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Albums in Stores – Mar. 17th, 2023 • Page 3

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Mar 16, 2023.

  1. Elder Lightning

    With metal in my bones and punk in my heart Supporter

    Yes, millionaire rapists who bully their victims into silence by suing them are fucking scumbags who deserve to be forever shunned. There aren't two sides to this.
  2. sowrongitsryan


    Just bumping this reply
    SoCoWilderNeSs likes this.
  3. artbynickferran

    Just bumping this reply
  4. HelloThisIsDog


  5. tyler2tall

    Trusted Supporter

    Even if the allegations are false, All Time Low handled the whole situation terribly. They acted like they have always been saints, where their own Live DVD’s prove they haven’t been. They took no accountability for some of their past actions that are actually easily verifiable.
  6. mattav152

    Release My Mind, My Garden Grows

    Man whats up with all these corny ass ghosts in this thread today defending creeps? Fuck off
  7. stephenvstrex

    grace upon grace

  8. SoCoWilderNeSs

    Regular Supporter

    I didn't want to reply to this but "there aren't two sides to this" you scream from the top of your erected statue of virtue as if you were in the room watching it happen and know for a fact it's all true despite the numerous recantations at a time when the whole world was in the midst of a cancel spree and the whole world was screaming "believe women!"

    I haven't found a single bit of evidence, no screenshots or photos. Nada. Also, if suing someone who slanders you is automatically bullying a victim into silence what recourse is there for anyone wrongfully accused? Are you saying there should be no recourse? What should the band have done? Should they have broken up for good, apologized for things they state they didn't do and never played or made music again while people like yourself still comment on the internet that they are disgusting rapists anyway?

    This is what I've always wondered. It reminds me of a quote from "The Dark Knight" when Alfred says something like "You crossed the line first, you squeezed them and backed them into a corner until they were desperate." What way out is there for anyone accused of anything in your mind? There's already been numerous liars exposed since Me Too so your platitudes of ultimate virtue and absolute certainty come off as purposeful avoidance and in my opinion it's the people that pretend to be the most virtuous that are the ones who tend to be the worst behind closed doors.

    "One doth protest too much" so to speak.
  9. SoCoWilderNeSs

    Regular Supporter

    Another virtuous individual not too virtuous to curse me out and launch insults and personal attacks. Such virtue. I'll contact the mayor to get your statue built next and I'll let you know when your medal ceremony is too.
  10. mattav152

    Release My Mind, My Garden Grows

    dont care didnt read fuck off
    Brent, Frinet42, shea and 4 others like this.
  11. sowrongitsryan


    You’re moving goalposts, my friend. There’s no sense in apologizing for something they never needed to apologize for before the allegations. Basically a straw man argument.
  12. SoCoWilderNeSs

    Regular Supporter

    This is highly problematic behavior with an equally problematic lack of punctuation. A person who likes to carry out virtue cancel sentences but not type real ones. A person of taste carried by the logic of "if I scream the loudest and curse the most I win!"

    Very on brand stuff.
  13. mattav152

    Release My Mind, My Garden Grows

  14. tyramail

    Trusted Supporter

    dorfmac, bobsheiskawy, shea and 3 others like this.
  15. Elder Lightning Mar 17, 2023
    (Last edited: Mar 17, 2023)
    Elder Lightning

    With metal in my bones and punk in my heart Supporter

    I know I'm not going to convince you, and I'm going to gloss over the fact that you all but called ME an abuser because I don't think All Time Low should be given any benefit of the doubt, but I'm going to leave this here for anyone who might see your post as reasonable.

    Let's assume that there are only two sides in a situation like this - the survivor and the accused - where the accused is at least moderately famous and, in a vacuum, each side is equally as likely to be telling the truth as they are to be lying.

    One side, the survivor, has virtually nothing to gain and much to lose by lying. They will undoubtedly be skewered online, are likely to be doxxed even if they are anonymous, and have things like death threats and more lobbed at them if they are not anonymous.

