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2023 MLB Season Baseball • Page 475

Discussion in 'Sports Forum' started by Sean Murphy, Feb 13, 2023.

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  1. slimfenix182


    Overall this had to be considered a good year for the Sox in that most of the question marks turned out good like you pointed out up there. It's about time a first base prospect looked like it was gonna work out for them.
    TheJMan likes this.
  2. TheJMan


    Yeah absolutely. I think Bloom has done a good job in the few years he’s been here with building back up the farm system which has bare when he took it over. I think it’s time for them to go big a one of the Japanese SPers this offseason and use their OF log jam and prospects to make some trades this offseason.

    1B prospects have certainly been a big miss since Mo Vaughn. Although outside of Lars Anderson and Anthony Rizzo none of them are really highly thought of. Dalbec and Chaves always had question marks because of their big swing/miss rates. Bloom needs to find a stopgap 2B until Mayer is ready to push Story back to 2nd.

    With a good winter I wouldn’t be surprised if they make the playoffs.
    slimfenix182 likes this.
  3. peoplearepoison

    It’s a perfect day for letting go... Supporter

    I’m just not a fan of Bloom. He is just too conservative for my liking. I just feel like you’re the kind of team that needs to be a contender every year, but obviously we are paying for that World Series in 18. Something has got to give. Big fan of Bello and Casas. Lots of stuff to improve upon though.

    Also, a Red Sox and 1989 Batman guy? How are we not friends?
  4. TheJMan


    I think Bloom is too much of a numbers guy. He saw the team had like a 25% chance the make the playoffs at the deadline and decided to stand pat instead of trading prospects for rentals with the hope they could make a run. He has shown that he can make a splash at the deadline (see 2021) and people forget they were 30 outs away from a WS appearance.

    He unfortunately came into a bad situation of having a bad farm system, a bad MLB club and had to trade their best player and then deal with COVID fallouts. I don’t think he’s the best GM (yet) but definitely not the worst and now that he has for the most part ‘his team’ and ‘his farm system’ in place and hopefully money to spend, he has a big offseason.

    Regarding the Red Sox/Batman/being friends, we can be best friends now if you want haha.
  5. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

    Jason Tate likes this.
  6. Hope he can find it at the plate again, I like Bader a lot for his energy and watching him in CF was a beaut.

  7. [​IMG]
    CarpetElf and Jason Tate like this.
  9. oncenowagain

    “the whole world’s ending” “honey it already did” Prestigious

    Brent likes this.
  10. oncenowagain

    “the whole world’s ending” “honey it already did” Prestigious

    Real kind of Cleveland to beef up right before the Rays series

    shea and Sean Murphy like this.
  11. Brent

    Trusted Prestigious

    Going from one 64-70 team to another is bad... but going from SoCal to Ohio? Ooooooof.
    CarpetElf and stvvvn like this.
  12. cherrywaves


    I think he is definitely being handcuffed by ownership but I also think he could have bolstered the rotation without our farm taking a major hit. Missing the playoffs is for the best. As much as I want to see postseason ball (esp having just moved pretty close to Fenway), another miss is going to force his hand to make a splash. Get Snell + Yamamoto, make a trade (Dugie?) for a legit infielder, and I think there will be a lot of hope going next year.

    Also I know the farm is much better now, but aren’t most of Casas, Bello, Duran, Rafaela, etc all from the Dombrowski regime?
  13. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

    oncenowagain likes this.
  14. oncenowagain

    “the whole world’s ending” “honey it already did” Prestigious

  15. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

    Brent, robb, shea and 1 other person like this.
  16. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

  17. TheJMan


    I have faith that ownership will spend money if they think it lead to the postseason/WS title. In retrospect it’s a shame Bloom didn’t trade Paxton and possibly Turner at the deadline. Agreed with who/what they should be targeting during the offseason.

    Yes all 4 of those guys were signed/drafted under Dombrowski. Only Rafaela is still considered a prospect now, the others graduated and aren’t included in any of the prospect rankings or farm system rankings. If you go to (great site about Sox prospects), 7 out their top 10 are Bloom guys and 14 out of the top 20 are Bloom guys.
    cherrywaves likes this.
  18. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    don’t think I’ll go to the dodgers game this weekend but luckily I’ll be in LA/SD which is just as good
  19. Shocked that the offense is even worse without Judge in the lineup. Shocked.
    slimfenix182 likes this.
  20. it's every ballplayer's worst minute you're on a big league roster, the next minute your team has waived you, and the NEXT minute you're in fucking ohio

    Brent likes this.
  21. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

    didnt giolito just end his marriage too? guy got divorced and had to move to ohio. brutal.
    Brent, Zoshchenko and DaydreamNation like this.
  22. at least his best bud stays with him thru it all

    Brent, Zoshchenko and Sean Murphy like this.
  23. please forgive me for posting a tweet from a yankees twitter account lol
    Brent and Sean Murphy like this.
  24. goddamit now I've got that bowling for soup song stuck in my head lol

  25. Volpe first Yankee rookie to ever go 20/20 is nuts.
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