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90s Indie Rock • Page 7

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by cwhit, Aug 5, 2016.

  1. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    CoffeeEyes17 likes this.
  2. Surfwax

    bring on the major leagues Supporter

    for me that's Billie, it's like Malkmus's sweetest sounding verse with the most grating chorus of all time.
    matthaber likes this.
  3. Surfwax

    bring on the major leagues Supporter

    Both are great but Loveless is worthy of every bit of hype its ever received and more
    EngineDown likes this.
  4. matthaber

    beautiful and chequered, the end

    most under-rated 90's band: Hefner.

  5. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    nothingsforeverdude likes this.
  6. Chaplain Tappman

    Trusted Prestigious

    what a weird niche for a list
    Zac Djamoos likes this.
  7. Chaplain Tappman

    Trusted Prestigious

    thank god pitchfork took the time to canonize death cab, elliot smith, modest mouse, and the microphones again. what a relief!
  8. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    surprised more k records stuff wasn't listed
  9. EngineDown

    formerly known as chill yoshi

    The Glow, pt. 2 was too low
  10. Cody Prestigious

    Fucking Tortoise, man. Put on TNT this morning, and it will never cease to amaze me. Could every band use this much marimba?
    Yasqueen4 likes this.
  11. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    band is great.
    have you listened to slint or talk talk before? not really in the same realm but two other bands who had a strong influence on post rock
  12. Cody Prestigious

    Oh yeah, I have listened to a lot of (and love) both. Look at me not needing to do any immediate further digging! lol

    Yeah, Spiderland is a huge influence on me as a songwriter (unoriginal), and the last two Talk Talk records obviously have a reputation preceding them (for good reason, since they do pretty much every sound well). Got into both late, but I"m a fan for sure
    cwhit likes this.
  13. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    oh yeah nice! yeah spiderland and spirit of eden (which i actually like more than laughing stock!!!) are classics to me
  14. Cody Prestigious

    When we first started our band, we were like 'covers, what do we work on as we write our own shit? "Breadcrumb Trail" and "Never Meant," obviously.' Then we learned both, played both once, went 'these both sound really bad, right?', and have since sorta sworn off covers, haha
    cwhit likes this.
  15. Cody Prestigious

    Also holy fuck new Jesus and Mary Chain next year on Warner Bros. March 2017 it said. First LP in 18 yeArs
    iCarly Rae Jepsen likes this.
  16. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    I guess they're more alt rock

  17. Cody Prestigious

    The Breeders are so awesome. Listening to Pod for the first time and I love it. This thing is chock full of hooks, and makes me realize how serendipitous it is that Kim and Frank found each other since they clearly write in such similar manners. Also, lot of Hop Along influence on this thing, way more than I expected.
  18. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    Last Splash is such a killer album
  19. EmmanuelSCastle


    i had never thought of this because i always think of Hop Along influences in terms of folk musicians + David Bazan, nice
  20. EmmanuelSCastle


    I was listening to Bedhead yesterday and basically the entire time I was thinking of Mineral, so I have to listen to that first album more to see it for its own thing lol. I enjoyed it though, the three guitars is pretty engaging because since they never hammer on the chords, the riffs seem to kind of hang there, suspended in space. Pretty different from Mineral in that regard, but the twinkling sort of guitar work mixed with this penchant for giving everything breathing room is pretty spot on, I think
    Zac Djamoos likes this.
  21. Cody Prestigious

    Listened to Mars Audiac Quintet for the first time tonight. Very interesting overall (not sure how quickly it's going to push me towards the rest of their discography). Didn't always excite me (though there were some real emotive and climactic moments, especially in the middle segments; see the closing seconds of "Nihilist Assault Group" & "International Colouring Contest"), but this album is cool as hell. Part elevator music, part 'what if everyone in the band Belle and Sebastian was an alien?'. Kind of admire how they can tuck in such self-assured political statements over top such surely happy music.
  22. Importer/Exporter

    he’ll live forever in the sound of broken glass

    This is the thread for me!
    Cody likes this.
  23. EmmanuelSCastle


    how come we have a 90s indie rock thread and a 00's indie rock thread and technically i can't talk about the Smiths and how they compare to REM in so many ways in either of them? smh
    Collins likes this.
  24. Collins


    have you heard the macha loved bedhead ep? the cher cover is my kind of weird.
  25. EmmanuelSCastle


    i haven't, just looked it up and didn't see it on spotify so i'll have to download it when i get home this weekend. how's it compare to the albums? i'm still messing around with the first one, the slowcore stuff really needs me to give it attention for it to click