    The other side, the accused, has everything to gain by lying. They get to rely on the goodwill of the parasocial relationships they have with fans, and even those who are only aware of them but have no other reason to have ill will toward them. They also get to wield the power that is imbalanced in their favor to silence their victims in a system that is setup to benefit them.

    This is all coupled with the fact that, in actual reality, false allegations of abuse are exceedingly rare.

    And, in part because false allegations are exceedingly rare, I am not particularly concerned with what recourse the rich and powerful have to counter these supposed false claims. Maybe when survivors are able to achieve even a modicum of justice in these situations, maybe when the system isn't balanced at the outset in favor of the powerful abusers, maybe then I can start to care about that.

    But the fact is that defamation lawsuits are a powerful tool used to silence victims and further entrench power in the already powerful (those powerful enough to commit abuse in the first place). They are used to uncover the identities of victims who (understandably) choose to remain anonymous. They are used by those with the resources to wield and maintain them to force the retraction of claims and silence others who may consider coming forward, but in each case do not have the resources to maintain a defense against them and/or do not want to be continually re-traumatized by having to recount and relive their abuse over and over - and be attacked for doing so, both under cross examination and in the public/online - in such a public fashion.

    And to your point about photos and screenshots and "evidence". First, I don't know many survivors who have screenshots of the admissions of their abusers or pictures or other direct evidence of their abuse, and to demand that is just patently absurd. But do you know what the most prevalent form of evidence is in court? It's testimony - that is the statements of the parties to the case and any witnesses. So consider why it is that you are so willing to immediately throw out the evidence of one side - the inherently less-powerful survivor - and to accept at face value the testimony of the powerful abuser with everything to gain.
  16. jayreimenschneider


    lol. lmao even.
  17. SoCoWilderNeSs

    Regular Supporter

    I would argue that false allegations have become less rare in recent years as victim ideology has taken hold but even if false allegations are rare they do still what recourse do bands or people have in those rare instances?? Anyway, that's neither here nor there and this is not me professing the bands innocence. I have no idea whether or not they are innocent and thus I'm not going to call them rapists on the internet and pretend to know things I don't know.

    Also...if suing is them using their power to suppress a victim...what recourse would you have them take if they truly believe themselves to be innocent that would satisfy you? That's the problem. You all want to name call and curse and mock people for not blindly believing but at the same time you don't know any more than I do and you have no answers as to how a band could appropriately defend themselves from false allegations. If they apologize they are seen as guilty. If they refute it they are committing an additional sin of not believing women and if they fight the allegations then they are committing another additional sin of silencing their victims from a position of power, making their abuse even worse.

    In this current landscape however, those powerless victims clearly have a ton of power and with a couple tweets or a tiktok, bands are deleted from existance. I'm a nobody and I can't even express uncertainty without the mob trying to silence me and call me names. So...who is trying to silence who here? I could care less about ATL individually but the rush to judgement and the toxicity of the internet mob of true virtue believers is scary.
    dnaps likes this.
  18. Bkraniger19


    This is very well said. I was just on Reddit reading a thread about the album and there was not one mention of the allegations. It's interesting to come here and that is all that is being talked about.
    Pepetito likes this.
  19. JoshIsMediocre

    a wife, 3 dogs and a mortgage Moderator

  20. JoshIsMediocre

    a wife, 3 dogs and a mortgage Moderator

    lol as if these bands are just men in black style wiped out of our memory
  21. JoshIsMediocre

    a wife, 3 dogs and a mortgage Moderator

  22. JoshIsMediocre

    a wife, 3 dogs and a mortgage Moderator

  23. DoctorM


    So how bout that new music?
    Brent, mattav152, slickdtc and 6 others like this.
  24. Bkraniger19


    haha, right? Artists like ATL, Falling In Reverse, and Morgan Wallen have never been bigger than they are today.
  25. certainly "sowrongitsryan" has an unbiased take on the situation