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2022-2023 NBA Season Thread Basketball • Page 7

Discussion in 'Sports Forum' started by slowheart, Sep 27, 2022.

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  1. Blainer93

    Prestigious Supporter

    Watched them in person the other night and I was disgusted lol. Pop did not care at all either lmao
  2. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    I’ve seen enough:

  3. Owlex

    free snewt Prestigious

    Absolutely loved seeing Garland dime up Mitchell for a catch and shoot 3 as his first score

  4. MikeERayner


    He's going to be in fine form this year - he's had some killer lines already haha
    Blainer93 likes this.
  5. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Yeah, I don’t love seeing Darius Garland taking charges against Joel Embiid in a preseason game.
    Owlex, TSLROCKS and fowruok like this.
  6. fowruok

    Trusted Supporter

    Convinced that Maxey's going to shoot something like 50% from three this season.
  7. congruence

    Got a light?

    Jaylen Brown is better than Tatum and it’s about time people accept it
  8. I’ve been saying it for years
  9. congruence

    Got a light?

    I was thinking that when I posted lol, remember you saying it in the playoffs last year
  10. congruence

    Got a light?

    Sam Hauser shooting like Curry from 3 in these games so far
  12. fowruok

    Trusted Supporter

    Play the song, even if the game doesn't matter.
    OhTheWater likes this.
  13. Draymond wrote this tweet

  14. It's fuck Draymond til the day I die but 0% chance Poole didn't deserve it, dirty ass cocky mfer
  15. Let's go grizz
  16. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    These technicals are absolute bullshit. Garland got T'd up last night too just jumping up off the bench celebrating after a Cavs dunk.

    fowruok likes this.
  17. congruence

    Got a light?

    Take foul rule I like and it is good for the game, that bench rule just sucks and literally just is anti fun
    fowruok and incognitojones like this.
  18. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    That rule blows.
  19. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

    nice 2 see the 2022/2023 NBA Champion Milwaukee Bucks play some bball this afternoon
  20. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

  21. get em trez

    fuckin losers
    incognitojones and chris like this.
  22. L O L

    I hope this is real
  23. pretty funny bit tbh
  24. StepsInADance

    so much for them! Prestigious

    id start swinging too if i got disinvited from the jordan pool.
    DaydreamNation and congruence like this.
  25. Sean Murphy

    Prestigious Supporter

    i gotta swim in jordan poole's jordan pool
    congruence and GrantCloud like this.
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