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Albums in Stores – Jun 7th, 2024 • Page 2

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Jun 6, 2024.

  1. Mattww


    The slow joy ep is so good. A bit balance and composure, citizen
  2. Hell yeah baby, thanks! Planning on July 12 for the whole thing if everything goes according to plan!
    Chase Tremaine likes this.
  3. Ted McLoughlin


    Instrumental pop punk from Virginia:

    slickdtc likes this.
  4. CapnJazzHandz

    Regular Supporter

    • Illyria — post-black metal with some really nice melodies (I love this band)
    • Mountainscape — epic, sweeping, instrumental post-metal. Similar to a heavier Russian Circles
    • Hippotraktor — prog-y post-metal that is very good, and very huge.
    Huntsmen — Doom with some gorgeous three-part harmonies.
    • The Omnific — prog that is built around the bass guitar.
    • Dysrhythmia — instrumental prog with some Cynic influences.
    • Umbra Vitae — a supergroup that isn’t disappointing. Death metal from members of Converge, Twitching Tongues, & The Red Chord.

    I was disappointed by the new Rarity & Evergrey albums. Will try spinning them again later.
    Toner likes this.
  5. New single

    80s post punk influenced, with a pop punk edge
    MattNCheeze and Colby Searcy like this.
  6. thesidekicksuicide


    Good Looks all dayyyyyy
  7. slickdtc

    Regular Supporter

    Okay I’m not the only one! Band is incredible, been super in to them lately so seeing something new today was a nice surprise.

    Every time they would come up on my shuffle I’d be like damn this is epic. Finally dove in all the way. Black metal is not my forte but however these guys are doing it has my attention.
  8. Elder Lightning Jun 7, 2024
    (Last edited: Jun 7, 2024)
    Elder Lightning

    A lightning bolt without a cloud in the sky Supporter

    All Under Heaven
    Charli XCX
    Good Looks
    Kerosene Heights (EP)
    Leisure Hour
    Pedro the Lion
    Umbra Vitae
  9. Elder Lightning

    A lightning bolt without a cloud in the sky Supporter

    I think it's actually not out until the 28th.
    theredline likes this.
  10. michael_gatto


    Umbra Vitae
  11. Amanda A. Jun 7, 2024
    (Last edited: Jun 7, 2024)
    Amanda A.

    Los Angeles Supporter

    Lots of good stuff out this week! Also, really excited to listen to the new NxWorries since i got my vinyl copy yesterday. It’s out digitally next week

    Alfie Templeman - RadioSoul
    All Under Heaven - What Lies Ahead of Me
    bar italia - The Tw*ts EP
    Bloomsday - Heart Of The Artichoke
    Bored at My Grandmas House - Show & Tell
    Brooks Nielsen - A Ride I'm Waiting For
    Candy - It’s Inside You
    Cheekface - Sort Of - B-Sides EP
    Drip-Fed - Sold For Parts
    Fine - Rocky Top Ballads
    Good Looks - Lived Here For Awhile
    Halo Bite - Winner's Circle EP
    Kaytranada - Timeless
    L'Imperatrice - PULSAR
    Maggie Gently - Wherever You Want To Go
    Man Man - Carrot On Strings
    Missing Link - Watch Me Bleed
    Night Tapes - assisted memories EP
    Pedro The Lion - Santa Cruz
    Psychic Graveyard - Wilting
    SECT - Plagues Upon Plagues
    Slow Joy - Mi Amigo Slow Joy EP
    Strand Of Oaks - Miracle Focus
    Swim Deep - There's a Big Star Outside...
    Terry Green - Provisional Living
    The Mendozaz - Loafers
    UltraBomb - Rage Bomb


