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2024-2025 NFL Season Pink Pony Club • Page 105

Discussion in 'Sports Forum' started by Drew Beringer, Mar 14, 2024.

  1. Fucking Dustin

    Prestigious Supporter

    I mean I would have 0 touchbacks if I punted for a NFL team
  2. CarpetElf

    douglas Prestigious

    Yeah that's not necessarily a good thing lol
  3. Fucking Dustin

    Prestigious Supporter

  4. Indigo


    That guy is the worst. Not surprising at all to see him get caught just making stuff up.
    JoshIsMediocre likes this.
  5. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

  6. MidDave

    "Draft Day" is a good film Supporter

    Being realistic is dumb. Dunk with us elf, dunk with us.
    CarpetElf likes this.
  7. Indigo


    That being said, Diggs did get caught up in the same reactions as everyone being HYPE about cutting Adams... so maybe he didn't love the fan reaction.
    JoshIsMediocre and CarpetElf like this.
  8. Indigo


    I have GOT to stop assuming a second post won't get interrupted by like five other posts.
  9. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

    we stay posting
    Indigo and JoshIsMediocre like this.
  10. xbrokendownx

    Lets Go. Prestigious

    Waddle is gonna get $30m/year huh
    JoshIsMediocre and CarpetElf like this.
  11. Fucking Dustin

    Prestigious Supporter

    It's the first potentially bragging stat I'm 100% confident I could do
    JoshIsMediocre and CarpetElf like this.
  12. MidDave

    "Draft Day" is a good film Supporter

    After they make Tua the highest paid QB in football lol
    Indigo, JoshIsMediocre and CarpetElf like this.
  13. JoshIsMediocre

    Prestigious Supporter

    I was curious and he was 10th in net average and 22nd in punts downed inside the 20

    what are we doing here
    CarpetElf likes this.
  14. CarpetElf

    douglas Prestigious

    If you wait longer he could get closer to 40 lol
  15. CarpetElf

    douglas Prestigious

    You may be shocked to learn this, I know I was, but when you're punting from your own end zone, the ball doesn't often reach the other end zone.
    JoshIsMediocre likes this.
  16. JoshIsMediocre

    Prestigious Supporter

    he also only had 13 punts fair caught!!!
    CarpetElf likes this.
  17. xbrokendownx

    Lets Go. Prestigious

    I am not really in the mood for Tua discourse when he signs his contract tbh

    its gonna be $50+m/year AAV technically but its basically gonna be a 3 year deal I would imagine. Miami is great at structuring contracts.
    CarpetElf likes this.
  18. JoshIsMediocre

    Prestigious Supporter

    then why is their cap situation so bad
    CarpetElf likes this.
  19. JoshIsMediocre

    Prestigious Supporter

    also you better get in the mood buddy
    Zach, Sean Murphy and CarpetElf like this.
  20. Fucking Dustin

    Prestigious Supporter

    Anyone when a player signs a contract: Lmfao what a clown
    Anyone when a player on their own team signs a contract: Actually when you think about it this is good
  21. xbrokendownx

    Lets Go. Prestigious

  22. JoshIsMediocre

    Prestigious Supporter

    oh look at that the colts also gave up the 9th most punt return yards

    why is celebrating their punter bothering me so much
    CarpetElf likes this.
  23. Fucking Dustin

    Prestigious Supporter

    It's your first time as a Chiefs fan seeing a punter, it's understandable
    CarpetElf and JoshIsMediocre like this.
  24. JoshIsMediocre

    Prestigious Supporter

    well they did have the 8th fewest punts in 2023
    Fucking Dustin likes this.
  25. MidDave

    "Draft Day" is a good film Supporter

    Because I'm a man of honesty and consistency...just like I compared Gabe Davis to Kendrick Bourne, I'mma do it to Jerry Jeudy too because it's funny.

    Kendrick Bourne: 3.09 Catches / 40 Yards / .24 TDs
    Jerry Jeudy: 3.87 Catches / 43 Yards / .20 TDs

    Per game since 2021
    Indigo likes this.