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    Dismiss Notice Pokémon Draft League

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by JRShoenberger, Feb 13, 2020.

  1. JRShoenberger Feb 13, 2020
    (Last edited: Mar 23, 2020)


    Welcome all!

    This is the Alpha version of the Pokémon Draft League

    We will be using Pokémon Showdown (Pokémon Showdown! battle simulator) for team building and battling. You will not need to breed or own any of these Pokémon.

    Online resources:
    Pokemon Showdown Teambuilder
    Galar Pokedex
    Gamewith Singles Tier List
    Smogon Pokedex/ Sample Builds

    General League Rules:
    - Teams will be made up of 10 Pokémon each, no repeats across or with teams
    - Each team will have:
    1 G-Max Pokemon
    3 OU Pokémon
    6 UU or below Pokémon
    - Tiers establishes by Pokémon Showdown will be used
    - Established Gen 8 Meta will be used
    - Single battles will be used
    - Battles will be 6 v. 6
    - The six Pokémon can vary from battle to battle
    - Pokemon builds and move sets may change between battles, but the team of 10 Pokémon must remain constant
    - Sleep Clause is in effect
    - Baton Pass is banned

    Draft rules
    - Draft will use a snake draft format, with initial order bring randomized (Ex. 1,2,3,3,2,1)
    - Teams will be made up of 10 Pokémon each, no repeats across or with teams
    - Each team will have:
    1 G-Max Pokemon
    3 OU Pokémon
    6 UU or below Pokémon
    - Tiers establishes by Pokémon Showdown will be used
    - Pokemon can be drafted in any order regardless if tier (ex. Round 1 isn’t only for G-Max Pokémon)
    - Pokemon must be available in Galar Regional Pokédex: Galar Region Pokédex - Pokémon Sword & Shield
    - No legendaries

    Battles/League Schedules
    - Two battles per week will be scheduled
    - You and your opponent should set up date and time to do battles
    - All scheduled battles should be completed before 11:59pm on Saturdays
    - The new week starts on Sundays
    - Winner/Loser must be posted in this thread after each battle
    - Regular season details: TBA
    - Championship bracket will be seeded using regular season records

    Teams DRAFT ORDER:
    1. @Shrek - SoHo Slobros
    2. @PeacefulOrca - Portland Timburrs
    3. @DerekIsAGooner - Los Angeles Luxrays
    4. @Jake W - New York Manhatterenes
    5. @JRShoenberger - Pittsburgh Steelix
    6. @Garrett L. - Tennessee Typhlosion
    7. @CarpetElf - Orlando Magikarp
    8. @zigbigwig - Cleveland Escavalier
    9. @Fucking Dustin - Dallas Starmie
    10. @morgantayler - Miami Heatmor
    11. @Henry - Philadelphia Flygons
    12. @thenewmatthewperry - Denver Duskskulls


    SoHo Slobros - @Shrek 5-5
    Week 1, 2/18 – 2/23: Miami Heatmor (LOSS), Pittsburgh Steelix (LOSS)
    Week 2, 2/24 – 3/1: LA Luxrays (WIN), Denver Duskulls (WIN)
    Week 3, 3/2 – 3/8: Orlando Magikarp (WIN), Philadelphia Flygons (WIN)
    Week 4, 3/9 – 3/15: Dallas Starmie (LOSS), Tennessee Typhlosion (WIN)
    Week 5, 3/16 – 3/22: Cleveland Escavalier (LOSS), New York Manhatterenes (LOSS)

    LA Luxrays - @DerekIsAGooner 6–4
    Week 1, 2/18 – 2/23: Denver Duskulls (WIN), Miami Heatmor (WIN)
    Week 2, 2/24 – 3/1: Orlando Magikarp (WIN), SoHo Slobros (LOSS)
    Week 3, 3/2 – 3/8: Philadelphia Flygons (WIN), Tennessee Typhlosion (WIN)
    Week 4, 3/9 – 3/15: Cleveland Escavalier (LOSS), Dallas Starmie (LOSS)
    Week 5, 3/16 – 3/22: Portland, Timburrs (WIN), New York Manhatterenes (LOSS)

