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Greatest Spielberg Film (Championship): Jurassic Park (1) vs. Schindler's List (3)

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Morrissey, May 6, 2022.


What is the better Spielberg film?

Poll closed May 9, 2022.
  1. Jurassic Park

  2. Schindler's List

  1. Morrissey


  2. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    Schindler's List for me.
  3. Serh

    Prestigious Prestigious

    i’m just glad it all came down to my two favorites
    Barresi and Garrett like this.
  4. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    Jurassic Park is infinitely rewatchable and a masterpiece of the art of the blockbuster that still feels fresh and real and new even though technology “has left it behind.”

    But Schindler’s List is arguably one of the most important movies ever made, and the further we get from those events the more that will rise.

    Both absolutely excellent. Went Schindler, but either are worthy winners.
    SpyKi likes this.
  5. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    Some of the CGI in JP looks dated now but on the whole the visuals really hold up in that thing. It’s extremely impressive. There’s an argument to be made that it’s the greatest blockbuster of all time.

    Schindler’s List is an unbelievably great film though.

    This is tough.
  6. Morrissey


    I usually disagree with the idea that you can't compare film quality across genres, but this is about as extreme as you get: the pure escapism and thrills of Jurassic Park versus the capital-s Serious Cinema and harrowing story of Schindler's List. I will probably go with Schindler's List because of where Spielberg was at the time both films came out; he was already the king of blockbusters with Jaws and so many others, while Schindler's List helped to begin his more drama-oriented second act of his career, which we are still living through.

    If I was making a list of films that people have to watch, Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, Jaws, E.T., Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Saving Private Ryan, A.I., and Lincoln would be there. Very few filmmakers have just one film that could be considered so iconic.
    Garrett likes this.
  7. A little over 4 months separate the releases of these two films. That's astounding.
    Garrett likes this.
  8. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    Jurassic Park. Always
  9. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    Schindler's List is an all timer
  10. Morrissey


    My biggest problem with Jurassic Park has always been the fate of Hammond. The kindly old man gets to learn a valuable lesson about playing God while five of his employees are viciously killed by his creations (and four of them did not deserve it!). In the book Hammond is given a much more thematically appropriate fate.
  11. domotime2

    Great Googly Moogly Supporter

    this is the right final 2. One of the greatest blockbusters of all time. Unique story. Fun. Great movie characters. Great toys. Everything you want as a kid and adult.


    Schindlers list.

    im still going Schindlers List.
  12. soggytime


    Can you believe both of these came out in the same year? Spielberg was doing post-production work on Jurassic Park while filming Schindler's List (and also showing Pinky & the Brain clips to lighten the mood on set from a little upcoming cartoon he was producing called Animaniacs)

    Maybe one of the biggest years any filmmaker has ever had? No wonder he had the clout to start a Hollywood Studio called uhhh DREAMWORKS PICTURES right after this
  13. DooDooBird


    I'll have to go with Jurassic Park given the choice. My top two would have been Catch Me If You Can vs The Last Crusade.

    I will see my way out now.

  14. Serh

    Prestigious Prestigious

    went schindlers but i could switch if you talk to me tomorrow
  15. Morrissey


    Life finds a way. Jurassic Park wins.
  16. Sean Murphy

    i'll never delete a post Supporter
