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2023-2024 NFL Season Thread • Page 3052

Discussion in 'Sports Forum' started by Max_123, May 7, 2023.

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  1. CarpetElf

    douglas Prestigious


    that's literally elijah wood
  2. JoshIsMediocre

    Prestigious Supporter

    that's elijah wood performing a scene as frodo baggins jesus christ dude
    WanderingSquall and GrantCloud like this.
  3. Dinkleberg

    Go birds Supporter

    We need some coaching hires for the thread
  4. JoshIsMediocre

    Prestigious Supporter

    best we can do is hobbit talk
  5. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

    ngl i could go for a second breakfast right about now
  6. CarpetElf

    douglas Prestigious

    next you're going to tell me Sean Bean wasn't really Boromir
    GrantCloud and JoshIsMediocre like this.
  7. Dinkleberg

    Go birds Supporter

    Breakfast goated
  8. JoshIsMediocre

    Prestigious Supporter

    yeah I had cereal like 4 hours ago, i'm starving
    GrantCloud and Sean Murphy like this.
  9. CarpetElf

    douglas Prestigious

    wait have you guys heard that Viggo Mortensen wasn't acting when he kicked the helmet
  10. JoshIsMediocre

    Prestigious Supporter

    actually not certain on this one
    CarpetElf likes this.
  11. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

    i wanna hit you so bad right now
  12. CarpetElf

    douglas Prestigious

    he came closer than any of them to not acting given the helicopter phobia
    JoshIsMediocre and GrantCloud like this.
  13. JRShoenberger


  14. Transient_Hymn

    Somebody Turn the Neon Down Supporter

    small win today - been working on an in-law unit + new garage for my backyard for 14 months. California permitting is hard.

    We broke ground this AM. Let's gooooo
  15. CarpetElf

    douglas Prestigious

    damn i didn't know you were a billionaire
  16. Shakriel

    Cause I'm running low on these hours of mine Prestigious

    Now we know who in this thread is getting the guillotine when the revolution happens
  17. JoshIsMediocre

    Prestigious Supporter

  18. Texas Flood

    Mulva? Supporter

    Around here we call it "shit on a shingle"
  19. CarpetElf

    douglas Prestigious

    why the fuck would you do that
  20. Texas Flood

    Mulva? Supporter

    That's just what they say around here, Elf.
  21. GreatBeardRecs

    Vibes Are High Supporter

  22. GrantCloud

    Prestigious Prestigious

  23. Texas Flood

    Mulva? Supporter

    This is what the interwebs said.
    David-, JoshIsMediocre and GrantCloud like this.
  24. CarpetElf

    douglas Prestigious

    i googled it and it's true and im so upset
    David-, JoshIsMediocre and GrantCloud like this.
  25. Fucking Dustin

    Prestigious Supporter

    Green Day did a great job with their prerelease songs because the rest of the album is not nearly as good

    Album is still a fun time and better than 21CB to present. I'm glad they're embracing being a legacy act though and making their new tour primarily Dookie/AI
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