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1977 in film. • Page 4

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Morrissey, May 25, 2021.

  1. Victor Eremita

    Not here. Isn't happening. Supporter

    Boycott Woody Allen. He’s talented at writing and making movies yes, and his pull in the industry has enabled him and allowed him to rape a child, groom another, and then call his victims liars. He has never faced consequences for his actions and his victim is still being hurt by his support.
  2. phaynes12 Prestigious

    say it again vic
  3. Victor Eremita

    Not here. Isn't happening. Supporter

    1. Eraserhead
    2. Suspiria
    3. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
    SpyKi and aliens exist like this.
  4. tomdelonge


    No, don’t say it again, say the next part.

    Why is he talented at writing and making movies? He’s a popular auteur, is there something iffy about celebrating centralized power?? Is that a sound value system?

    What about Dario Argento’s male gaze?

    Are these questions worth thinking about?
  5. phaynes12 Prestigious

    there are plenty of auteurs that aren’t pedophiles that rape their own children. like, the vast majority of them. perhaps every single other one of them.
  6. Victor Eremita

    Not here. Isn't happening. Supporter

    It’s not that complicated. I don’t care why he’s good at making movies or even that he is, except for the fact that it has enabled him and that’s all the more reason to say to hell with him and boycott him.
  7. Victor Eremita

    Not here. Isn't happening. Supporter

    And I’m not even saying it’s wrong to put Annie Hall in your top 3 or whatever. The film is out there and many of us saw it without even knowing what happened with Allen. I’m just saying if I were to put it in my top 3 I would mention that the filmmaker is a child rapist and never got any punishment and it’s important to say that when speaking objectively about his movies because his actual supporters can be pretty vile and I wouldn’t want to be mistaken for one of them. Also if you’re going to watch it, don’t pay for it.
  8. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    yeah it's really easy to just put a little asterisk or something
    phaynes12 and CarpetElf like this.
  9. Said it far far far better than I did, thank you.
    iCarly Rae Jepsen and phaynes12 like this.
  10. phaynes12 Prestigious

    i want to be clear i am also against putting him in the top 3 lol. fuck that.
  11. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    I think it’s possible to hold a conversation about the quality of the work of Allen or other abusers in entertainment alongside their horrific abuses of power. As long as there’s acknowledgement and reckoning with it, it can lead to good discussion. Like, if someone were having a conversation about the greatest pop music performers in history and Michael Jackson were completely omitted, that would feel off, to me. Bring the tough conversation along with the one about the art.
    SpyKi, phaynes12, tomdelonge and 6 others like this.
  12. cshadows2887

    Hailey, It Happens @haileyithappens Supporter

    This is a better said version of something I’ve been trying to phrase.
  13. Contender

    Goodness is Nowhere Supporter

    1. Eraserhead
    2. Star Wars
    3. House
    SpyKi likes this.
  14. Matthewconte

    Trusted Supporter

    All pretty well-said, but you're also making assumptions about people in here, like everyone was supposed to broadcast their ally bonafides along with a ballot. I didn't need a zeitgeist docu-series on it: I voiced opposition to the inclusion of Manhattan in my college film class a decade ago and I haven't spent money on or seen a Woody Allen movie since 2008. Like, yeah, I go to protests and call my reps and talk to my students about consent in very clear terms, and joined other alumni of my HS at a board meeting in calling out a creepy teacher, but I don't really feel like I needed to mention that all unprovoked in an unrelated thread because that's pretty uncouth and I don't really feel like saying I liked Annie Hall invalidates any of that, either. You can't just assume that people who liked Annie Hall haven't "done the next part" and call them "disgusting" unless you actually know that they haven't or that they are. I'm totally fine with people who wouldn't want to include it but I've tried to view it in a vacuum in terms of its quality and am totally fine with a discussion on that. Also: defending one abuser over another because his movie is "an important issues movie" and the other is a romcom just looks fuckin dumb.
  15. Morrissey


    Eraserhead wins it with 27 votes. Star Wars was in second place with 20 votes. Eraserhead will move on to the bracket.
  16. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

  17. phaynes12 Prestigious

    cshadows2887 likes this.
  18. George

    Trusted Prestigious

    I just watched A Special Day, a Ettore Scola film with Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni, which I thought was remarkable. Loren and Mastroianni are neighbours in an apartment complex, left more or less alone on the "special day" when Hitler comes to Rome to visit Mussolini. The two strike up a relationship that feels a bit like In The Mood For Love compressed to an afternoon, but looking specifically at gender, sexuality and of course fascism in 1938 Italy.

    I thought it was incredible, so I'll make this my honorary Number 1 for 1977 and demand a full recount of the votes.
    cshadows2887 and Nathan like this.
  19. atlas


    Just saw Sorcerer for the first time ln and holy fuck
    angrycandy likes this.
  20. phaynes12 Prestigious

    well eraserhead is incredible, why didn't any of y'all tell me
  21. Morrissey


    What took you so long?
  22. phaynes12 Prestigious

    i had to wait until after i became a dad, idk man there are a lot of movies
    SpyKi likes this.
  23. Morrissey


    I don't understand why you would spend time raising children when there are so many movies to watch.
    angrycandy, George and Long Century like this.
  24. phaynes12 Prestigious

    a great point to consider
    Long Century likes this.
  25. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    having a child can make some films, like Eraserhead, even more meaningful.

    plus babies sleep a lot leaving a lot of time to watch movies so you can do both.
    George likes this.