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Accountability in Music • Page 183

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by OhTheWater, Nov 14, 2017.

  1. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    So the whole thing is the brain child of this guy. Poppy herself is kinda just a figure head. The whole situation right now is a dispute between Mar Argo, who claims her gimmick was pulled and she was abused by this Sinclair guy. Poppy herself is a character that is supposed to be based on sentient AI. All of her videos are supposed to be a robot making sense of the world and assimilating. Calling him her master/creator/whatever is just part of the gimmick. The whole thing was cute, but its kind of run its course.

    Poppy has a lot of controversy beyond this. There are a crazy number of youtube pundits who go into crazy depth about all of this stuff. It plays like TMZ and isn't really worth your time.
  2. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    Fair enough. The internet is weird
  3. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    Its crazy really. It doesn't help that the gimmick doesn't work in the real world. Things like this just hurt my head.

  4. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Grimes unfollowed Poppy and followed Mars Argo so there’s probably way more to the story than Grimes just unnecessarily bullying
  5. personalmaps

    citrus & cinnamon Prestigious

    Don’t know about this situation, but I do need women like this to understand that we don’t all have to like each other and get along to be real feminists. I also need them to understand that conflict is not abuse.
    Anna Acosta and vidiviciveni like this.
  6. Sorry if this isn’t the right thread, but the amount of violence at shows has gotten so out of hand. Aside from the whole BMTH situation, tonight in NYC during Seaway’s set this big guy was kicked out because he was throwing himself around the pit and basically hurled himself toward the back, lost his balance, and drove a girl into the wall. She hit her head and needed medical attention. I get that people like to have fun but there is no place for violence especially at a show like this that attracts a generally teenage crowd.
  7. Eclipse


    it's wild to how when people are like maybe no one should be having major injuries everyone's first reaction is to be like "you've clearly never been to a show before this is what its like do you want everyone to stand there and not move!" like the only two options are death battles mid crowd or no movement at all. like if you need to be that level of aggressive to have fun at a seaway show maybe you shouldn't be there

    i saw someone on twitter (first mistake) say how age restrictions are needed because teenagers are more reckless and therefore 21+ shows are safer but nearly every time I've gotten hurt or feared getting hurt at shows its because someone significantly older than me drank too much and was no longer aware of the people around them. I think the actual bigger problem in my own personal experience is just people not looking out for each other or almost competing with the crowd around them rather than trying to have a good time and be considerate to people who want the same.

    sorry, once again I hope this isn't too off topic from both your original comment and the thread and I can delete if it's too much like derailing
    jpmalone4, Mary V, ryanfears and 3 others like this.
  8. EASheartsVinyl

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I agree with everything you said except that I have never felt more unsafe in my life than at huge GA shows with mostly teenagers, not from an aggression standpoint but just the fact that they don’t have any real understanding of space or how to move as a group and the urge to get closer leads to horrific crushing. It’s better now that most shows have only a small pit, but boy do I have some terrible memories from back in the day.
    RedDotRecording and Eclipse like this.
  9. Eclipse


    haha tbh i do have some experience with that, I think in my recent years i have less of that just because the crowd mostly tends to be older. i did have some woman who had to be at least 25 try to physically remove me off the barrier and it was one of those times i had to laugh
    EASheartsVinyl likes this.
  10. All the people who were the most violent last night were significantly older than my friends are.
  11. Gnarly Charlie

    Good guy, but a bad dude

    Really appreciate the bands that condemn that garbage fucking frat boy behavior. ATDI and Circa come to mind but I'm sure there's plenty of others.

    Anti-Flag encourages a rowdy show but they're also cool about making sure people aren't getting stomped and whatnot

    Expressing yourself by pin wheeling your arms and kicking and throwing your body at people is caveman shit. Let people enjoy the show
  12. EASheartsVinyl

    Prestigious Prestigious


    Unrelated to the current conversation but it made me think of some of the discussions here. Also it’s the season for that awful tumblr post spreading around every feed I see and making me want to slam my head on things so this thrilled me.
    dadbolt, ChaseTx, Henry and 2 others like this.
  13. Meghin

    Uhhhhhhhhhh... Supporter

    I was at a free all ages show a few years ago, where Against Me! was playing. I remember trying to help keep a teenage girl safe in the crowd from the rowdy folks surrounding us who were incredibly drunk and flailing about to the point where people could get hurt. There wasn't a strong security presence (that I could see) and I was bummed about having to leave the crowd during the set, but more concerned for my safety. That's never happened to me before. The funny thing is that during the Gwar-B-Q a few months before that set, the part of the crowd I was in for Against Me! was super calm, and super nice. The Gwar fans around me were just surprised a small gal was able to handle herself in the rowdy pit for their set.

    There's no excuse to be violent at shows though. Hurting people doesn't make shows fun at all. I'd rather have a good time enjoying myself instead of having to worry about the safety of people around me/my own safety.
    EASheartsVinyl likes this.
  14. EASheartsVinyl

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Was the all ages show the one in Charlottesville?
  15. Meghin

    Uhhhhhhhhhh... Supporter

    Yup! That's the one.
    EASheartsVinyl likes this.
  16. EASheartsVinyl

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Yeah that was one of those perfect storms of free show + at a brewery + non traditional venue that led to some really not great circumstances. GWAR-B-Q is great though because it has such a local and music family feel that people are always wonderful to each other.
  17. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    there are way worse songs than Baby It's Cold Outside, giddy up jingle horse is way more offensive those aren't words that isn't a thing nothing in Jingle Bell Rock makes sense, and also more explicitly misogynistic songs
    ChaseTx likes this.
  18. EASheartsVinyl

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I don’t disagree. Tons of Christmas music is objectively terrible. But Baby, It’s Cold Outside takes up way too much of the December conversation.
  19. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    Yule shoot your eye out by fall out boy :x
    jpmalone4 likes this.
  20. Blink182Bouncer


    Some stuff came out about Cherry Pools. Not necessarily abuse/rape, but still has a really manipulative vibe and the thread is worth a read.
    Theemoflamingo likes this.
  21. jpmalone4

    Stay Lucky Supporter

    Yeah this keeps coming on my Christmas playlist and I cringe each time, I'm sort of embarrassed by it now.
  22. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Contender likes this.
  23. tshreve


    Collins and Theemoflamingo like this.
  24. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    Matty with the bad take
  25. Ben Lee

    I drink coffee and dad my kids Supporter

    “The reason misogyny doesn’t happen in rock n roll anymore.”
