrypicked comment though was a good choice for you to attack because I have no source. It's very anecdotal. Things I've seen in the news etc. Most recently, Michael Irvin and Johnny Depp might serve as examples. You can argue false allegations are rare but rare is not never.
  2. paperlung

    there's no place like my room Supporter

    I’m “just asking questions”. And I had a hunch you’d bring up Johnny Depp lol, who literally relied on dirty court tricks and PR manipulation to win - not to mention a court in the EU found that there was substantial evidence of abuse
  3. SoCoWilderNeSs

    Regular Supporter

    I mean I feel like we've all also seen numerous videos of random Karen's on the internet lying to anyone who will listen and call the police. False allegations happen and the group think or better yet group-non-think mentality that exists right now screams, "If I condemn this action boldly I can show off how evolved and woke I am."

    I on the other-hand feel like due process exists for a reason and I also believe it's worth the time to put some thought into things on a case by case basis before blindly reaching for a tiki torch.
  4. paperlung

    there's no place like my room Supporter

    holy strawman, batman. the atl situation was not random karens on the internet seeking attention - it was fans, who again, have nothing to gain by making these claims except maybe death threats.
  5. SoCoWilderNeSs

    Regular Supporter

    The main accusers in this case recanted so if you want a non strawman example, look no further than the example of ATL.

    Things really blew up when one accuser claimed to have gathered 97 different allegations. This was a lie and she recanted.

    The original tiktok girls friend who was at the show quickly stepped forward and called BS saying she was with her the whole time at the show and what she says happened never did and then the original girl allegedly admitted she did it to be petty, made the video private and began posting under a different name. Source: Rolling Stone & the actual lawsuit complaint

    I'm not here to litigate a lawsuit though or declare innocence or guilt. I just have enough doubts that I'm not going to carry out vigilante justice and call them rapists.
  6. Donnie Ruth

    Prestigious Supporter

    ATL is gonna continue to sell out shows and gain success off this new album despite what this corner of the internet says. There’s no mob. There’s no “beehive.” There’s no pitchforks. The band will face zero consequences.

    I’ve known enough people who’ve been in similar situations the band were accused of and I’ve seen what it does (and frankly doesn’t do to bands). I’m choosing to believe the victims. I will every time. It’s my personal decision. And the endless attempt to defend the band is not the hill I’d choose to be on.

    Ain’t engaging more with your bullshit.
  7. bmir14

    Trusted Supporter

    I live for these threads
  8. metallikunt

    I'm in love with the ordinary

    *sigh* Why the hell do I keep coming back to read more of this disaster thread, knowing full well there aren't gonna be anymore album recommendations? 5 pages of this shit? Really? You don't even care for the band? Could've fuckin' fooled me, I'd actually argue that you're their manager or a member of the sodding band by this point. If you don't care, please just let it go and move on, you're not going to change anyone's mind! If you really don't care that much, make a new thread or something, quit clogging up this one!
  9. jayreimenschneider


    lmao this fucking website I swear
    sowrongitsryan likes this.
  10. xapplexpiex

    sup? Supporter

  11. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    The only overarching problem here is people like you defending rape culture.

    depending who you read, 2-10% of accusations are false. But we need to add in that there will be some legit victims who recant due to harassment/threats/law suits/etc. so even that 2-10% is not really accurate. And since sexual assault is under reported, the cases where someone is falsely accusing in the context of all sexual assaults is even smaller. So, who are you actually defending here? It’s not a major common problem.

    For the love of god, stop being so obtuse.
  12. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    but they doesnt even like all time low!!!! Theyre just a voice for the accused
  13. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    More like a voice for the imaginary.
  14. RIP Christian Bale's Batman you would have loved and defended All Time Low
  15. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    all our pal SoCo is trying to say is, its not important to them if someone was accused of a crime as reprehensible as r*pe, so long as theres any possible shred of reasonable doubt. simply distancing themself from that artist is not even on the table.

    but whatever this is america innocent until proven guilty amirite fellas?
    Greg likes this.
  16. I'm sorry to have even engaged with that user (I'm done now) but god they make it so easy to dunk on them
    JoshIsMediocre, Nate_Johnson and Greg like this.
  17. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Yea, I couldn’t resist.
    JoshIsMediocre and Aaron Mook like this.
  18. reachingfor

    Regular Supporter

    The new Foxy album is amazing! I’m wondering why the band didn’t push the album. I can’t find it for sale anywhere either. Even their own merch store.
    Elder Lightning likes this.
  19. hermanthehermit

    Paris, Texas Climate Accord Supporter

    New Pop Goes Ambient covers album. Vancouver Sleep Clinic and Amelia Magdalena just doing some sleepy chill covers.

    kidwithhelmet and slickdtc like this.
  20. SoCoWilderNeSs

    Regular Supporter

    Ahh yes, it's me, hi, I'm the problem.

    "Defending rape culture." Greg here has just about won the woke Olympics with this hyperbolic claim that I'm defending rape culture. Looking objectively at each instance is defending rape culture by your definition. This type of absolutism is exactly what I've been talking about. Thank you for proving my point. What you are basically saying is if a person is accused they are always guilty in your mind, no matter what. There's no need to hear the story. There's no point reviewing the facts. Don't even investigate. Stop the count! Lock them up and throw away the key. If they recant it's not because they really recanted. Their recantations were a lie and their friends who stepped forward to reveal they were lying were the real liars, but believe women because women don't lie, except for those women who say those other women lie. Got it.

    For the record Brand New was my favorite band all my life. I miss hearing all my favorite songs but I don't listen to them. Front Porch Step or whatever they are called can rot in hell. Case by case. I know...I'm a monster.

    You just leap from one ridiculous fallacy to another. Now you're creating a narrative that doesnt exist. A "shred of reasonable doubt" and rape accusations not being important are never words I uttered. By all means if you believe them to be guilty, dont listen to their music, don't go to their shows and dont promote their band but when you go around pretending things you saw on Twitter are facts and attack others for listening to them and call them rapists now you are the aggressor.

    I would love to see where you dunked on me. None of you have even come close to even attempting to use logic to discuss any sort of recourse a band or person can take if accused that would please you. You've all spoken in oft repeated group think platitudes while proving my point by ganging up against me, launching profanities and insults all whilst patting each other on the back. This really has been the perfect example of cancel culture wokism virtue signaling. None of you have been capable of any reasonable discourse without losing your minds or grasping onto hyperbolic leaps far away from reality.
  21. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    how many times do i need to tell you to shut the fuck up
  22. Former Planets


    Hey guys. Active in here today! TL;DR

    Hmm, no mention of the new All Time Low. What’s up with that?
    metallikunt likes this.
  23. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    You’re blindly defending imaginary people. Your recap is not what I said. I’m not surprised your reading comprehension sucks. Get fucked.
  24. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    They won’t stop. Their ignorance won’t allow them to.
    metallikunt likes this.
  25. SoCoWilderNeSs

    Regular Supporter

    If I were the one cursing and yelling at people to shut the F up you'd all be losing your minds but because you agree with this person's point of view on the subject you instead are patting this person on the back with likes and support even whilst they reveal themself to be pro-censorship.