    New York Manhatterenes - @JakeW 8-2
    Week 1, 2/18 – 2/23: Tennessee Typhlosion (WIN), Dallas Starmie (WIN)
    Week 2, 2/24 – 3/1: Orlando Magikarp (WIN), Cleveland Escavalier (LOSS)
    Week 3, 3/2 – 3/8: Pittsburgh Steelix (WIN), Portland Timburrs (LOSS)
    Week 4, 3/9 – 3/15: Denver Duskulls (WIN), Miami Heatmor (WIN)
    Week 5, 3/16 – 3/22: SoHo Slobros (WIN), LA Luxrays (WIN)

    Pittsburgh Steelix - @JRShoenberger 4-6
    Week 1, 2/18 – 2/23: SoHo Slobros (WIN), Philadelphia Flygons (LOSS)
    Week 2, 2/24 – 3/1: Tennessee Typhlosion (WIN), Dallas Starmie (WIN)
    Week 3, 3/2 – 3/8: New York Manhatterenes (LOSS), Cleveland Escavalier (LOSS)
    Week 4, 3/9 – 3/15: Orlando Magikarp (LOSS), Portland Timburr (LOSS)
    Week 5, 3/16 – 3/22: Miami Heatmor (LOSS), Denver Dusksulls (WIN)

    Tennessee Typhlosion - @GarrettL. 4-6
    Week 1, 2/18 – 2/23: New York Manhatterenes (LOSS), Portland Timburr (LOSS)
    Week 2, 2/24 – 3/1: Miami Heatmor (WIN), Pittsburgh Steelix (LOSS)
    Week 3, 3/2 – 3/8: Denver Duskulls (WIN), LA Luxrays (LOSS)
    Week 4, 3/9 – 3/15: Philadelphia Flygons (WIN), SoHo Slobros (LOSS)
    Week 5, 3/16 – 3/22: Orlando Magikarp (WIN), Dallas Starmie (LOSS)

    Orlando Magikarp - @CarpetElf 1-9
    Week 1, 2/18 – 2/23: Denver Duskulls (LOSS), Cleveland Escavalier (LOSS)
    Week 2, 2/24 – 3/1: New York Manhatterenes (LOSS), LA Luxrays (LOSS)
    Week 3, 3/2 – 3/8: SoHo Slobros (LOSS), Portland Timburrs (LOSS)
    Week 4, 3/9 – 3/15: Pittsburgh Steelix (WIN), Philadelphia Flygons (LOSS)
    Week 5, 3/16 – 3/22: Tennesee Typhlosion (LOSS), Miami Heatmor (LOSS)

    Cleveland Escavalier - @zigbigwig 10-0
    Week 1, 2/18 – 2/23: Dallas Starmie (WIN), Orlando Magikarp (WIN)
    Week 2, 2/24 – 3/1: New York Manhatterenes(WIN), Portland Timburrs (WIN)
    Week 3, 3/2 – 3/8: Pittsburgh Steelix (WIN), Miami Heatmor (WIN)
    Week 4, 3/9 – 3/15: Denver Duskulls (WIN), LA Luxrays (WIN)
    Week 5, 3/16 – 3/22: SoHo Slobros (WIN), Philadelphia Flygons (WIN)

    Dallas Starmie - @FuckingDustin 7-3
    Week 1, 2/18 – 2/23: Cleveland Escavalier (LOSS), New York Manhatterenes (LOSS)
    Week 2, 2/24 – 3/1: Portland Timburrs (WIN), Pittsburgh Steelix (LOSS)
    Week 3, 3/2 – 3/8: Miami Heatmor (WIN), Denver Duskulls (WIN)
    Week 4, 3/9 – 3/15: SoHo Slobros (WIN), LA Luxrays (WIN)
    Week 5, 3/16 – 3/22: Philadelphia Flygons (WIn), Tennessee Typhlosion (WIN)

