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2024-2025 NFL Season Pink Pony Club • Page 852

Discussion in 'Sports Forum' started by Drew Beringer, Mar 14, 2024.

  1. Dinkleberg

    Go birds Supporter

    The people’s father
    Sean Murphy likes this.
  2. MidDave

    "Draft Day" is a good film Supporter

    Milo is gonna come up to me one day so cute and ask to play Mario Kart, and on that day, on that rainbow road, he will truly know suffering.
    David-, Shakriel and Sean Murphy like this.
  3. Dinkleberg

    Go birds Supporter

    Fuck rainbow road
  4. MidDave

    "Draft Day" is a good film Supporter

    If you can’t handle the intergalactic heat, stay out the kart.
  5. Shakriel

    Cause I'm running low on these hours of mine Prestigious

    “Every game you lose is one semester of college you pay for”
    Dinkleberg likes this.
  6. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

    this is how we have seen spiff tuck young kirb in at night

  7. Fucking Dustin

    Prestigious Supporter

    It’s so bad
    David-, Indigo, CarpetElf and 3 others like this.
  8. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

    spiff lettin kirb ditch him in the lollipop woods

    truly embarrassing stuff
  9. Fucking Dustin

    Prestigious Supporter

    It’s a participation trophy ass game, playing it is the closest I get to being a boomer other than owning property
    David-, Indigo, CarpetElf and 4 others like this.
  10. imthegrimace

    the poster formally known as thesheriff Supporter

    can confirm
    GrantCloud and Sean Murphy like this.
  11. imthegrimace

    the poster formally known as thesheriff Supporter

    Let’s do a candy land zoom
    GrantCloud, Shakriel, Indigo and 3 others like this.
  12. Randall Mentzos

    Listen to my EP: terrainofficial Prestigious

    We could choose so many better themes lol
    Shakriel likes this.
  13. Could do a Sunday night football zoom when the season starts
  14. MidDave

    "Draft Day" is a good film Supporter

    Could we? I’d def get on zoom to watch like Josh and Spiffa duke it out in the gumdrop forest haha
  15. Indigo


    Good beer
  16. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I can’t believe murph isn’t on a date tonight
  17. Indigo


    Randall absolutely melting down getting stuck in Molasses Swamp when he’s about to win it
  18. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Randall: this isn’t Tampa two zone coverage!
    CarpetElf and imthegrimace like this.
  19. JRShoenberger


    @Shakriel what part of SF are you in? Our hotel is in Nob Hill and it smells like pee everywhere.
    PeacefulOrca and Indigo like this.
  20. imthegrimace

    the poster formally known as thesheriff Supporter

    lol classic shak
  21. Shakriel

    Cause I'm running low on these hours of mine Prestigious

    I’m not in SF itself. I live in the East Bay past Oakland. And yeah some of the city doesn’t smell the best. But that’s all big cities tbf
  22. JRShoenberger


    Yeah. That’s true. Apparently just a couple of blocks away is where the largest instances of homelessness exist are. So that doesn’t help, obviously.
    Shakriel likes this.
  23. Shakriel

    Cause I'm running low on these hours of mine Prestigious

    Yeah. When all the homeless for a lot of states get dumped at your door and the state has temperate weather, things will be a struggle.
  24. morgantayler

    Pink Pony Club Prestigious

  25. Randall Mentzos

    Listen to my EP: terrainofficial Prestigious

    I’d love if we made this a regular thing even if only a few of us were available some weeks
    David- and Shakriel like this.