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Architects - The Sky, The Earth & All Between (February 28, 2025) Album

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Crisp X, Nov 19, 2024.

  1. [​IMG]

    1. Elegy
    2. Whiplash
    3. Blackhole
    4. Everything Ends
    5. Brain Dead (feat. House of Protection)
    6. Evil Eyes
    7. Landmines
    8. Judgement Day (feat. Amira Elfeky)
    9. Broken Mirror
    10. Curse
    11. Seeing Red
    12. Chandelier

    fredwordsmith and Gianni like this.
  2. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band

    Here for the HoP feature
    fredwordsmith likes this.
  3. Gianni


    Let’s goooooooooo

    Jordan Fish all over this one.
  4. tvck

    it's t-vick Supporter

    definitely like Whiplash more on first listen than the other 2 by a lot
    michael_gatto likes this.
  5. Architects tell us about ‘Whiplash’ and new album ‘The Sky, The Earth & All Between’: “If we're not going to fulfil our potential now, when are we?”

    Curious to see how that goes. I did hear shades of their 2014-2018 signature sound on Curse, even if the riff in the verse was a bit buried under layers of production.
  6. Fuck this bunch of transphobic arseholes. As you were.
    mescalineeyes and sakurabluez like this.
  7. why does it feel like all their albums release in February haha
  8. feel like I missed something - was it something the guitarist tweeted or retweeted
    Carrow likes this.
  9. It was yeah, the fact he's still in the band means lines have been drawn as far as I'm concerned!
    mescalineeyes and sakurabluez like this.
  10. JM95


    Wow a jackhammer Meshuggah heavy bit and a pop metalcore chorus...haven't heard that a thousand times before. Colossally bored of these bands.

    At least it leans more on the heavy side. Dig the Gordon Ramsay sample.
    T E A L likes this.
  11. fredwordsmith

    Trusted Supporter

    Dude is a genius. if the spectrum for this record is cursed and whiplash, I can’t wait to see what was in the middle.
    Gianni likes this.
  12. xapplexpiex

    sup? Supporter

    Uh what? More info please?
  13. sakurabluez

    we missed the trees glow gold beneath.

    if i'm not mistaken one of their members was caught liking alpha male/transphobic vids on his twitter before likes were made private. he addressed it by calling it an accident and sam had a whole speech on stage about acceptance and the band being a safe space but that's as far as it's been acknowledged. i feel kinda icky about the whole situation tbh.
    SuddenUrgeJoey and Carrow like this.
  14. Crisp X Nov 20, 2024
    (Last edited: Nov 20, 2024)
    When I try to wrap my head around this, I remember they're friends, had just lost another guitarist and just got off their biggest headlining tour and, lastly, biggest opportunity of their career by supporting Metallica. That's a lot at stake for a band 20 years into their career. Cis people who are direcly not affected by transphobic rhetoric protect each others, and just like I assume every trans person I can speak from my own experience, even more when there's money involved. I sound jaded as fuck but even without this context, I still wasn't expecting them to kick him out because I've seen it all before at a much lower scale. I think of local LGBTQIA+ associations where cis queer folks, who should know better, fuck up and react in similar ways when called out, so for me... the bar was on the floor.

    It sucks because for a band that has shown left leaning, kinda progressive values, it was the moment to show an example as they could've done much more about it. Adam pulled a childish coward move by labelling it all as an accident and Sam only addressing the tweets in a vague manner on stage, meaning most of the audience not clued in to their social media presence probably took it as a generic "we love you" banter, felt weird as well. It's lame that Adam couldn't even come up with a similar sentiment on his own, or write something that shows he takes ownership of his actions. Without knowing if and how much they gave him shit for it behind the scenes and if he intends on challenging his views, it makes me think he doesn't care, may not change at all and that he's just going to get better at hiding them instead. That's the worst case scenario, but I really want to cling to the hope that's not what's going to happen. Anyway, it's a predictable move for cis people collectively branding themselves as allies.

    Actions speak louder than words, so the band donating to Mermaids or another UK trans association that's out there on top of a better statement would've been a better path imo. If you guys are familiar with Slayyyter, when her blatantly racist tweets from her teenage days popped up during the BLM protests, she posted two apologies. I can't find both anymore but I think people had gripes with the first so she came back with another one, days later, that read as more apologetic and followed it up with a call to action (donating to marginalized charities etc.). I always think of hers as one of the most sincere and effective I've seen, compared to what I usually see from the probably often PR crafted statements in the Accountability threads on here.

    Personally the saddest thing I think is I'm just so jaded and the bar is so low that it doesn't even move me anymore, which says probably more about me. I chose not to drop them, and I try to rationalize that by wanting to expect the best from people instead of falling into misanthropy like I have in the past. I don't blame anyone if they're done with the band since because that's exactly what I've done with other acts. You can call me a hypocrite, I'm self aware about it, but if anyone has been in a similar place I wonder if others also grapple with that inconsistency.
    mescalineeyes and youll be fine like this.
  15. cosmickid

    Composer, but never composed.

    even if you are sticking with this band there's a layer of inauthenticity to them now that just makes it all a bit sickly. they just do not represent what they used to, in any sense. it's tough.
  16. Yeah I get that, their preachiness rings hollow from now on
  17. tvck

    it's t-vick Supporter

    zsoty27 and fredwordsmith like this.
  18. T E A L


    Huh, well that’s the heaviest they’ve been in quite some time. I like it?
    fredwordsmith and Gianni like this.
  19. fredwordsmith

    Trusted Supporter

    Sam’s cleans on that chorus are fantastic. And then the rest is heavy as hell. Really dig the solo too; a muscle they have not used in a while.

    I only hope it’s something he could sustain live. It’s one thing to do it on a record and quite another to flip the switch LIKETHAT from the guttural to the soaring when you’re in an arena.
    T E A L likes this.
  20. T E A L


    There’s no way Sam hits that chorus identically live.
  21. tvck

    it's t-vick Supporter

    definitely my favorite of the singles. that heavy staccato section is awesome
  22. They went full on cheese but the solo is rad
  23. cosmickid

    Composer, but never composed.

    the video on its own is genuinely incredible
    zsoty27 and fredwordsmith like this.
  24. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    I think I'll like this album a lot from what's out so far. Some lame lyrics, and a tad overproduced in parts with how syncopated and compressed everything feels, but the hooks are great, the heaviness is there, and overall I dig the sound - feels like what they were going for on the prior albums but didn't quite get there.
  25. jackyjackyjack

