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2023-2024 NFL Season Thread • Page 2049

Discussion in 'Sports Forum' started by Max_123, May 7, 2023.

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  1. JoshIsMediocre

    Prestigious Supporter

    imthegrimace and GrantCloud like this.
  2. Shakriel

    Cause I'm running low on these hours of mine Prestigious

    Josh Allen uses deep passes to reduce strain on punters' legs
  3. GreatBeardRecs

    Vibes Are High Supporter

    JoshIsMediocre likes this.
  4. It's hot in Florida
  5. Texas Flood

    Mulva? Supporter

    Oh those pesky lights claiming another victim.
  6. xbrokendownx

    Lets Go. Prestigious

    I mean look, like I said Tua shit himself on those final 2 plays of the game, and that is all everyone will remember (rightfully or wrongfully)

    But in the first half, he was let down left and right by his teammates. Tyreek dropped 2 passes in his hands and also fumbled the ball away for 7 points the other way. Waddle lost that ball. Claypool missed a block that would have sprung a big run, etc etc etc.
    JoshIsMediocre likes this.
  7. Night Channels


    nah man

    Tua's been really good this year but that's a bad read
  8. xbrokendownx

    Lets Go. Prestigious

    sure probably?

    I am talking about the throw itself. He saw the safety coming for a blitz so decided to throw it up for his guy. It landed like a foot away from Waddle ultimately.
  9. xbrokendownx

    Lets Go. Prestigious

    not a surprise

    JoshIsMediocre likes this.
  10. morgantayler

    Pink Pony Club Prestigious

    This is one of the gnarliest looking non-op
    Yeah Josh speak for yourself lol. At least 8 of his misses on 20+ yard throws were drops too which is like more than anyone else in the league.

  11. morgantayler

    Pink Pony Club Prestigious

    I've definitely have peed in a bush but can't say I've ever peed in a tree lol
  12. Texas Flood

    Mulva? Supporter

    Mahomes washed confirmed.
  13. Texas Flood

    Mulva? Supporter

    Close enough. Morgan has my back ya'll!!!!
  14. JoshIsMediocre

    Prestigious Supporter

    I have never, in my entire life, remembered how to set my out of office reply
    GrantCloud likes this.
  15. CarpetElf

    douglas Prestigious

    The out of office reply is silence. Fuck em
  16. Shakriel

    Cause I'm running low on these hours of mine Prestigious

    I just dont bother. fuck everyone who emails me
  17. xbrokendownx

    Lets Go. Prestigious

    oh no lmao

  18. JoshIsMediocre

    Prestigious Supporter

    found it
    GrantCloud and CarpetElf like this.
  19. JoshIsMediocre

    Prestigious Supporter

    unfortunately this would result in me getting in trouble, so
    GrantCloud, CarpetElf and Shakriel like this.
  20. morgantayler Nov 7, 2023
    (Last edited: Nov 7, 2023)

    Pink Pony Club Prestigious

    Wild lol. They need to just embrace the tank for this year. But maybe signing Wentz is that lmao

    Edit: I swear nobody else posted it when i did lol
    CarpetElf likes this.
  21. Shakriel

    Cause I'm running low on these hours of mine Prestigious

    This was an actual email heading I got today: ...waiting for your response on my pitch

    yeah that'll get me to start responding
    imthegrimace and JoshIsMediocre like this.
  22. xbrokendownx

    Lets Go. Prestigious

    the ducks in the LA area better COUNT THEIR DAYS
    Randall Mentzos likes this.
  23. Texas Flood

    Mulva? Supporter

    Those poor Anaheim ducks.
  24. whitenblue88

    The rivalry is back on

  25. imthegrimace

    the poster formally known as thesheriff Supporter

    Josh can’t find the OOO lmaoooo boomer ass
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