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3OH!3 Are Back

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Nov 10, 2020.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    This article has been imported from for discussion. All of the forum rules still apply.

    3OH!3 have announced their return and that new music is coming soon.

    What? You thought the bad news from 2020 was over?


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    Brent likes this.
  2. ARo24


    Dam, was really hoping for that Brokencyde return instead.
  3. xenoabe


    3OH!3 is only nostalgic in that they hit during peak days.
    Analog Drummer and Brent like this.
  4. DandonTRJ

    ~~~ヾ(^∇^ Supporter

  5. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    The first 3OH3! album has some bangers on it, but I didn't follow anything afterwards
    Analog Drummer, DaveyA89 and Brent like this.
  6. Or we could get Brokencyde and 3OH3 to join forces?
  7. ARo24


    Let’s do it! Might as well add Hollywood Undead to the mix too!
  8. WasteSomeTime


    I don’t listen to 3oh3 but they are different then brokencyde. 3oh3 seems like two guys just having fun not trying to be anything other then that and they know that. Brokencyde legitimately thought they were great and would change music.
  9. DaveyA89


    Chase Tremaine and waterloobeam like this.
  10. CyberInferno

    Line below my username Supporter

    They were actually decently fun at warped tour in 2018. I'm not against this. Silly stupid dance music is fine sometimes.
  11. steve187


    they weren't great but to compare them(or anyone really) to brokencyde is wildly disrespectful ha. i can't lie, i am a bit curious what antz the fog machine guy is to to these days though
  12. MatthewLowry

    Newbie Supporter

    Say what you will, but these guys are fun as hell and always have been. Plus, I thought Mad At You off of Night Sports was a jam. That and My Dick.
    JRGComedy likes this.
  13. Colby Searcy

    Is admired for his impeccable (food) tastes Prestigious

    Crazy to think Hollywood Undead had been active this whole time
    SuNDaYSTaR likes this.
  14. SFguitar


    It's really weird how huge they got back in the day and then seemingly lost all popularity quickly afterwards. Guess it's that 15 minutes of fame thing. Their first 2 albums have some jams.
    Brent likes this.
  15. I Am Mick

    @gravebug Prestigious

    Brokencyde never went away, i think they ditched the screamy scene shit and just make really shitty trap music now
  16. I stumbled on them at Warped Tour. They played right after Katy Perry, haha. I had no idea who they were, but I thought they were pretty fun. I bought their CD from them (the first album) and listened to it that whole summer, but then was over them pretty soon after that haha.
  17. btr

    Fan of Hammers Supporter

    Want and Streets of Gold would be even bigger if released in the late 2010s rather than 2008/2010
  18. tshreve


    I couldn't disagree more honestly.
    While I enjoy both of those albums, 3OH!3 is definitely a band that could not have blown up in any period of time other than when they did
  19. btr

    Fan of Hammers Supporter

    They are definitely a sign of that era, but I feel like between college kids/tik tok/the edm scene they could have gotten some serious traction similar to what how they did back then. You lose the Hot Topic crowd for sure though
  20. ZeoVGM


    Feels silly to have a news post just to shit on a group.

    Kind of excited about this. Their first couple albums have some really catchy pop songs.
    SFguitar and tshreve like this.
  21. AsfAstAswegofar


    I saw them when I was at the impressionable age I was at to like 3Oh!3 and it was literally them and an ihome connected to speakers. It was so cringey now when I look back on this, but sometimes cringey is okay. File them in a guilty pleasure, at least Want and Streets of Gold for me.