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2023-2024 NBA Season Thread • Page 2

Discussion in 'Sports Forum' started by Sean Murphy, Aug 17, 2023.

  1. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    fowruok likes this.
  2. Max_123

    Nope. Prestigious

    JoshIsMediocre and aoftbsten like this.
  3. Argus

    Of sugar and ice I am made

    Once I got League Pass I stopped caring about nationally televised games, partially because I hate their broadcasters.
    slowheart likes this.
  4. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

  5. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    Max_123 likes this.
  6. Daniel

    Party Mom Supporter

    This led me to look up how many career 3s Shaq had.

    It's pretty fun if anyone wants to venture a guess.
  7. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    Without looking up, I'm gonna say 8.
  8. dallasc


  9. Daniel

    Party Mom Supporter

    Ding Ding Ding

    He had 1 career 3pt on 22 attempts.

    Came in the '95-'96 season which means he shot .500 from the 3 point line that season.
    Max_123 and aoftbsten like this.
  10. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

    holy shit this rules lmao

  11. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

    holy shit this does not rule

  12. Importer/Exporter

    he’ll live forever in the sound of broken glass Supporter

  13. incognitojones

    Some Freak Supporter

    Came to post this, if only the marketing department could be the GM
    aoftbsten likes this.
  14. Cmoney86


    Some of these numbers for national tv games are just absurd

  15. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

  16. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

    I mean

    Nobodys gonna tune in to watch a bad team

    theyre gonna tune in to watch lebron or giannis or steph or joker
  17. Max_123

    Nope. Prestigious

    Phoenix with 7 more than Denver is absolutely hilarious. I can’t really argue Boston, GSW, and LAL with more, but gtfo out of here with that Phoenix nonsense
  18. you can't be surprised by that lol come on
  19. they have two of the biggest stars in the game and they made the biggest move of the off-season

    they'll be must watch TV
  20. Max_123

    Nope. Prestigious

    I didn’t say I was surprised, I said it was hilarious and nonsense
    Joe4th likes this.
  21. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole

    I just Wikipedia’d the Hawks and Kings and there is absolutely nothing there for a rivalry. First I thought maybe Sacramento started in Atlanta and relocated but nope, that’s not it. It’s like the league forgot they both existed and by the time they realized it they didn’t want to go back and change other matchups.
    dallasc and incognitojones like this.
  22. Max_123

    Nope. Prestigious

    All that just to lose in the WCF
    Joe4th likes this.
  23. but it's neither of those things haha
  24. to the Lakers