    Miami Heatmor - @morgantaylor 5-5
    Week 1, 2/18 – 2/23: SoHo Slobros (WIN), LA Luxrays (LOSS)
    Week 2, 2/24 – 3/1: Philadelphia Flygons (WIN), Tennesee Typhlosion (LOSS)
    Week 3, 3/2 – 3/8: Dallas Starmie (LOSS), Cleveland Escavalier (LOSS)
    Week 4, 3/9 – 3/15: Portland Timburrs (WIN), New York Manhatterenes (LOSS)
    Week 5, 3/16 – 3/22: Orlando Magikarp (WIN), Pittsburgh Steelix (WIN)

    Philadelphia Flygons - @Laura 3-7
    Week 1, 2/18 – 2/23: Portland Timburrs (WIN), Pittsburgh Steelix (WIN)
    Week 2, 2/24 – 3/1: Denver Duskulls (LOSS), Miami Heatmor (LOSS)
    Week 3, 3/2 – 3/8: LA Luxrays (LOSS), SoHo Slobros (LOSS)
    Week 4, 3/9 – 3/15: Orlando Magikarp (WIN), Tennessee Typhlosion (LOSS)
    Week 5, 3/16 – 3/22: Cleveland Escavalier (LOSS), Dallas Starmie (LOSS)

    Denver Duskulls - @thenewmatthewperry 2-8
    Week 1, 2/18 – 2/23: Orlando Magikarp (WIN), LA Luxrays (LOSS)
    Week 2, 2/24 – 3/1: Philadelphia Flygons (WIN), SoHo Slobros (LOSS)
    Week 3, 3/2 – 3/8: Dallas Starmie (LOSS), Tennesee Typhlosion (LoSS)
    Week 4, 3/9 – 3/15: New York Manhatterenes (LOSS), Cleveland Escavalier (LOSS)
    Week 5, 3/16 – 3/22: Pittsburgh Steelix (LOSS), Portland Timburrs (LOSS)


    SoHo Slobros
    GMAX – Corviknight
    OU – Dracovish
    OU – Sylveon
    OU – Pelipper
    UU – Shiftry
    UU – Toxicroak
    UU – Coalossal
    UU – Heliolisk
    UU – Indeedee
    UU – Bronzong

    Portland Timburrs
    GMAX – Snorlax
    OU – Dragapult
    OU – Rotom-Wash
    OU – Mandibuzz
    UU – Arcanine
    UU – Duraludon
    UU – Alcreamie
    UU – Hippowdon
    UU – Glaceon
    UU – Vikavolt

    LA Luxrays
    GMAX – Toxtricity
    OU – Aegislash
    OU – Togekiss
    OU – Hawlucha
    UU – Flygon
    UU – Baraskewda
    UU – Centiskorch
    UU – Sirfetched
    UU – Lapras
    UU - Malamar

    New York Manhatterenes
    GMAX – Copperajah
    OU – Gyarados
    OU – Dugtrio
    OU – Obstagoon
    UU – Galarian Corsola
    UU – Avalugg
    UU – Espeon
    UU – Bibaracle
    UU – Galvantula
    UU – Goodra

    Pittsburgh Steelix
    GMAX – Centiskorch
    OU – Excadrill
    OU – Conkeldurr
    OU – Seismitoad
    UU – Braviary
    UU – Rhyperior
    UU – Ribombee
    UU – Weavile
    UU – Rillaboom
    UU – Togedemaru

    Tennessee Typhlosion
    GMAX – Charizard
    OU – Clefable
    OU – Rotom-Mow
    OU – Crawdaunt
    UU – Milotic
    UU – Reuniclus
    UU – Jolteon
    UU – Machamp
    UU – Torkoal
    UU – Scrafty

    Orlando Magikarp
    GMAX – Lapras
    OU – Gengar
    OU – Grimmsnarl
    OU – Toxtricity
    UU – Lucario
    UU – Mamoswine
    UU – Ludicolo
    UU – Galarian Rapidash
    UU – Charizard
    UU – Vileplume

    Cleveland Escavalier
    GMAX – Hatterene
    OU – Tyranitar
    OU – Ferrothorn
    OU – Rotom-Heat
    UU – Sableye
    UU – Quagsire
    UU – Sigylph
    UU – Oranguru
    UU – Vaporeon
    UU – Diggersby

