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2024-2025 NFL Season Pink Pony Club • Page 851

Discussion in 'Sports Forum' started by Drew Beringer, Mar 14, 2024.

  1. Shakriel

    Cause I'm running low on these hours of mine Prestigious

    You are not wrong.

    but how does that help You?
  2. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

  3. Shakriel

    Cause I'm running low on these hours of mine Prestigious

    "hey babe, Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace has a long tongue..."
    WanderingSquall and Dinkleberg like this.
  4. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

  5. Shakriel

    Cause I'm running low on these hours of mine Prestigious

    Josh can use that line and report back on its effectiveness then
  6. Dinkleberg

    Go birds Supporter

  7. Shakriel

    Cause I'm running low on these hours of mine Prestigious

  8. Dinkleberg

    Go birds Supporter

    Next time I go on a date, I’ll be sure to bring up Jar Jar
  9. Shakriel

    Cause I'm running low on these hours of mine Prestigious

    If I went on a date (lol) and mentioned Jar Jar, the only good responses are to stab me in the gut or mention how its sad how much shit the actor got because george lucas is a bad writer
  10. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

    she loves star wars and disney and video games and pokemon and total dork shit like me so bringing up jarjar may not be the detriment to the evening that youd think
  11. Fucking Dustin

    Prestigious Supporter

    I love that you mentioned Disney as if you stumbled upon the rarity of a Disney fan in the dating pool
  12. Shakriel

    Cause I'm running low on these hours of mine Prestigious

  13. If she’s a Disney adult Murph can vacation with grant
  14. JoshIsMediocre

    Prestigious Supporter

    You could go too but not Kirby
    GrantCloud and Fucking Dustin like this.
  15. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

  16. Shakriel

    Cause I'm running low on these hours of mine Prestigious

    Disney adults are scary.

    nothing wrong with enjoying disneyland, etc. and i do too, but there's like a limit one shouldnt pass,

    looking at you @GrantCloud
  17. JoshIsMediocre

    Prestigious Supporter

    calling Grant and murph disney adults is very insulting

    there are so many that are so much worse
    GrantCloud, CarpetElf and Sean Murphy like this.
  18. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

    rank them
  19. Dinkleberg

    Go birds Supporter

  20. imthegrimace

    the poster formally known as thesheriff Supporter

    it was great, they sounded fantastic and the crowd was really into. Had no idea Ben played drums. He jumped behind the kit for a few postal service songs. Fun night.
    JRShoenberger likes this.
  21. imthegrimace

    the poster formally known as thesheriff Supporter

    ahh a nerd
    Sean Murphy and JoshIsMediocre like this.
  22. Dinkleberg

    Go birds Supporter

  23. He rubs it in when he beats me in candy land but that game is bullshit.
  24. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

    when grimace and i drink in spiffs abandoned nextdoor house we look through his windows and can confirm hes never let ol kirb win a damn thing

    hes even stomped all over his lego creations before

    hes raising a true american patriot man