    311, Aaron Frazer, Bacchae, Beabadobee, Blossoms, Blusher, Bonny Doon, Camp Trash, Cola, Crypt Sermon, Cursive, Denzel Curry, Destroy Boys, Glimmer, Gus Dapperton, Hard Chiller, Human Garbage, illuminati hotties, Jamie xx, JORDI UP LATE, Kississippi, LA LOM, Los Bitchos, Love Letter, lovelytheband, Nava Calma, Omar Apollo, PONY, Ray LaMontagne, Raveena, Sabrina Carpenter, Slumped, Soccer Mommy, Sour Widows, Stand Still, SUUNS , Queen Of Jeans, Split System, The Dip, The Offspring, Yannis & The Yaw (Yannis from Foals)
  12. Lit covered Kelly Clarkson

    WadeCastle and 333 GANG like this.
  13. CapnJazzHandz

    Regular Supporter

    Heck yeah! I like them so much because they have kind of an inspiring, uplifting, happy bent to their music. I've only heard of one other band (whose name I can't remember right now) that does happy-sounding black metal.

    This album seems fairly dark for them, but there's still some clean, uplifting sections. I dig the dude's clean singing -- I can really feel the emotion.
  14. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    This is great

    Drinking a million beers + fast and furious + chinese food + Pkew + Souls is probably the best way to sell me on anything
    thebe_st and Toner like this.
  15. whyte39


    whitenblue88 likes this.
  16. Lol hell yeah, thanks for listening!
  17. evanbrock

    For sure! Jonah is good people. I booked a show for him way back in the day w/ Onelinedrawing, Murder By Death, and Bear vs Shark
    Mattww and Elder Lightning like this.
  18. theredline

    Trusted Supporter

    I think I just discovered that. Dang.
    Elder Lightning likes this.
  19. SoCoWilderNeSs Jun 7, 2024
    (Last edited: Jun 7, 2024)

    Regular Supporter

    Going to check out the LOLO album.

    EDIT: Finished the album and really enjoyed it. It had a lot more depth than I thought it would bc when I thought of LOLO I thought "quirky catchy somewhat silly fun alternative tiktok one-liners pop rock". This album changed that for me. Its impressive!

    Of the previously unreleased tracks I think my favorite is "2 of us".
  20. serotoninsummer Jun 7, 2024
    (Last edited: Jun 7, 2024)

    Queer as Heck

    Sometimes I try to add genres to my list but overthink, get overwhelmed, and abandon the idea.

    I'm really digging the Bloomsday album. It's, like, laid back indie folk. They were recently on tour with Rosie Tucker. Jesse Daniel's album is a fun lil jaunt of classic country -- nothing groundbreaking, but some fun instrumentation! There’s a track featuring Merle Haggard’s son (Ben Haggard). Saint Levant is a trilingual Palestinian R&B/hip hop artist. Love the middle eastern beats! He flows seamlessly between english, french, and arabic.

    Tiny Stills - We Really Felt Something
    Bloomsday - Heart of the Artichoke
    Rat Palace - Dust Free Home
    Liz Lawrence - Peanuts
    Saint Levant - DEIRA
    Tradie - But If I Try
    Margaux - Inside the Marble
    Rose Hotel - A Pawn Surrender
    Marina Allen - Eight Pointed Star
    Jesse Daniel - Countin' The Miles
    Kerosene Heights - LEAVING EP

    tbh i’m still pretty stuck on Super American. such high replay value!
  21. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

    reminds me of the bottom line and wstr! thanks for sharing, this Ep rips!! i finally got around to checking it out
    Jellyfish likes this.
  22. Jellyfish


    Thanks a lot for the kind words! Really appreciate you checking it out!
    WadeCastle likes this.
  23. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

    hell yeah! check your DMs on here!!
    Jellyfish likes this.
  24. slickdtc

    Regular Supporter

    I cannot stop playing this Endswell EP. It’s a collection of members from other bands out of Madison, Wisconsin (Excuse Me Who Are You?, Tiny Voices, and Kule). Emo/melodic hardcore, so it’s very yelly but then there’s some punk rock style especially on track 1. Some of the twinkly riffs are just delicious.

    Plus, those Zelda samples are the best. Hopefully Nintendo isn’t listening, lol.