    Dallas Starmie
    GMAX – Grimmsnarl
    OU – Hatterene
    OU – Ditto
    OU – Dracozolt
    UU – Whimsicott
    UU – Gothitelle
    UU – Jellicent
    UU – Galarian Mr. Mime
    UU – Drapion
    UU – Morpeko

    Miami Heatmor
    GMAX – Orbeetle
    OU – Corviknight
    OU – Cinderace
    OU – Hydreigon
    UU – Gastrodon
    UU – Gardevoir
    UU – Haxorus
    UU – Doublade
    UU – Gigilith
    UU – Durant

    Philadelphia Flygons
    GMAX – Butterfree
    OU – Kommo-o
    OU – Toxapex
    OU – Cloyster
    UU – Umbreon
    UU – Galarian Weezing
    UU – Dusklops
    UU – Roserade
    UU – Shedinja
    UU - Eiscue

    Denver Duskskulls
    GMAX – Gengar
    OU – Mimikyu
    OU – Cofagrigus
    OU – Dhelmise
    UU – Polteageist
    UU – Dusknoir
    UU – Chandelure
    UU – Frosslass
    UU – Trevenent
    UU – Golurk
    AOlvera09, zigbigwig and Shrek like this.
  2. PeacefulOrca Feb 13, 2020
    (Last edited: Feb 13, 2020)

    Prestigious Prestigious

  3. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Pittsburgh piplups
    Pittsburgh patrats

    Would've also been good
  4. JRShoenberger


    Solid choices!
    PeacefulOrca likes this.
  5. Fucking Dustin

    I'll always edit a post Supporter

    Hi I'm here trying to think of a name
    zigbigwig, CarpetElf and PeacefulOrca like this.
  6. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I've been trying to think of one and none are very good for Houston or Dallas

    Houston ekans?

    Houston rockruff?

    Austin Tauros?

    Austin rhyhorns?!?
    Fucking Dustin likes this.
  7. JRShoenberger


    Bouffalant are Longhorns. But Texas Bouffalant doesn’t quite roll off the tongue
    Fucking Dustin likes this.
  8. Fucking Dustin

    I'll always edit a post Supporter

    San Antonio Espurrs maybe

    Or maybe Dallas Dracovish
    PeacefulOrca and morgantayler like this.
  9. morgantayler

    Pink Pony Club Prestigious

    I think I’ll do Miami Heatmor, since Heatmor is actually in Gen 8 lol. Both are good though!
  10. Oh i am so in
    Fucking Dustin likes this.
  11. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Don't you hate the Spurs? That's a great one tho, I just assumed being a mavs fan you hated them
  12. Fucking Dustin

    I'll always edit a post Supporter

    CarpetElf likes this.
  13. Fucking Dustin

    I'll always edit a post Supporter

    I do hate them Haha but the name is so good
    CarpetElf and PeacefulOrca like this.
  14. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Dallas magcargo?
  15. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    I’d be terrible at this but also Tennessee Typhlosion
    PeacefulOrca likes this.
  16. Fucking Dustin

    I'll always edit a post Supporter

    I think ima do Dallas Dracovish

    Lock it in
    JRShoenberger and PeacefulOrca like this.
  17. Fucking Dustin

    I'll always edit a post Supporter

    A nice homage to the defunct Desperados
    PeacefulOrca likes this.
  18. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Matt is on his own with the jags name, liepard?
  19. JRShoenberger


    Did I miss anyone from the Pokémon thread?

    We’re going to cap it at 12.
  20. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I have three names I really like but I think I'm gonna go with the Portland Timburrs
  21. Fucking Dustin

    I'll always edit a post Supporter

    That's a good one
    PeacefulOrca likes this.
  22. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I really don't like the Knicks or I would have went with the New York nickits, loved that one so much
    JRShoenberger and Fucking Dustin like this.
  23. Shrek

    sleigh bells 4ever Prestigious

    SoHo Slowbros please
    Fucking Dustin and PeacefulOrca like this.
  24. JRShoenberger


    That’s a good one.
    PeacefulOrca likes this.
  25. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Shrek likes this.