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2024-2025 NFL Season Pink Pony Club • Page 1797

Discussion in 'Sports Forum' started by Drew Beringer, Mar 14, 2024.

  1. Donnie Ruth

    Trusted Supporter

    Right??? Also feels so underwhelming in comparison to her last album and riding off the supreme & absolute bop of Serotonin. Like Serotonin had me READY
    whitenblue88 likes this.
  2. imthegrimace

    the poster formally known as thesheriff Supporter

    I was at Primanti’s with my best friend and they were playing the classic 2006 bears cardinals game with Rex Grossman and Matt Leinhart where the bears won despite Grossman having like 6 turnovers.
    GrantCloud and JoshIsMediocre like this.
  3. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    seeing Sabrina, Renee and Chappell at Coachella was crazy

    it’s why I support that fest
    Donnie Ruth and MidDave like this.
  4. JoshIsMediocre

    Prestigious Supporter

    We let em off the hook
    WanderingSquall and imthegrimace like this.
  5. morgantayler

    Pink Pony Club Prestigious

    Won’t get Sabrina but I’m going to All things Go NY so we’ve got Chappell, Renee, and Muna. Plus Janelle Mona’s and Julien Baker on the second night. #blessed
  6. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    I’ve only seen Julien with Boygenius but I’m jelly of all three. I’m only a festival person so I gotta pray all my faves hit the festival circuit lol.
    morgantayler likes this.
  7. Fucking Dustin

    Prestigious Supporter

    I saw Monae like over a decade ago and she was so incredible
    CarpetElf likes this.
  8. JoshIsMediocre

    Prestigious Supporter

    Texas Flood likes this.
  9. MidDave

    "Draft Day" is a good film Supporter

    God the bear is good
    Randall Mentzos likes this.
  10. phaynes12 Prestigious

  11. Randall Mentzos

    Listen to my EP: terrainofficial Prestigious

    My job rules

    both the *main* servers who have been here forever just left… door is wide open for me to ask for an hourly raise in a couple months, cause I’ll now be the one coming early to fold napkins and training new servers

    trying to keep up my current streak of being on time or early (which is super hard for me for some reason) so they have no reason to refuse me. Manager told me tonight she’s really impressed with how much menu knowledge I’ve developed in such a short time and that it’s rare a new employee can elaborate on so much of the menu for guests

    Tips are already great, pretty close to the most I’ve ever made per night at a restaurant (my first job in Baltimore was slightly more, but way more hours and way more pressure / shitty managers / rude coworkers etc). If I can add a legit $15 an hour wage to those tips I’ll be set.
  12. dorfmac


    What restaurant?
  13. Randall Mentzos

    Listen to my EP: terrainofficial Prestigious

    Magdalena, in the Ivy Hotel
  14. dorfmac


    if I got the pork belly could I sub out the Brussels sprouts for something else?
  15. Randall Mentzos

    Listen to my EP: terrainofficial Prestigious

    Sure, right now our other veggies are asparagus and broccolini. Crazy as it sounds, that’s like my least favorite thing on the menu haha. The brandy & brown sugar reduction is too heavy on the brown sugar, it kinda makes it too sweet and not savory enough
  16. Randall Mentzos

    Listen to my EP: terrainofficial Prestigious

    Nothing on the menu is bad but everything else is outstanding and that’s just “interesting” but not like an amazing flavor
  17. CarpetElf

    douglas Prestigious

    Bad Boys is such a perfect time capsule.
    Joe4th and Randall Mentzos like this.
  18. Randall Mentzos

    Listen to my EP: terrainofficial Prestigious

    CarpetElf likes this.
  19. Randall Mentzos

    Listen to my EP: terrainofficial Prestigious

    @CarpetElf you would love my restaurant. They have every scotch, whiskey and high end gin that you could imagine and everything is fully gluten free except the literal bread and pasta lol
    theagentcoma and CarpetElf like this.
  20. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

    love a scotch
    Indigo, theagentcoma and Texas Flood like this.
  21. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

    hell i love two scotches
  22. morgantayler

    Pink Pony Club Prestigious

    I love a whiteclaw surge
  23. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

    Indigo and morgantayler like this.
  24. MidDave

    "Draft Day" is a good film Supporter

    Tornado watch baybayyyy
    Indigo, CarpetElf and Texas Flood like this.
  25. phaynes12 Prestigious

    Texas Flood likes this.