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Accountability in Entertainment • Page 173

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by OhTheWater, May 11, 2016.

  1. phaynes12 Prestigious

    Hemsworth > Pine > Evans > O’dowd > Paul > Messina > Pratt
  2. what about o'donnell
    GrantCloud and Orla like this.
  3. I just saw someone call it "the chris-course" and now I've lost one of the few pandemic brain cells I had left

    My evidence of this: I laughed
  4. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    Farley>Pin Glover>Kattan>
    Orla, phaynes12, chewbacca110 and 3 others like this.
  5. Chris Pang gotta be in the mix here somewhere
  6. justin.


    Did it hurt Pratt's feelings? I don't recall him ever posting about it. Only his friends who didn't like to see his name tossed around commented on it.

    As for takes on it, I'd just prefer Ruffalo's take and move on.
  7. No idea, I was just being silly
    justin. likes this.
  8. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    Pine is the best one. Plummer is a personal fav Chris
    Orla and phaynes12 like this.
  9. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    Kingjohn_654 likes this.
  10. AndrewSoup

    It's A Secret To Everyone Prestigious

    oh my god, does he ACTUALLY support conversion therapy???
  11. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    the religious group he belongs to does
  12. justin.


    Hopefully not.
    His comment on the church is “My faith is important to me but no church defines me or my life, and I am not a spokesman for any church or group of people. My values define who I am."
  13. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    From what I understand it's a pretty popular Hollywood church (I think Justin Bieber is in it too), and some arms of it support conversion therapy, but the "defense" that those in the Hollywood church use is that their sect doesn't

    I still think it's gross
    Victor Eremita and maldoror like this.
  14. I do not "separate the art from the artist" when it comes to prominent mega-churches

    if your church supports it, maybe pick a different church OR admit your ~values~ are just for show
  15. phaynes12 Prestigious

    joe.boy.fresh. likes this.
  16. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    Dude sounds like a Republican politician deflecting questions about Trump's tweets

    So, he fits right in!
    chewbacca110 likes this.
  17. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    I don't think he's necessarily homophobic but he's pro cops and guns and turned to Jesus when his son was born premature and they were worried he'd have special needs
    Gallhammer, GrantCloud and RyanPm40 like this.
  18. justin.


    I think he sounds like someone who is afraid of leaving a church he doesn't fully agree with. This actually happens a lot and is an issue many people fall into.
    He gave gratitude because the church helped him when going through his divorce. This can cause someone to feel like they can't "hurt those who helped them" by leaving the church although he doesn't agree with them. They feel pressured to continue going.

    I'm not saying this is 100% but I've seen this happen in similar ways.
    TJ Wells likes this.
  19. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    i mean, he said “his values define who he is”, and staying in that church tells us everything we need to know about his values, so
    mad likes this.
  20. mad

    I was right. Prestigious

    anyone involved with hillsong is a piece of shit in my eyes
  21. I have a lot of sympathy for people who feel gratitude to a church that got them through a rough time before realizing it wasn't what they thought it was.

    With that being said... if that's the definition of utmost adversity for Pratt, then... okay. But I'm not gonna spend too much energy rationalizing his decision to remain there because at the end of the day, he's a grown ass man with more privilege than most, who would be as sheltered from any "ramifications" from choosing to leave as it's possible to be.

    In short, Pratt will be fine. The people Hillsong hurts? Not so much.
  22. Zilla

    Prestigious Supporter

    I thought Pratt was a Zoe Church guy, which is still dorky and its leader participated in a movie with an anti-LGBT message in it. Him being Hillsong makes sense too.
  23. justin.


    I agree with this. I'm not saying it's an example of Pratt being a good person, it's just a possible situation based on how similar his comments have been compared to other people that have gone through a church that they felt pressured to stay with.

    There's bound to be a large handful of people who have been hurt by mega-churches like Hillsong and it's a shame that none of this will result in that being realized. It's very much an "unspoken" thing that many people in mega-churches are aware of.
  24. I didn't think you were defending him, I was sort of just expanding on that particular point (because it's a valid thing to consider).

    But I absolutely don't think the wealthy, powerful and famous should be shielded from who they choose to associate with. It's that old "with great power comes great responsibility" chestnut. It got turned into a meme, but points were made.
  25. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    Pratt has 100% come forward saying he supports LGBTQ rights

    However he also claimed his church isn't anti-LGBTQ and that they welcome anyone into its doors, so he's probably a "love the sinner, hate the sin" type, which obviously is quite harmful on its own