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2021 CHORUS MOCK DRAFT V3: TOKYO DRIFT [Archived] • Page 12

Discussion in 'Sports Forum' started by CarpetElf, Mar 22, 2021.

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  1. Dude people literally said Lamar could not play QB. Some teams did not have him GRADED as a QB.
    Joe4th likes this.
  2. Because I hated Allen and Herbert and have learned from my mistakes and don't care to repeat them. I'm not going to hyperfocus on what a prospect is bad at if they excel at other things in a rare way. And I'm not going to hyperfocus on his college scheme and what he was told to do the majority of the time and act like it's impossible for him to do something else. I was very wrong about those two QBs. Don't care to be that wrong about a third.
    tkamB likes this.
  3. Randall Mentzos

    When you hit a mothafucka, you hit that mothafucka Prestigious

    but your point was just that it was a racially biased discussion. Now you’re bringing up white QBs as examples. So clearly you know what I mean when I say developmental prospect and realize that I’m not judging him differently because he’s black.

    Yes, I did not like Herbert or Allen as prospects either even though they were white. Yes I was wrong on both accounts, that happens sometimes, it’s just statistically natural to regress to the mean and be dead wrong sometimes. No, that does not mean Im gonna suddenly throw out any personal judgments about future QBs. I can still only make that call based on what I see, not based on what a coach who COULD draft him COULD teach him to do later.
  4. Yes, because the concern with a black QB is always the same thing: doubting his intelligence.

    I mean, if you were wrong about something I would examine what it was I was wrong about and why and apply that to future situations, yes.
  5. Randall Mentzos

    When you hit a mothafucka, you hit that mothafucka Prestigious

    That’s not what we’re doing here though. You’re trying to act like it’s a double standard to not like Fields, and it isn’t. You’re also simplifying things way too much to act like just because they are all mobile QBs that they have similar strengths and flaws. For example, Herbert may not have shown me anticipation at Oregon, and I harped on that a lot, but he did have cleaner pocket presence and got rid of the ball much faster than Fields.
  6. uuu


    Trevor Lawrence is white and stinks
    CarpetElf likes this.
  7. Randall Mentzos

    When you hit a mothafucka, you hit that mothafucka Prestigious

    Lamar Jackson may have had similarly uncontained pocket presence as Fields, but he knew how to go through progressions to some degree.
  8. Herbert is not what I would call a mobile QB. He got rid of the ball much faster because his scheme demanded that. That's why his deep ball was called into question so much, he rarely had to do it so he would look sloppy when called upon to do something he rarely had to do. Lo and behold, the Chargers have him throw deep regularly and he looks great. Problem was not him, problem was what was demanded of him.
    Randall Mentzos likes this.
  9. Randall Mentzos

    When you hit a mothafucka, you hit that mothafucka Prestigious

    yeah but see being able to throw a deep ball is not the same thing. Arm strength doesn’t require experience to learn, you can work that out regardless what your scheme is or isn’t doing. But spending most of college reading one route definitely does mean Fields is at a disadvantage in terms of seeing the different ways defenses can respond. He just has little experience with one of the hardest and most essential parts of being a QB

    doesn’t have to be his fault to still be disadvantaged position. It’s like taking a higher level college class without the pre requisite. Regardless how smart you are there’s a chance you’ll really struggle to grasp high level content without that framework of practice and context
  10. but can he learn
  11. Randall Mentzos

    When you hit a mothafucka, you hit that mothafucka Prestigious

    sorry, my edit addressed this

    the ability to learn is just one variable in the function. Having more to learn in less time also is a factor.
  12. Who said anything about less time. It's however much time he's given lol. Which, is at least a full season in this mock. A full season from the GOAT.
  13. Randall Mentzos

    When you hit a mothafucka, you hit that mothafucka Prestigious

    Yeah but they gotta spend his first year teaching him things many first round QBs have already been doing for two years in college
  14. okay? lol so do that.
  15. Randall Mentzos

    When you hit a mothafucka, you hit that mothafucka Prestigious’s much harder to do that lol. That’s my whole point. It becomes more uncertain you’ll be able to cram all that information in before the team is ready to just move on
  16. Who’s pick is it
  17. Randall Mentzos

    When you hit a mothafucka, you hit that mothafucka Prestigious

    Keep in mind also that simplifying your offense slows down development of other players. How you gonna develop savvy receivers if you’re avoiding zone beater route combinations that require anticipation and chemistry?
  18. You also have no idea if Fields lacks this information in the first place. It's not a common thing in his offense, doesn't mean he doesn't know how to do it.
  19. Night Channels


    Jets select:

    Greg Newsome - CB - Northwestern
    CarpetElf likes this.
  20. love it.

    Incoming Randall post about how this is a bad pick.
  21. I almost took him instead of Farley because of the injury but yolo
    Night Channels and CarpetElf like this.
  22. PeacefulOrca

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I guess I’ll pick soon
    CarpetElf likes this.
  23. Randall Mentzos

    When you hit a mothafucka, you hit that mothafucka Prestigious

    Anticipation and going through reads is not something you just come out of the high school football womb knowing how to do lol. It’s extremely complex and you have to train your brain to recognize it through repetitions and off-field film study. That’s probably the biggest obstacle that causes a very athletic QB to still fail. The less they do it in games the less they’re practicing it.

    like, I know Madden is a gross oversimplification of football, but even in that game it takes time to learn how to anticipate throws safely and correctly. Let alone actually doing it with a real football against real people, not predictable AI with glitchy animations

  24. Maybe he was taught that in college, you know where he plays now and has plays that require anticipation and going through reads.
  25. Night Channels


    I just get Dee Milliner vibes from Farley
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